The Importance of Cover Letter

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Importance of cover letter and resume I once applied for a volunteer opportunity in the Vancouver Aquarium, and I had to write a cover letter and resume in order to attain the spot. Although that was my first time doing these, I paid a lot of effort and I got the position. This experience tells me that cover letter and resume are required for almost any jobs, even including volunteering work. After listening to Dr. Desrochers’s presentation, I have come to know more about the strategies in writing cover letters and resumes, and also realized the importance of these job-applying requirements.

What make them so vital is that the cover letter and resume is what people who don’t know you at all judge you by and make their decisions from. Thus, the quality of cover letter and resume is vital in determining whether one will get an interview opportunity or not. From the presentation, I learnt that resumes should be as concise as possible to save the employer’s time and as well as to impress him/her. Since recruiters are dealing with a number of applications everyday, they will only scan through all the resumes, and look for keywords that attract them.

Hence, writing creative and succinct resumes will gain oneself a positive impression from the recruiters and is the most essential factor for applying jobs. More detailed information goes on the cover letter which is designated to highlight your accomplishments and the potential you have to gain this job opening. The first impression the employers make is based on one’s cover letter and resume, therefore, they are in fact the most important factors that will determine whether or not one is going to have interview opportunity and possess the position.

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