A Reflection Paper: What I Have Learnt About Different Psychologists’ Theories About Personality

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In this course, we have examined different psychologists’ theories about personality. So far we have discussed in detail the theories of Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, Fromm, and Erikson. In this paper I will reflect on what I have learned in the class, what has challenged me, and what I would like to know more about.

What I Have Learned and Found Most Valuable

It has been interesting to learn about how different psychologists view personality and how it is developed. The main idea of each theory sets them apart from one another. Freud believed that our behavior is a result of our unconscious motives, and is divided into the id, ego, and superego. He believed that personality is developed in stages throughout life (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital. If you remain fixated in one of the stages it will impact your personality a certain way depending on which stage that is. Freud also theorized that we have defense mechanisms, such as repression and sublimation, that help us to cope with anxiety. Jung’s analytical psychology theory states that our behavior is driven by the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious (Reno 2016). He believed that our personality comes from our attitudes that control the ego, either introversion or extroversion, and the functions to perceive the internal and external world (thinking, feelings, sensation, and intuition).

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Horney theorized that behavior is a result of both unconscious motivation and childhood experiences. She believed that we experience neurotic needs and trends to interact with others (Reno 2016). A sense of safety and security and childhood is extremely important and lack of that can lead to anxiety and becoming stuck in one neurotic trend, rather than maintaining a balance between them (moving towards, moving away, and moving against people). Fromm theorized that freedom is the basic human condition (Reno 2016). Freedom brings anxiety, and we must react to society with productive and non-productive strategies. These character orientations determine personality, and are the result of the environment around us and how we cope with it.

Erikson accepted Freud’s theory but changed and expanded the stages of development to occur over the entire lifespan. Erikson’s eight stages are: Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Ego identity vs. Role Confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, and Ego integrity vs.. Despair (Reno 2016). He believed that the ego is responsible for creating an identity, and it develops in the resolution and progression through these stages. I think the most valuable part of learning about these theories is gaining a thorough understanding of what contributes to personalities. It is interesting that most of these theories distinguish between “healthy” or “normal” people and those who are unable to accomplish this because they have an unresolved conflict or negative social experience that affects their development. I also have noticed that these theorists’ personal experiences have shaped their theories in some way, and perhaps creating theories about personality and character development is a way for them to come to terms with their own problems and challenges in life and to make sense of them.

What Challenged Me the Most

What has challenged me the most in this class is differentiating between which theorist believed which ideas. I can see some of the connections between theories, but it is difficult to remember which model or idea matches with each person. There are multiple models that use stages to explain development, and various trends or qualities that people exhibit based on their personality. There is also an overlap of vocabulary and what those terms mean for each theory that can lead to confusion. The amount of material covered in this class is challenging to process, especiall because there are a lot of similarities between the different sections being covered.

What I Want to Know More About

I want to know more about personality tests and how those have been developed. There are a lot of tests available today, some serious and some not, but I am curious to know of which theory or theories the results of the test are based upon. I am also interested to learn more about how people with different personalities interact, and if there are ways to manage personality conflict based on any psychological theory. I am not sure if it is related to this class, but I want to know more about how zodiac personality ideas have been developed over time.


So far in this class I have learned about six personality theories and their psychological creators. They examine human behavior and personality development through a biopsychosocialspiritual model. Essentially, personality is the result of how people cope with the everyday challenges of living, ranging from experiences in early childhood to the surrounding environment and society. I have struggled most to differentiate between the theories and models presented within them. I want to know more about how the personality theories have influenced modern day personality tests, and how people with different personalities interact according to psychological ideas.


Reno, R. (2016, Fall). Personality Psychology Class Notes. Dean College, Franklin.

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A Reflection Paper: What I Have Learnt About Different Psychologists’ Theories About Personality. (2023, Jun 01). Retrieved from


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