Promotion Mix in Marketing

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Promotion is the process of communicating with individuals, groups or organizations to directly or indirectly facilitate exchanges by informing & persuading audiences to accept an organization /its products. One of the 4P’s of Marketing, it includes all tools available for ‘Marketing Communication’.


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Retail Promotion is a comprehensive term for the means by which the retail offer is communicated to target customer groups, in order to inform, persuade & remind them of the benefits of utilizing a specific retailer’s outlet or to make a purchase of products, services and / or ideas offered for sale from the retailer.


Basic tools to accomplish the retailer’s objectives including: Advertising Sales Promotions Publicity / Public Relations Personal Selling.Event Management.


Paid form of communicating a message Uses various media Persuasive, Informative Designed to influence  purchasing behavior or thought patterns. Defined as a one-way communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about products & services, & how to obtain them. Examples of media to deliver messages Mass Media: Television, Radio, Print Direct Media: Leaflets, catalogues Outdoor Media: Billboards, Kiosks, Banners New Media: Video games, Internet.


Use of publicizing methods other than paid advertising to promote a product, service, etc. Activities, usually short-term, designed to attract attention to a particular product & to increase its sales. Usually run alongside advertising campaigns. Product may be offered at a reduced price or with a special offer May be supported by additional activities – telemarketing, competitions etc.


Defined as using the news or press to carry positive stories about a company or products. Involves cultivating a good relationship with members of the press, whether independently by company, or using a mediator like a professional PR Agency Opposite of advertising In advertising, an organization pays to have its message placed in a newspaper, TV or radio spot In PR, the article featuring the company is not paid for. The reporter, whether broadcast or print, writes about or films the company as a result of information received & researched.


Involves one-to-one communication between brand’s representative & prospective customer. Effective tool for building buyer preference, conviction & action Immediate & interactive personal interaction Each party can observe the others reactions Response is immediate and measurable.


Events help companies communicate with existing & potential customers, & can be created for any theme, festival, occasion Involves devising a concept, planning logistics, coordinating technical aspects & executing the proposed event May be done for publicity to be read by target market, or to actually interact with them.

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Promotion Mix in Marketing. (2018, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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