Translating goes good beyond the mere unequivocal transition of footings between two linguistic communications. A translator’s art is to permute intending from one civilization to another. with a adept pick of lingual tools. A translator’s aptitude is strictly measured on the footing of cognition of the capable affair. ability to place with the contents. truth and attachment to the beginning text. Translation memories. glossaries and manner ushers are indispensable work tools and are tailored for each client.
Trans-Edit Group has formalized and certified the interlingual rendition procedure with the authorization of its ISO 9001:2008 enfranchisement. forming it into the undermentioned consecutive stairss: Pre-translation layout. interlingual rendition by mother-tongue linguistic communication experts. specializer redacting. proofreading. post-translation layout and concluding quality control. Depending on the type of text. farther services include post-editing and stylistic revising. scientific reappraisal. localisation. typesetting. printing or supply of multimedia supports.
Translation as a merchandise is a written text in a mark linguistic communication as the terminal consequence of a interlingual rendition procedure for a source-language text. The transcriber is chiefly a “message conveyer. ” Therefore a interlingual rendition may be understood as the procedure whereby a message which is expressed in a peculiar beginning linguistic communication is linguistically transformed in order to be understood by readers of the mark linguistic communication. Actually. the transcriber is conveying the significance expressed by the original author so the terminal reader gets a translated text that is faithful to the beginning text in significance.
Sometimes the transcriber finds it necessary to reconsider the original diction for better apprehension of the beginning text in order to render it in the mark linguistic communication. When covering with a interlingual rendition. one of the procedures included in the work is the analysis of the ST. This analysis. called TOSTA ( Translation Oriented Source Text Analysis ) . helps us detect the map of the text. the mark readers ( with different degrees of cognition and different ages ) every bit good as “ST elements that need to be preserved or adapted in translation” ( Nord 1991: 21 ).