Reasons Why Teenagers Try Drugs

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Statistics indicate that approximately 98 percent of adolescents are prone to experimenting with drugs, including alcohol, prior to reaching the age of nineteen. The motives behind this conduct remain ambiguous and even teenagers themselves frequently grapple with understanding why they partake in drug use. In the event that ten teenagers were polled regarding their drug consumption at a gathering, it is probable that each would provide a distinct rationale. Frequently, teenagers lack awareness of the elements that contribute to their substance misuse. Generally speaking, drug abuse can be ascribed to underlying issues, external influences or a combination thereof.

Teenagers are influenced by various factors that contribute to their decision to use drugs, but there are consistent reasons that come up repeatedly. One of these reasons is the desire for experimentation. As teenagers go through the process of discovering new things, taking risks, and rebelling against authority, they often feel the need to seek adventure through experimenting with drugs. According to Dr. Mitchell S. Rosenthal, president of Phoenix House, a renowned drug treatment program, teens are driven by curiosity and find excitement in exploring drugs. This idea is supported by a middle school guidance counselor who reveals that during her discussions with students about drugs, she asks those who consider themselves big risk-takers to position themselves in a specific area of the classroom.

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According to USA Today, the increasing rate of drug use among teenagers is a cause for concern due to their perception of invincibility, which makes them more susceptible to drugs. Amy, a sixteen-year-old, considers herself a “recreational” drug user and believes that drugs are safe when used in moderation. Each year at school, there is always a new drug to try out simply for the purpose of observing its effects. For many bored adolescents, using drugs becomes a way to fill time. Tom, also sixteen years old, explains that in his area there are no other activities available apart from getting high. Those who educate others about drugs find it frustrating when occasional drug users refuse to acknowledge the associated risks.

They believe that teenagers need to understand that trying out drugs is not the same as trying out a new hairstyle or fashion style. Barbara C. Thornton, a high school principal who has been commended by President Clinton for her work with teenagers struggling with drug issues, views experimentation and casual drug use as a significant problem that further ingrains drugs into teenage culture. “I think it has surpassed mere experimentation,” she asserts. “It has become a regular part of youth culture.” Thornton believes that drug use has replaced innocent pastimes from previous generations, like bowling or skating.

According to Peter Provet, troubled teenagers often resort to drugs in order to escape the emotional and psychological difficulties they face in society today. Provet stresses that young people are confronted with situations for which they may not be adequately ready, causing them to seek comfort in substances. He also points out how these teenagers have become more vulnerable over time due to increased exposure to tragedy compared to just five years ago in 1990. As a result, there is a rising prevalence of apathetic and indifferent behavior among these youths, as they have lost their drive to live or care about their own existence.

Teenagers in single-parent neighborhoods often find themselves trapped in communities that promote drug use. These neighborhoods have been heavily affected by violence and AIDS, which have had a negative impact on the lives of their friends and family. For example, Rosalyn, a seventeen-year-old resident of a poverty-stricken town plagued by unemployment, crime, and drugs, describes her community as an isolated place similar to a secret planet known only to its inhabitants. According to Rosalyn, drug use is widespread among the youth in her town because it offers them an escape from the harsh reality they experience daily. Drugs give them a false sense of security that hides their struggles.

Allison Dubner, a school psychologist in Long Island, New York, highlights the substantial stress that adolescents experience at home due to the elevated rate of divorce. She emphasizes that currently, one out of every two marriages ends in divorce, which ranks it as the primary source of stress for young individuals after losing a parent. As a result, certain teenagers who previously managed to avoid drug use may seek solace or attention from their parents by turning to drugs. A clear example is Jodi, a sixteen-year-old who turned to drugs after experiencing sexual abuse and expresses her fear of having terrifying nightmares before going to sleep.

