What’s Your Pet Peeve?

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Everyone in life finds certain things that are extremely irritating. Sometimes they are things that aren’t that big of an issue to others, however it raises your blood pressure in an instant. My biggest pet peeve is when I have to wait at the doctor’s office forever. It’s so irritating and it happens every single time I go to the doctors without fail. I think it’s the doctors responsibility to make their clients as happy as possible, which includes having them getting in and out of the office as quickly as possible.

Receptionists in doctor’s offices are responsible for scheduling appointments. However, I find it perplexing that they give patients a specific time to come in when it rarely aligns with the actual time they see the doctor. It is puzzling why they bother giving us a time if it is not accurate. Throughout my entire experience, I cannot recall a single instance when I entered a doctor’s office at my scheduled time and was promptly called in to see the doctor. Receptionists should have some understanding of how long each client will take and schedule appointments accordingly. It appears to me that they simply fill up the schedule without considering the time frame logically. This is absurd.

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When I am sick, my only desire is to be in the comfort of my own bed at home. Waiting in a doctor’s office, surrounded by other ill individuals who are equally frustrated, is an unpleasant and unenjoyable experience for me. It is the last thing I want to do while feeling under the weather. Furthermore, after leaving the doctor’s office, I feel annoyed and exhausted, which only worsens my condition instead of alleviating it. The objective of visiting a doctor is to improve one’s well-being, not deteriorate it. Clearly, there is an issue with this situation.

Sitting in the waiting room not only wastes my time but also prevents me from completing other tasks, despite having other commitments. I am stuck in a doctor’s office when I have to schedule an annual physical examination for school reasons.

On a typical day, I usually have various commitments. However, there was an occasion where I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for noon and also had plans for 2:00 on the same day. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a mistake as I ended up leaving the doctor’s office at 2:30. Consequently, I had to cancel my plans which greatly disappointed me. The long waiting period completely ruined my entire day, contrary to what should have happened. It is disheartening that a simple doctor’s appointment caused me to miss out on other important aspects of my life.

While others may find it insignificant, this issue greatly aggravates me. Waiting for 40-50 minutes after the scheduled appointment to see the doctor is one of my major pet peeves. It absolutely drives me mad! Simply scheduling appointments appropriately and allowing for time between them in case a patient is working overtime could solve this problem. Implementing this change alone would make a significant difference, and it doesn’t require exceptional intelligence to fix it. I eagerly await the day when I can walk into a doctor’s office and be promptly seen without enduring an eternity of waiting.

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What’s Your Pet Peeve?. (2023, Feb 16). Retrieved from


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