Animal Abuse Must be Punished

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In society we are always looking for equality in; race, religion, gender, so why do we treat our animals so horrible? Why do we provide our animals with such little, treat them so poorly and mass produce them in dreadful conditions and treat them with no respect? The production of livestock and major companies has largely expanded. The people that abuse these animals are profiting the most but are making the most money and are praised for being so successful. Animals are being raised in monstrous conditions; not receiving the proper nutrition, overcrowded warehouses with diseases and infections, and being killed alive. The fact that the owners of these companies and people letting them do this to animals without going to prison is so unbelievable. Treating animals like objects is inhumane and needs to be changed.

First off, in the book “Food Matters; a Bedford’s Spotlight Reader” Holly Bauer, the article “Equality for Animals” by Peter Singer, he explains how we treat our animals and how wrong it is. Most people see animals as just an object and something they can use to benefit them, eating animals is the oldest and most common way to eat and survive. Depending on where you live, eating animals may be the only way you can intake nutrients, protein and survive. The people living in industrialized cities (where we live) can survive without eating meat, so why do people choose to kill a living thing when it is not necessary to live and survive? In the long run, eating meat is really not beneficial or good for you or your health. The conditions that we keep our animals is not good at all. The warehouses that these animals are raised to be used as produce do not provide the animals with the proper nutrition and living conditions. “When we feed these grains to animals, only about one quarter, and even in some cases, as little as one tenth of the nutritional value remains as meat for human consumption” (Springer 212). The only exception to most animals being raised this way is, if they are used to graze land and unsuitable crops. The fact that we act like raising these animals and eating them this way is okay, when it is not. Not to mention that the livestock warehouses and industry contributes more to the global warming and environmental issues more than the transport sector, bus, train, car, plane, boats. The cheaper the warehouse and livestock owners and producers can raise their animals in the shortest amount of time, the better. They can sell their animals for high prices when they put nothing into them and gave them very horrible lives. “The case against using animals for food is at its strongest when animals are made to lead miserable lives so that their flesh can be made available to humans at the lowest cost possible” (Singer 213). Many people see animals as theirs, they can do whatever they want to them. I do not understand how people are okay with treating animals like objects and abusing them for money and livestock. Owners in the livestock industry (marketplace) are always competing with their rivals to see who can give their animals the worst and most miserable life possible, for the cheapest, and still make the most money. “If we do not change our dietary habits, how can we ensue those slaves’ holders who would not change their own ways of living?” (Springer 213). The fact that people know that the animals are being treated like this, and still eat it, is why it is still happening. People by the produce and are still supporting these horrible and inhumane practices. Factory Farm methods are a main source of this issue. The animals are kept in crowded feed lots, mainly cows (beef) are treated this way. The chickens and hens are contained in tiny wire cages and have no room to move whatsoever. Unless the eggs you are buying specifically say “cage free” or “free range” then you are supporting these monstrous companies.

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In addition, I found another article talking about the way animals are treated in this horrific industry “Killing Animals for Food: How Science, Religion and Technologies Affect the Public Debate About Religious Slaughter” by Mara Miele. People are still supporting these companies, resulting in a higher demand of livestock. It is different everywhere in the world. For example, India and places over there have always primarily been known to not eat a lot of meat and practice the use of vegetarianism. “For example, for long renown for the widely spread vegetarianism and the protection of cows as sacred animals, is now largely increasing the consumption of meat, especially chicken meat” (Miele). But the in the last 10 or so years, India has become one of the biggest producers of meat. This is because either people do not care that the animals are being treated poorly, or because they are uneducated. The fact that even places that generally do not eat or use animals in their daily lives, but are now, is a serious problem. Meat is in such high demand now, everywhere. The demand for livestock has went up a huge amount. “in 2015 it increased the export to 2.082 million tons of water buffalo meat achieving a $4.8 billion annual export trade and becoming the largest exporter of beef in the world” (Miele). How has the part of the world that does not use animals as objects and food, now turned into the capital of production. Another issue that is most commonly not talked about is “Antibiotics are used to make animals grow faster and to keep them alive in the unsanitary conditions. Research shows that factory farms’ widespread use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten human health” (Miele). The owners of these animals are giving them so much crap to try and benefit them, it could potentially affect us. So, think about it, are you supporting these major businesses in abusing these animals? Or are you a part of the solution?

The final article I found is, “Animals are Not Ours, Factoring Farming: Misery for Animals” by PETA and it explains the effects and the things these animals go through from are not being treated properly. Just the way that animals are treated in most places around the world. How do people have no heart and are okay with abusing animals. The way that the company and livestock owners “get away with abusing animals and not giving them the life, they deserve without going to prison is astonishing to me. The way the animals are treated like nothing should be illegal, but instead people support these companies by buying their products and being uneducated on the livestock they are buying. “These animals will never raise their families, root around in the soil, build nests, or do anything that is natural and important to them” (PETA). Factory farms try to maximize output, while minimizing costs and the animals are always the ones on the bad end of the stick. The big corporations and figured out that they can make the most money by squeezing as many animals as possible into a small space to make the most profit off them. Doing this to the animals, more often than not end up dying from disease, lack of nutrition, and infection from being confined to such small spaces with so many animals together. “They’re often given so little space that they can’t even turn around or lie down comfortably. Egg-laying hens are kept in small cages, chickens and pigs are kept in jam-packed sheds, and cows are kept on crowded, filthy feedlots” (PETA). After the animals have produced milk or eggs and their bodies cannot physically handle it anymore, they are sent to slaughterhouses. They are transported in big trucks, way overcrowded, with no food or water. Once they make it to the slaughterhouse unless they do not die on their way there because of the bad conditions. Then, most are slaughtered still conscious, the most popular method is slitting their throats while they are still alive until they bleed out. Another way they are slaughtered is still being alive and conscious getting thrown into boiling hot water to remove their hair. The last method to killing these poor animals is ripping them apart while they are still conscious and letting them feel that pain and die from the shock and bleeding out. Not to mention the fact that these animals are genetically changed to be as big as possible, for example chickens, should not be allowed “Most factory-farmed animals have been genetically manipulated to grow larger or to produce more milk or eggs than they naturally would. Some chickens grow so unnaturally large that their legs cannot support their outsized bodies, and they suffer from starvation or dehydration when they can’t walk to reach food and water” (PETA0. I do not understand where there is not a law to protect these poor animals from these horrible people and animal abuse.

All in all, being educated and aware of the way animals are being treated is the first step to making a change. Buying products from these major companies is just helping them become bigger and bigger and profit off your money. The slaughtering of animals while they are still alive is so unhuman, it is beyond comprehensible. How could a person live with themselves after killing a living this, and slitting its throat, or throwing it in bowling water while it is still alive and conscious. If you do not agree with the way these animals are being treated, then make a change. Do not buy products from these big companies, and if you have to buy or eat meat, then make sure you are purchasing it from a range free and cage free livestock warehouse or company.

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Animal Abuse Must be Punished. (2021, Nov 09). Retrieved from

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