A Personal Statement of My Interest in Computer Science

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Computer Science has always been the field of choice for me. I cannot imagine pursuing a different career. I was lucky to have a school subject that introduced me to computers and programming languages such as QBasic, C, C++, and Java. This subject, called Computer Applications, captivated me as it provided a means to turn ideas into reality. When I enrolled in a computer engineering program at college, I discovered the many facets of this subject and how truly logical it is.

At the age of 11, I joined the Mensa Society because of my talent for critical thinking. My interest lies in creative thinking and problem-solving, specifically in Computer Science fields like Algorithms, Data Structures, Theory of Computation, as well as branches of Artificial Intelligence such as Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. After completing my studies, I gained valuable insight and a better understanding of raw data possibilities through my experience with data warehouses. As a result, data mining has also become an area that greatly fascinates me.

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During my college years, I participated in various activities related to learning and experimentation. I independently explored different languages and tools like Perl, PHP, AJAX, and MATLAB. Moreover, I acquired a basic understanding of Japanese. Additionally, at my college, I organized seminars aimed at educating students about the use of LaTeX. In terms of entrepreneurship, I established a partnership firm called ‘Caytech’ with two other students. Together, we successfully completed numerous web-based projects. Furthermore, we implemented a program utilizing Microsoft DreamSpark that provided free software downloads for students.

The most difficult endeavor we embarked on was implementing an online testing system. We modified the Moodle Quiz module to allow teachers to conduct practice exams in line with the University of Pune’s new online testing system. We have personally conducted over 100,000 tests and our system is still being utilized by our college, as well as two sister colleges (SCOE and NBNCOE).

I have been employed by Cognizant Technology Solutions for more than a year, working in the Data Warehousing domain as an ETL developer. In this role, my responsibilities include writing shell scripts and utilizing Informatica ETL tools to extract and manipulate data from various sources such as Mainframe files, PDFs, and COBOL sources. This has proven to be both challenging and fulfilling.

Proficient in Unix, SQL, and various DBMSs, my work has allowed me to contribute to process automation at my workplace. By creating a script that generates parameter files for standard processes, I have helped streamline the workflow. Regular interaction with my client and different teams, along with the organizational culture, has played a significant role in developing my personality. Above all, working at Cognizant has taught me that I possess the drive and motivation needed for success. It has instilled confidence in my ability to work diligently and prioritize effectively.

Unfortunately, my college academic performance was not satisfactory. I feel that I could have accomplished much more, as my second class degree does not accurately reflect my capabilities in computer science. This grade indicates a preference for practical subjects rather than theory, as well as poor time management and neglecting the importance of grades. Although it is not possible to change my marks now, I believe that an overall improvement in grades, a well-rounded co-curricular record, and an outstanding GRE score of 338 demonstrate my worth as a candidate. I am eager for a fresh start and fully committed to pushing myself to achieve personal, academic, and professional growth.

By obtaining a graduate degree in Computer Science, I would have the chance to delve into the latest developments in the field and explore my interests while also discovering new ones. Despite my current lack of academic research experience, I am enthusiastic about making an original contribution to the academic community if given the opportunity. The prospects and possibilities that graduate school provides are truly exciting. Moreover, pursuing a graduate degree would grant me invaluable international exposure and enable me to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. My aim is to find an outstanding education and undergo a transformative journey at USC.

The Master of Science in Computer Science (General) program at USC provides an excellent opportunity for me to achieve my goals. USC is a dream school for me due to its world-class facilities, renowned faculty in the field of computing, and the exceptional reputation of Viterbi as an engineering school.

I am excited about the flexibility and variety of courses that are available for selection. I am particularly interested in unique and interesting courses in fields such as geospatial databases and game design. Additionally, I am eager to engage in the ongoing research in Algorithms, Theory, and Machine learning. I believe that I can both contribute to and learn from the excellent academic environment at USC.

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A Personal Statement of My Interest in Computer Science. (2023, Jan 25). Retrieved from


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