Wetland Policy Research Paper IntroductionThe issue

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The issue of wetland preservation and policy has long been an issue of contention among involvement groups and industry. When detecting the figure of endangered or threatened species that inhabit wetlands it is evident that there is a pressing demand to conserve them, particularly when the taking cause of species loss is habitat devastation ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) . There is presently in topographic point a system of policies and Torahs which culminate to make a comparatively effectual agencies of enforcement, nevertheless, through the deficiency of a individual Act which pertains to wetlands at that place continues to be insufficiencies within the system. Though the federal authorities has released the Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation it is non admissible in tribunal and hence merely stands as recommendations by which the authorities would wish the populace to stay.

The immensely different types of wetlands located through out B.C. make many troubles in the creative activity of a individual policy, nevertheless, if there was a wide based Act which was committed to the current federal policy of? no net loss of wetlands? it would extinguish the demand for overlapping Torahs at the three degrees of authorities.

What Designates an Area as a Wetland

A wetland can be described in many ways, most of which provide a great trade of vagueness in the differentiation between the different categorizations as these countries often fit into more than one grouping within a really little infinite. There are basic traits which all wetlands portion, in that they are any land which is covered in less than six metres of H2O at low tide ( if tidal ) for all or portion of the twelvemonth ( Zoltai, 1988 ) , this description includes freshwater wetlands such as shallow pools, fens, peat bogs, swamps and fens, every bit good as seawater wetlands such as tidal flats, seawater fens, grass wrack beds, estuaries and deltas ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) . With such a wide scope of fertile lands included in this description it is no surprise that they maintain such a high degree of biodiversity.

This description is nevertheless the most basic possible, in that it merely allows for a general designation of wetlands, instead than sorting them by type or by the systems to which they are a portion of. Nowlan and Jeffries ( 1996 ) group wetlands into five classs in conformity with their parent systems: Marine, non-estuary seawater wetlands ; Estuarine, wetlands around the oral cavity of a river ; Lacustrine, wetlands connected to lakes ; Riverine, wetlands connected to rivers ; Palustrine, boggy wetlands. This method if categorization is most effectual when sing wetlands from a policy position as it allows for them to be classified every bit clearly as possible. Zoltai, in Wetlands of Canada ( 1988 ) uses over 60 really specific descriptions for the different types of wetlands in Canada, the job with this being that the traits of wetlands may alter from season to season and within little geographic countries. There is a consensus that the coastal wetlands of the Pacific are of the greatest ecological significance in the field of biodiversity ; as they ne’er freezing and are hence able to supply twelvemonth unit of ammunition home ground for fish and wildlife ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) .

Significance of Wetlands

Wetlands have an anthropocentric value which has long been looked over in the development of society, in that they have traditionally been though of as waste barrens which have no value to worlds and hence have been used as dumping evidences ( Schiller and Flanagan, 1997 ) . This? innovator outlook? has lead to the paradigm that wetlands are merely hindering urban development and that they are so useless because they have no immediate or evident hard currency value. The truth nevertheless, is quite the reverse.

Clean H2O, which is indispensable to all life, when extracted for ingestion by metropoliss and towns, can be attributed to wetlands ( Schiller and Flanagan, 1997 ) . Through natural dislocation and keeping of toxins in wastewaters, wetlands are able to filtrate solid wastes every bit good as industrial wastes incorporating heavy metals ; guaranting that they do non harm human populations or other ecosystems. In low-lying countries that are prone to deluging wetlands play a important function in guaranting that civilisations are non destroyed, by moving as a sponge, wetlands are able to absorb big sums of H2O and easy let go of it into the H2O tabular array, hence debaring any sick effects that may be caused by heavy rains or spring melt. This is a cost effectual option to the normally used system of butchs and levies, which is expensive and labour intensive. If managed efficaciously and in an incorporate mode wetlands can supply many natural merchandises such as fish, lumber and pelt that can add gross and create occupations in a local economic system. The saving of wetlands near dumbly populated countries creates chances for out-of-door diversion that citizens may non otherwise be exposed to, making intrinsic societal values which perpetuate the current motion towards further saving of wilderness countries, viz. wetlands ( Schiller and Flanagan, 1997 ) .