Then I discovered speed, and just kept taking it and taking it. That way, if I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t have bad dreams.”
Dr. Dubner believes that “abuse like this has far reaching implications and can do an incredible amount of damage to a young person. It destroys their self-esteem, their trust, and their hope for the future.” Since children often keep physical or sexual abuse a secret, the sudden use of drugs might be the first time an adult notices that something is wrong. Sometimes teens want to escape from more typical adolescent problems such as low self-image.
I think I started taking drugs,” says Julie, fifteen, “to hide from myself. I don’t think I liked myself very much back then. When I was high I could pretend to be someone else—someone who wasn’t so shy and awkward.”
The explanation teenagers give most often as to why they started using drugs was that their friends or older siblings used them. Dr. Barbara Staggers, an expert on drug-abusing adolescents, explains that “to a teen, the honest answer to the question, ‘If everybody else jumped off a cliff, would you too?’ is ‘yes. It’s really, really important that we understand this. For the teen at that moment, being down at the bottom together feels better than being on the edge of a cliff alone.” The need to feel like part of the group can be overwhelming.
For Kim, fifteen, middle school started out as a very lonely place.Initially, I felt like an outsider, unfamiliar with many individuals as I wandered through the hallways observing others engaged in jovial banter. Eventually, a group of kids extended an invitation for me to join their company. I joined them at social gatherings on multiple occasions, and unexpectedly, I became a member of their clique.

When walking through the halls, I held my head up higher. Teenagers have a strong need for peer acceptance and often engage in the same behavior as the crowd. In some cases, if the crowd is involved in drug use, many teens prefer to go along with it rather than be alone. Robert, who is fifteen years old, thinks that his parents’ lack of supervision contributes to his drug use. He recognizes that they have to work but points out that he has the house to himself after school, which makes it a popular gathering place.

Sure we’re gonna get stoned. ” A recent study of over 5000 teenagers found that unsupervised latchkey kids are more likely to regularly use drugs and alcohol compared to other young people.

Additionally, the study shows that teenagers who spend time in unmonitored areas rather than participating in organized activities face the highest risk of drug involvement.

Parents play a crucial role as role models for teenagers, as children observe and imitate their behavior.

If parents use drugs and these substances are visible in the household, the child may perceive drug use as acceptable.

The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention states that children with alcoholic or drug-abusing parents, or a family history of substance abuse, have a significant risk of using alcohol and drugs themselves.

Some parents contribute to their child’s drug addiction by ignoring the behavior instead of addressing it; this is known as “enabling” because it allows the problem to persist.

Julie, who was quoted in Drugs and the Family, frequently used drugs to the point of becoming constantly ill. Surprisingly, Julie’s mother never questioned her behavior. On one occasion, Julie was vomiting on the floor when her mother entered the room with aspirin, asking if she felt better. Her mother displayed no anger, punishment, or even words about the situation. It remains unclear whether her mother was unaware, unconcerned, or purposely avoiding acknowledgment. Julie believes her mother may have had suspicions but was also afraid that confronting the issue would result in losing their relationship.

Ignoring the fact that her parents were hippies in the ’60s and used drugs, fourteen-year-old Amy struggles to believe their warnings about drug use. Despite their past experiences, she finds it hard to accept their advice because they seem fine now. This is a common issue faced by today’s teenagers who have parents that experimented with drugs during their own teenage years in the 1960s. According to USA Today, “Baby boomers who used drugs now have children using them, and the boomer parents find it challenging to argue against behaviors in which they themselves engaged.” The advertising and entertainment industries often receive criticism for glamorizing drug use.

There is widespread criticism of the film and television industry by the federal government, educators, and concerned parents for promoting harmful behavior. The industry is accused of selling products like bands, movies, and clothing by sending negative messages to impressionable young people. A survey conducted by CASA found that 76 percent of teenagers believe that the entertainment industry encourages illegal drug use. Sociologists argue that the media is exploiting young people’s curiosity about forbidden things.

Vincent Marino, who operates a sizable drug rehabilitation center, asserts that teenagers may associate drug use with vibrant and prosperous lifestyles when their admired figures become connected to drugs. According to Marino, the music industry, including the lyrics of songs themselves, plays a role in encouraging drug usage among teenagers. In a recent statement to the New York Post, Marino emphasized that teenagers usually don’t believe they will face the same fate as Kurt Cobain. Undeniably, musicians have always captivated teenagers across different generations.

