Self-Assessment Research by Specialists

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The paradigm of the study shows the overview of how the researchers conducted the study. This study has two phases where the first (1st) phase is the development of the researcher-made online self- assessment tool. The second (2nd) phase is the administration of validated and reliability tested of the researcher-made online self-assessment tool to the respondents. Interview for the comments of the preceptors regarding to the performances of the respondents also happened on this stage. For the first (1st) stage of the study represented in Figure no. 1, the researchers formulated the contents regarding the manufacturing and regulatory practice based on the mapped CILOs and ILOs of the Industrial Internship-related courses OBTL plans and Philippine Practice Standard for Pharmacists (PhilPSP, 2015) which was validated by the experts in the field and converted together with the adopted tool of Cabuso (2017) which focuses on marketing practice into an online self-assessment tool. Afterwards pilot testing was conducted to ensure the reliability of the validated researcher-made online self-assessment tool.

For the second (2nd) stage of the study represented in Figure no. 2, the researchers administered the validated and reliability tested researcher-made online self-assessment tool to the respondents and conducted an interview to the preceptors on their comments regarding the performances of the respondents. The researchers also collected the official report of grades (ROG) of the manufacturing pharmacy internship (PH MANU INT) course of the Level 4 BS pharmacy students and Batch 1 and Batch 2 alumni. The official report of grades of the respondents is collected with the consent of all the respondents to ensure confidentiality of the data. This data is utilized in the statistical analysis of the study. The results are interpreted to assess the learning outcomes in industrial pharmacy internship-related courses and to identify the gaps and the needs of improvement and to formulate the plan of action for such identified gaps.

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This study deals with the assessment of learning outcomes of Industrial Pharmacy Internship-related courses at the University of Makati – College of Allied Health Studies. Furthermore, it is intended to answer the following questions:1. What are the validated and reliability tested learning outcomes in Industrial Pharmacy-related courses? What are the qualitative inputs/comments of the alumni and Level 4 students of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Program as to relevance of Industrial Pharmacy-related courses to their career/future career as pharmaceutical healthcare practitioners?What are the qualitative inputs/comments of Industrial Pharmacy internship preceptors in handling University of Makati students during the said internship? The generalization of this study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge in relation to student’s assessment of Industrial pharmacy practice learning outcomes. Vital results of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following:To the studentsThe study servesas a reference for them to assess their acquired learning competencies and outcomes and acknowledge the significance of related courses of the internship program for their future profession.

To the faculty members of Center of PharmacyThis study assures competitive advantage by understanding the needs of the students and benefits of quality education. It will provide information on the progress of the course in developing pharmacy students in the area of pharmacy practice particularly industrial field.To the InstitutionThis study can be used as basis for the development of the said course and program that are implemented in the university.To the CHED and Active Pharmaceutical OrganizationThis study serves as their reference in developing future curriculum.To the industry partnersThis study provides industry partners current interns and future pharmacist that has a greater edge on the aforementioned area of profession for the development of this course

.To the researchers and future researchersThe study benefits and helps future researchers by serving as their guide. The findings of this study serve as a good source of accurate and useful information to them. Scope and LimitationsThis study is conducted to determine and evaluate the industrial pharmacy practice learning outcomes in the University of Makati- College Of Allied Health Studies. The content validated and reliability tested researcher-made online self-assessment tool is administered to the respondents at the Health and Physical Science Building, University of Makati, J.P. Rizal Ext. West Rembo, Makati City. Inclusion criteria were set to determine the qualifications of the respondents.

The inclusion criteria consist of the following:· A bonafied Pharmacy student from University of Makati-College of Allied Health studies;· He/she has already accomplished his/her industrial pharmacy minor internship course; and/or· Alumni of BS Pharmacy at the University of Makati-College of Allied Health studies.For the interview, the respondents should be:· A licensed pharmacist; and · A preceptor of affiliated Industrial Pharmacy Institution who is/are in-charge of supervising the students. The study utilizes a two (2)-phase protocol. The first phase consists of the development of the researcher-made online self-assessment toolwhich was validated, reliability tested and administered to the respondents from University of Makati and preceptors from the industry followed by an interview. However, there are limitations in the study.

Only those who are willing to be interviewed face-to-face (preceptors) and to answer the researcher made online self-assessment tool (alumni and students). The online self-assessment tool administered subjectively assessed the perception of respondents regarding their level of capability. While the official grades are objectively obtained through examination and class standing that measure their knowledge. Hence, this will greatly affect the result of the two correlational data. Definition of terms· Competence – is a combination of training, skills, experience and knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely. In this study, this mainly what the researchers measure in order to assess the alumni and student’s learning outcomes. Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) – This pertains to the statements that describe what learners will be able to do after they graduate from the BS Pharmacy program.

This also indicates the brand of BS Pharmacy graduates that the school will be producing.   Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) – these are clear and measurable statements that define what a student is able to do at the completion of a course or program. In this study, it is used as one of the basis in formulating the content for the researcher-made online self-assessment tool.  Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) – pertains to the key in creating an aligned course, in which content, context, instructional strategies, learning activities, and assessment work together to support students’ achievement of these outcomes. Thisis also used as one of the basis in formulating the content for the researcher-made online self-assessment tool.  Learning Outcomes – these are statements that describe significant and essential learnings that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or program.

In this study, these are what the researchers used in order to determine the competency level of the alumni and students in the said practice.· Industrial Pharmacy Internship – is a course where the students are immersed in the industrial field of pharmacy that embeds the manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and regulatory pharmacy practice. In view of this, the students have the opportunity to practice the said fields.· Outcomes and Learning Based Teaching (OBTL) – is a student-centered approach to learning and teaching, which has been widely adopted in universities across the world. It consists of the CILOs and ILOs which the researchers used as one of the basis in formulating the content in researcher-made online self-assessment tool in this study.·Self-assessment tool – in this study, it is used as a survey questionnaire to be administered in order for the respondents to self-assess the level of attainment of learning outcomes in industrial pharmacy internship-related courses which is measured in terms of their self-assessed competency level.Qualitative inputs/comments – is the personal involvement of students and preceptors in an industrial pharmacy internship site, wherein the students are learning and exploring in his/her industrial pharmacy internship while the preceptors are documenting the performance of the intern.

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Self-Assessment Research by Specialists. (2022, May 17). Retrieved from

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