Through making a resource which benefits everyone and everything around it, continuing wetlands helps the populace to larn more about this unique and diverse ecosystem. Once it can be illustrated that wetlands supply a greater net benefit to a community than the developed land, it is much easier to convert them that they are deserving preserving, this once more helps to foster perpetuate a paradigm that wetlands are so critical to all signifiers of life.

Federal Policies and Laws

In 1996, the Canadian authorities released its Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation, to which the authorities requested that industry and land developers adhere. This nevertheless was simply a agency for the Federal authorities to delight both industry and involvement groups without really doing a committedness to suggest statute law on the affair ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) . Under this policy the authorities states that it would wish to see a end of? no net loss? of wetland home ground be adopted by the private sector, similar to the? no net loss? of fish home ground which is legislated under the Federal Fisheries Act. Though the recommendations stated within the policy are non prosecutable, they are admissible as grounds in concurrence with any subdivision of a Federal Act that pertains to wetlands, as cogent evidence that due diligence was non provided. This makes the policy somewhat more effectual than if it were the lone policy tool. This policy can be seen as a little triumph for involvement groups that have been buttonholing for statute law on wetland protection, nevertheless, there is much more to be done before the Federal authorities will perpetrate to statute law on the affair ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) .

The Federal Fisheries Act

The Federal Fisheries Act is statute law intended to protect fish home ground in order to keep the gross generated by the fishing industry, and therefore it does non deliberately protect wetlands, in fact there are many wetlands that are non protected by the Fisheries Act. Despite it’s deficiency of enforceability in some countries, the Act can be seen as the most effectual policy tool in the campaign to protect wetlands, due to it’s solid legal history and the broad scope of participants that are active in it’s enforcement.

The subdivisions of the Act which pertain to hurtful actions to angle home grounds are 35 and 36, contained with in these subdivisions are sparsely worded definitions of misdemeanors which would affect probe or prosecution under subdivision 37. Section 35 contains an encompassing statement which by and large prohibits any change of fish home ground. However, there is besides a proviso in this subdivision which allows the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to authorise undertakings which may be viewed as damaging to habitat on the footing of the? no net loss? rule, in that if there is harm being done to one home ground, new home ground must be created in another country in order to counterbalance. The statements in subdivision 36 screen the environmental effects which are most frequently generated by industry. The statements in this pertain to pollution, by forbiding the discharge or sedimentation of any substance, which is toxic to angle, either straight or indirectly into an country which fish inhabit for all or portion of the twelvemonth ; this is the subdivision under which most prosecutions are made. The wide range of these subdivisions allows them to be applicable to many different state of affairss.

The agencies of implementing this statute law are outlined in subdivision 37 ; this subdivision gives the Minister in charge control over the proceedings and probes of any misdemeanors.

Commissariats are made in this subdivision so that DFO is able to bespeak the programs and specifications of any undertaking which may be in misdemeanor of subdivision 35 or 36 in order to get down an probe. These probes may be carried out by any figure of bureaus including: provincially, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Forests, and federal sections such as DFO, Environment Canada, the Coast Guard, and Transport Canada among others. Officials from any of these bureaus are able to prosecute probes and from there the Crown is able to make up one’s mind whether or non to prosecute, nevertheless, under the Act it is possible for any citizen or group to imperativeness charges. When charges are initiated by a private party, it is the Province’s discretion to take over or disregard the instance, doing the clause slightly ineffectual. Under this system there are two factors which influence the Province’s determination on whether or non to put charges under this or any other act: the chance of a strong belief and public involvement. Section 41 of the Act states that the Attorney General may bespeak an injunction to halt work if any misdemeanor of the Act occurs on a given undertaking, this is in order to forestall any farther harm from happening while the proceedings are taking topographic point.