With the introduction of MTV in the mid-eighties, young individuals now have greater access to bands compared to previous years, resulting in rock stars attaining a different level of fame. According to Newsweek magazine, “the most respected bands endorse the idea [that taking drugs is acceptable] not only through their music but also in their personal lives.” As young people often imitate musicians, they are more likely to imitate their drug use as well. Some musicians are open about their drug consumption, while others openly display it. When a band member is hospitalized or dies due to a drug overdose, this information spreads quickly and causes an increase in drug abuse among young people.

Entertainment Weekly reported an increase in demand for a brand of heroin called Red Rum after Jonathan Melvoin of Smashing Pumpkins died from using it. Newsweek highlighted the presence of young people in Seattle who have moved there to do heroin, influenced by Kurt Cobain. Critics argue that musicians, as role models for young people, are sending the wrong message. Despite the deaths of numerous talented musicians, bands are not distancing themselves from drugs.

Sixteen-year-old Drew contends that certain musicians require drugs for their artistic process. In an interview with Time magazine, he asserts that sobriety hinders the creativity of individuals. Drew provides examples such as Aerosmith and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, claiming that they began to decline after becoming sober. Apart from a band’s personal drug usage or drug-themed lyrics, the music industry is saturated with drug references. Music videos prominently feature explicit visuals related to drugs, and some bands even incorporate marijuana leaf symbols on their merchandise.

Rapper Ice Cube distributed more than ten thousand ball-point pens resembling hypodermic needles to promote his new album, Lethal Injection. While musicians may argue that it’s not their responsibility to protect young people, the message they convey is that drug use is acceptable. A father of a drug-addicted teenager asserts, “There are many parents who won’t miss Jerry Garcia (of the Grateful Dead). He didn’t provide our kids with drugs, but he created an incredible venue.” Seventeen-year-old Kyle informs USA Today that marijuana is being heavily promoted as a drug in music and music videos.

The normalization of a common sight, which is no longer perceived as illegal, has become a regular occurrence. Numerous rappers proudly proclaim this phenomenon in their music. When asked about the potential influence of popular music on drug use, sixteen-year-old Steve responded by acknowledging that almost every song mentions it and continuously reinforces the idea. Additionally, Dr. Robert Millman, director of drug treatment at New York Hospital–Cornell Medical Center, holds the film and television industries responsible for contributing to increased teenage drug abuse. He believes that movies like Kids and Trainspotting portray drug use without consequences, thereby influencing its prevalence.

Sociologists express concern over the potential impact of specific movies on teenagers, as they may be influenced to imitate dangerous behavior depicted on screen. This phenomenon, referred to as the copycat effect, is also observed in adolescents who idolize actors.

In an interview with Reader’s Digest magazine, sixteen-year-old Phil confesses that witnessing celebrities using drugs normalizes such behavior for him.

Following actor River Phoenix’s death due to a new drug called GHB, there was a surge in teenagers searching for it reported by the New York City police. This trend persisted for several weeks.

Some individuals are worried that young people are becoming desensitized to tragedies within Hollywood. In response to Phoenix’s death outside a Los Angeles club, one youthful clubgoer expressed this sentiment by stating, “Despite his demise and our survival, we will still revel. Only glamorous individuals endure!”

A survey conducted by Weekly Reader revealed that television and movies were ranked as primary influences on teenage substance abuse just after peers. Among fourth graders, television and movies were considered the most influential factors.

Television now plays a significant role in providing millions of children with information about the world.

The majority of young individuals spend their leisure time primarily watching television, rather than engaging in other activities. When drug-related scenarios are depicted on dramas or sitcoms, they are typically resolved within a brief timeframe of thirty to sixty minutes and bear tenuous resemblances to real-life situations. In popular teenage shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, where underage drinking is prevalent, nearly all characters have encountered and triumphed over substance abuse problems in just a few episodes. Experts caution that this may lead young people to mistakenly believe that significant challenges can be easily overcome before the next commercial break. This phenomenon is also observed in the fashion industry.

