Personal Opinion of Human Psychology and Dr Buscaglia

Essay's Score: B

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B (85%)

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When questioned about my thoughts on Human Psychology and Dr. Buscaglia’s perspectives, I discover that my responses are more complex than the inquiries. Although I acknowledge my limited knowledge of Human Psychology, I firmly believe it serves as a valuable instrument for comprehending individuals. From my viewpoint, the self assumes a pivotal function in existence, and through actively acknowledging and conquering personal challenges, people can acquire the ability to manage them autonomously.

When it comes to the aforementioned topic, I have extensive knowledge. In High School, I came across a video that still stirs strong emotions in me. Dr. Buscaglia’s perspective resonates with me as his concepts are inspiring; however, we must be realistic. Our world does not operate according to such ideals. While some individuals genuinely show kindness and compassion, others find satisfaction in pitying others to elevate themselves. Love is a precious gift that should be cherished but creating the type of love he talks about would require considerable time and effort. The chances of it ever happening are very slim if you look at history where hate has existed alongside humanity since its beginning.

Although some individuals may ruin things for others, it is essential to recognize that they are not solely to blame, nor are their ancestors. These negative behaviors arise from inherent aspects of human nature like hatred, craving, greed, lust, and other sinful inclinations. We do not intentionally display these traits; they are merely part of our innate disposition. It is vital to comprehend that good cannot exist without evil, light cannot exist without darkness, and love cannot exist without its opposite. By acknowledging and embracing this reality as a species, we can achieve a genuine understanding of true love.

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Personal Opinion of Human Psychology and Dr Buscaglia. (2018, Jul 02). Retrieved from

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