Though the Fisheries Act is the most powerful policy tool that exists in the protection of wetlands, it does hold positive and negative facets to it. The chief drawback to this statute law is that it merely applies to wetlands that are considered fish home ground, and therefore it does non protect most bogs, swamps or fens. Besides, the prosecution mechanism is flawed in that in order for a party to be charged it must be proven by the Crown that due diligence was non provided. As is built-in with about all statute laws, the Act is reactive instead than proactive, intending that no action can be done until a misdemeanor occurs, at which point the harm has already been done ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) .

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

The CEAA applies to set down development when any federal section or bureau proposes a undertaking, provides support or land for a undertaking, or performs a regulative responsibility ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) . However, the Act does non use to Crown corporations, as they operate under their ain internal ordinances when appraisals are required.

When an appraisal for a undertaking is required there are four grades of strength provided for in the Act, which depend on graduated table and location, and that are implemented by the? Responsible Authority? . Screening, which is the minimalist attack, paperss the environmental effects of a undertaking and makes suggestions based on these observations ; this provides for an economical overview of impacts and provides a footing for farther appraisal. Class Screening, applies to an full category of actions which may be happening in more than one country or at a ulterior day of the month, this allows the findings to be archived, supplying for minimum duplicate amongst bureaus for similar undertakings and actions. When a serious environmental menace is present a Comprehensive Study is performed, this type of appraisal is associated with undertakings such as hydroelectric dikes and mush Millss, these undertakings have a particular proviso under the Act that lists them and mandates that a Comprehensive Study be undertaken. A Comprehensive Study is one in which an in deepness analysis is performed ; this is by and large needed for a prosecution under the Act to happen ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) . In the instance of a politically sensitive misdemeanor a Mediation or Panel Review by an independent entity is carried out, this buttocks

ment is by and large the most intensive in order to supply clear and concise grounds as to the range of current and future impacts. This type of appraisal may be ordered by the Minister of the Environment or by the Minister of the? Responsible Authority? as a whipping boy to relieve political force per unit area on the Government, a proviso which is clearly to the authoritiess benefit. There are other countries which are covered by the Act as good, subdivision 10 of the Act provinces that before any support is allocated to a First Nations group for a development an environmental impact appraisal must foremost be completed.

The CEAA provides formal statute law that sets out when and where an environmental impact appraisal must be performed. The Act has one proviso of questionable cogency in that it allows the Minister of the? Responsible Authority? to make up one’s mind on whether or non there should be a hearing to canvass public concern on the issue, which means that if there is small public concern there may merely be a minimum appraisal done, irrespective of the badness of the impacts associated with the undertaking.

Other Federal Acts

As is going evident there are legion Acts and Laws which pertain to wetland preservation. The Canadian Wildlife Act, provides land directors with the ability to make and administer National Wildlife Areas which are a critical tool in the stairss towards the effectual saving of home ground for endangered species. The Migratory Birds Convention Act, allowed the authorities to make bird sanctuaries under international support, which in bend preserved wetlands for all species under the umbrella of migratory bird home ground.

Provincial Laws

The Water Act

In the ordinance of organic structures of fresh water the Water Act is the statute law that pertains to their usage. In this, the Act regulates any activities that are around H2O or have to make with H2O backdown for export or otherwise. These ordinances are enforced by the Water Management Branch, in that the subdivision must authorise all alterations to natural watercourses, recreation, storage and the use of fresh water from natural beginnings, through the issue of licences, licenses and blessings. Section 7 of the Act sets out ordinances for H2O quality and home ground saving, every bit good as necessitating that all parties involved in any actions which alter a H2O organic structure abide by conditions placed upon these actions by Ministry of Environment or Department of Fisheries and Oceans Officers. As statute law the punishments that can be implemented under the Act are quite stringent ; up to $ 200 000/day or 12 months in Prison maximal punishment. This allows for effectual and influential prosecutions to happen.