The fashion industry has also been affected by the drug lifestyle, with drugs being glamorized in print ads and on billboards. This has a significant impact on impressionable teenagers who view these advertisements. There is a notable outcry from critics regarding the portrayal of young models as drug addicts. Zoe Fleischauer, a twenty-one-year-old model, states that the modeling community desires models who resemble junkies. Vogue magazine acknowledges this shift, highlighting that models in the past were photographed exuding energy and happiness, whereas now they appear wilted, collapsed, frowning, and sulking. As part of their performance, models are expected to stumble down the runway, appearing disoriented and perplexed.

According to Dr. Millman, the media’s positive portrayal of drugs is reinforced by this behavior. He points out that high-fashion designers often depict their models as appearing intoxicated. The New York Post has noted that Calvin Klein’s new cK perfume advertising campaign seems to glorify drug abuse. The advertisements showcase photos of individuals with a ghostly appearance, pale skin, tattoos, and greasy hair, with one model even appearing to have track marks on his arms. Psychotherapist Linda Cohen emphasizes that many young girls idolize supermodels featured in teen magazines and argues that advertising is essentially a manipulation tactic used to persuade the public to purchase a product.

The fashion industry sends a message to consumers, urging them to use drugs, purchase specific clothing, or wear a particular perfume in order to imitate their look. This issue is further exacerbated by the fact that teenagers are aware of the drug use within the fashion industry and among its models. In an interview with Sassy magazine, teen-favorite model Kate Moss was asked about her marijuana usage, to which she responded by acknowledging its prevalence and lack of secrecy. With prominent celebrities openly discussing drug use, educators worry that their anti-drug message will not resonate with young people. The desire to improve their physical appearance contributes to this concern.

Young girls, such as Jodi and Heather from California, compare themselves to both their peers and famous supermodels and actresses. Jodi expresses her dissatisfaction by claiming that all the girls at Franklin High, except for herself, possess flawless bodies resembling models or Baywatch actors. In an attempt to alter her appearance, Jodi starts taking non-prescription diet pills. Meanwhile, Heather, also seventeen and from California, desires more than just a physical makeover. She switches to using cocaine and different types of speed in order to obtain increased energy. Heather reveals that she has always felt insecure about her weight.

Mike Peters, formerly dissatisfied with his appearance, exclaimed ‘Oh God’ when looking at himself in the mirror. However, after using crank and shedding 40 pounds, he began to believe that he looked attractive. Bobby expressed his enjoyment of the absence of hunger. Anabolic steroids are the preferred drugs for boys seeking increased muscle size and endurance. Studies indicate that approximately 7 percent of high school boys admit to using steroids, although another study suggests a higher number of around 11 percent. Bobby revealed that many boys feel compelled to use steroids in order to secure a spot on the football team due to the prevalence of usage among teammates and the coach’s indifference. In an HHS study, over 80 percent of boys reported that steroids made them both bigger and more popular, with 87 percent expressing their willingness to use them again. While some teenagers may cease drug usage following their initial experience, many others will continue. As long as society sends conflicting messages and teenagers suffer from low self-esteem, drug abuse will persist within youth culture.

And while this abuse affects millions of teens and their families, the effects on society as a whole are equally troubling. “Why Teens Take Drugs.” Teen Issues: Teen Drug Abuse. Ed. Wendy Mass. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. August 2004. 17 June 2010.
Navigate 1. Introduction 2. Popular Drugs and Their Effects 3. Why Teens Take Drugs 4. Consequences of Teen Drug Abuse 5. Drugs in School 6. Drug Prevention 7. Recognition and Treatment of Drug Abuse 8. Organizations to Contact 9. Copyright Tell a friend about Teen Drug Abuse at eNotes.

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