A Contrast Between Supply Chain and Logistic

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Supply chain and logistic is a business channel that people interpret differently based on their understanding. My research has it that both supply chain and logistics are distinct in one way or another even though one originates from the other. That is supply chain is a modern version of logistics Literature review on supply chain and management indicates that In many business instances, the two business models appear similar. For example, studies show that supply chain and management involve the integration of business operations such as procurement, coordination, and collaboration of business activities. On the other hand, logistics involve inbound and outbound operations which means that it deals with the delivery, storage, and transport of goods. This indicates that logistics forms an internal and external network of goods and services similar to supply chain management.

Other studies such as procurement and production supply suggest that supply chain and logistics are different versions of business in marketing, distribution, and storage. For example, they indicate that linguistics is a business specialization in goods flow inside and outside of a warehouse, as well as distance transportation of goods in and out of an organization, while supply chain is the integration, of more than one activity that forms a system. For example, it incorporates management, marketing transportation, and storage at large suggesting that it is not a single focus module instead it’s a system carrying scientific and other business activities. From these studies, it appears that in the future supply chain will absorb linguistically and be a typical business model that focuses on supply and goods management.

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