The Wildlife Act

The Wildlife Act has a minimum consequence in the preservation of wetlands, in that it is merely effectual when one or more of a limited figure of designated endangered species is affected. Though, through commissariats made in the Act there is the possibility for it to be an effectual policy tool.

Section 3 of the Act allows the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks ( MELP ) to get and administer land as militias or to come in into an understanding with an involvement group who under counsel from MELP may administrate the land. Equally good this subdivision allows the Minister to denominate lands under his/her control as Wildlife Management Areas, the primary map of this is to make sanctuaries for migratory birds. This protection for birds nevertheless does non embrace workss, invertebrates or fish ; doing it, in the absence of an endangered species act, slightly ineffectual. Sections 6 and 7 provide another preservation whipping boy for the authorities in that they use footings such as? may? to depict the appellation of endangered species, as there is no formal Act ; presently there are merely 4 species which are lawfully designated as endangered in B.C. , doing the Act basically useless except at the discretion of the Minister.

With the rarity that the Act is used to protect home ground there is really small that effectual action that is taken under this act, surprising when one considers the fact that habitat loss is the individual most important factor impacting species loss ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) .

The Waste Management Act

This Act is the chief pollution control jurisprudence in the state in that it contains loosely based statute law against the debut of waste into any non-designated country without a license. In the Act, there are legion offenses and punishments which are clearly outlined in subdivision 34 ; doing prosecution under the Act comparatively easy. Section 6 lineations an automatic punishment for littering which may be enforced by any? Responsible Authority? , subdivision 7 contains an automatic offense for dispatching waste from a recreational vehicle. This type of automatic offense provides Torahs which are aimed at halting erstwhile point beginning pollution such as dumping and illegal black H2O discharge. Under subdivisions 22 and 23 of the Act a Manager is able to go through a judgement as to whether a substance is doing pollution and on this judgement may order the parties involved to cut down or slake the pollution. When there is a competent Manager nowadays this is an effectual agencies of holding hurtful actions, nevertheless, subdivision 26 allows for the entreaty of any determination passed by a Manager to be proposed by any party involved. Through mandating the study of any spill or flight of hurtful substances the Act is effectual in halting pollution of wetlands.

The Provincial Environmental Assessment Act

The Provincial version of the Environmental Assessment Act was passed in 1995, doing it newer and more streamlined that of the Federal authorities and applicable to provincial undertakings. The Act provides benefits which the CEAA is missing, in that it depends more on public input and provides a register of undertakings for which appraisals have been completed. The Act provides for public input when: applications for undertakings are received, bill of exchanges of undertaking studies are being prepared, studies are filed, when the bill of exchange footings of mention for a public hearing are prepared, and during the populace hearing itself ( Nowlan and Jeffries, 1996 ) . These chances for engagement allow the bureau executing the appraisal to estimate the public involvement in a peculiar issue, which determines the demand for prosecution and redress should an environmental menace be detected. The undertaking register provided by the Act provides: a list of undertakings presently under reappraisal, an index of all the records for each undertaking, and all of import paperss and determinations that were involved in the procedure. This acts much like a category showing in the CEAA, but is more comprehensive, in that it allows past instances to be admissible as grounds that due diligence was non provided in prosecutions. Though wetlands are non specifically mentioned under the Act, it is inexplicit that wetlands are included, as the Act pertains to any undertaking which is risky to the environment, doing this an of import piece of statute law in wetland instances.

