The Church and Moral Authority

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The church serves as the moral authority, determining what is right and wrong in specific circumstances. The magisterium refers to the official teachings of the church regarding moral situations, which is comprised of the bishops and the pope. In order to effectively teach the faith, bishops may delegate others or teach directly themselves. Additionally, theologians and individuals speaking on behalf of the bishops are entrusted with a teaching mission.

The Catholic Church holds the belief that it will be safeguarded by these core teachings and faith. Regarding its position as a moral authority, I have conflicting emotions. I acknowledge that they uphold commendable principles and make choices considering the well-being of all individuals. Nevertheless, I also perceive that the Catholic Church has relinquished control over a substantial portion of contemporary society. Given the multitude of diverse cultures and perspectives, it becomes challenging to involve such a vast population within strict regulations.

Based on a survey, individuals unanimously agree on two points regarding the church. The first point is that the church has the right to freely express its opinions. However, the second point highlights that it is currently struggling to effectively adapt to modern society. It is imperative for the church to comprehend the significance of evolving alongside the public since what may have been successful half a century ago no longer holds true today.

The church’s belief in its moral authority revolves around three primary principles: shaping moral character, preserving and upholding moral traditions, and providing a community for ethical discussions in times of moral dilemmas.

The church aims to foster unity and fellowship in contemporary society by engaging in acts of love, outreach, sacraments, and preaching. According to the Catechism, moral errors can arise from misguided belief in personal autonomy, rejection of the church’s authority and teachings, insufficient conversion, and lack of charitable acts. Consequently, disregarding the church’s guidelines and teachings can hinder conscience development and result in significant moral missteps.

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The Church and Moral Authority. (2017, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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