The Ideal Characteristics of the Huxtable Family

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The Huxtable’s are known as a loving African-American family who always comes together. The Huxtables all represent a group formation. This includes different personality issues, web of connections, and functional structures that makes them what family that they are. It does not matter what the outcome that the family goes through, they are still representing a team today.

The Huxtables face different personality issues which leads to a completely big issue as a whole. Julius, the father of the family works for the City of Bridgeport as a police officer, which causes him to be very busy when it comes to his flexible work schedule. His busybody personality can lead to numerous cancellations to family plans. Cancelling family plans can cause the other members of the family to show their personality.

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Last summer, the family was supposed to travel to Atlanta, Georgia to see some relatives. They were planning this trip since Christmas vacation. The girls were especially very excited about going on this trip to Atlanta. On the day before they were supposed to catch their plane, an unexpected twist happened. One of the police officers that Julius knew very well since he started was shot and killed while trying to save a child. The child was being physically abused by his father.

The father had a gun on him. When the police officer arrived, the father pointed the gun at him so quick that he didn’t even gave a chance to protect the child. The bullet hit his lungs which caused his death. The city was looking for officers to work during the memorial service which was being held the next few days. Since he was very close to Julius, the city chose home to work in the memorial service, which took place on the same day as the trip. The Huxtable Family rule is that if one person of the group can’t make it, then the whole family cannot make it. With that being said, they trip to Atlanta was cancelled.

The girls did not take the trip being cancelled very lightly at all, which brings out their selfish personalities. They were very looking forward to see their southern cousins that they haven’t seen in two years. The girls didn’t really show any sympathy for their dad. Their main focus was on the trip being cancelled. Paula, the mother of the family was very upset as well but knew how to hold it in, which shows her maturity side. Based on this, the Huxtable rides together as one, especially when there is an emergency. In other words, they know how to follow the functionalist theory for emergencies. Riding together is another way of showing how much they love each other.

The Huxtable Family is described as being a self-organized type of family. In order words, they are the type of family that knows the major key of responsibility. Responsibility is the number one-character trait the family holds in the group. Their main responsibility is to make sure that they have everything that the family needs onto the table in order from survive. In order to keep food onto the table at their household, it’s Julius’s, Paula’s, and Alisha’s responsibility since three of them hold work occupations to make sure that they work a numerable amount of hours so they can receive as much money as possible to keep food on the table.

Ashley, one of the Huxtable twins has mild asthma. With that being said, they money that they make is also used to make sure she has refills of her inhaler whenever it’s needed. Out of the different obligations, both food and health are the number one source that they need in their household. Food falls under the physical section when it comes to survival. Health falls under the psychological section for survival, especially when it comes to Ashley’s asthma symptoms. This leads to an incident that occurred during the beginning of last year in the household.

The incident was place during the middle of tax season and it was snowing very badly outside. Ashley usually gets her asthma symptoms during the middle of the winter time. However, this time her asthma was progressively getting extreme to the point when she can have a heart attack. When it was to use her inhaler was when the mystery came in. She couldn’t find her inhaler anywhere. She proved this by saying “HELP I CAN’T BREATHE” and “MY INHALER IS MISSING, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY”. The Huxtables stopped what they were doing and immediately went on the hunt to find the missing inhaler. Ten minutes later, the inhaler was placed under the couch and was found by both Vanessa and Ashanti. During that time, the family was going through a broke time, where they almost did not have any money. They only had money to buy takeout food, not for grocery shopping.

This type of situation also falls under the social exchange theory, since the family deals with making decisions on what kind of food that they are going to buy with the little amount of money that they have at the moment Since they couldn’t go grocery shopping, the Huxtables decided to order pizza and wings for dinner, since it was an emergency. Based on this incident, this proves that the Huxtables ride for each other, especially when there is both food and health emergencies.

The Huxtable’s are definitely the type of loving family who will always come together. They take very good care of each other, which makes their group formation fit as a whole.

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The Ideal Characteristics of the Huxtable Family. (2023, Jun 18). Retrieved from

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