The British Columbia Forest Practices Code

As the bulk of infinite in B.C. is forested Crown land the Forest Practices Code provides indispensable protection for the wetlands that are contained within this country. By modulating the infinite allowances around wetlands the Code is able to supply a sensible sum of protection for all wetlands in it’s legal power, the breadth of this country varies with the categorization of a given wetland harmonizing to it’s sensitiveness. The Riparian Management Area guidebook states the aims that the Code has as it pertains to Riparian countries ; the chief aims of the riparian commissariats in the Code are: to minimise or forestall impacts created by forest patterns on aquatic ecosystems and to continue any wetland wildlife home ground that is of high intrinsic value. As it is legislated that all Forest companies adhere to the Code, it is often used in prosecutions, though it’s enforcement is by and large reactive instead than proactive.

Other Provincial Laws

The Land Act regulates the distribution of Crown land ; this is can be good to wetland preservation if a responsible Minister is in office. Through careful distribution of lands to groups that are environmentally responsible a great trade of damaging environmental effects can be averted. The most good Provincial statute law in straight-out protection of wetlands is the Park Act, by denominating an country as a provincial park development is thwarted and any actions that occur on that land are capable to rigorous ordinance, which basically eliminates the possibility of knowing home ground loss, though no statute law can anticipate accidents.

Municipal Laws and Bylaws

Through the provincial Municipal Act, municipalities are given the authorization to cover with wetland loss on an single instance footing by the creative activity of appropriate bylaws and districting ordinances. Section 945 of the Act allows local authorities to do a community program which designates countries for wetland preservation. This has expansive deductions for the preservation of local wetlands, under this subdivision the municipality has the power to make buffer zones around delicate wetlands, every bit good they may make bylaws which pertain to corner film editing, flood bar, drainage and dirt remotion, among others. Section 963 allows for the creative activity of districting to modulate land use, this may be used to switch population densenesss off from sensitive countries.


Each of the Policies and Acts which pertain to wetlands at the three degrees of authorities has positive and negative properties which must be considered by Agencies when a prosecution is sought. At the Federal degree the Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation can be described as a weak effort at making a solid statute law that pertains to wetlands. Though there is no wetland statute law presently in topographic point, the apogee of the subdivisions of Federal Acts which pertain to wetlands presently provide the strongest footing for prosecuting prosecutions. The statute law at the provincial degree is effectual in supplying for protection of Crown land or non located near an urban country. Due to their flexibleness, commissariats made by municipalities under the Municipal Act could be the most effectual in conserving wetlands, in that they are able to make zoning in sensitive countries to forestall development. The ruin of Municipal bylaws is that they are non lawfully forceful plenty to be effectual against big corporations. Presently the most effectual agencies of continuing wetlands is either to hold them designated a provincial park under the Park Act or to hold private ownership granted to an involvement group either by land allotment or through buying the land. It is apparent through analyzing the broad scope of policy tools involved in the control of harm to wetlands that there needs to be a Federal statute law enacted. If there were to be a complete statute law at the federal degree that pertained to wetlands, it would extinguish any vagueness that exists with the current system of utilizing many Acts when prosecuting a prosecution. As good, within a short clip there could be a big register to be used as precedency in tribunal instances for future prosecutions. From the observations made herein it is clear that there is an imperative demand for a cumulative Act on wetland preservation in order to continue these countries for future coevalss.



BC Environmental Assessment Act, ( 1994 )

BC Municipal Act, ( 1979 )

BC Park Act, ( 1996 )

BC Water Act, ( 1994 )

BC Wildlife Act, ( 1979 )

Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation, ( 1991 )

Federal Fisheries Act, ( Updated, 1999 )

Nowlan, L. and B. Jeffries, 1996. Protecting British Columbia’s Wetlands: A Citizens Guide. West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation and British Columbia Wetlands Network, Vancouver. 144 pp.

Schiller, E. and S. Flanagan. 1997. Protecting Wetlands is good concern for local authoritiess. Public Management 79: 19-26

Zoltai, S.C. 1988. Wetland Environments and Classification. pp. 1-53 In: C.D.A. Rubec ( ed. ) Wetlands of Canada. Polyscience, Montreal. 452 pp.

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