Health: It’s More than Just a Physical Thing

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Being healthy is about enjoying good physical, mental and emotional health. It should entail having a good balanced diet of; drinking water daily, vegetables, pulses, carbohydrates, protein, mineral rich foods e. . Calcium which is crucial for bone development etc. It is expected that children should have access to health services. This can be crucial in diagnosis some critical illness in young children. E. G. Meningitis. A good health service also ensures that children can keep up to date to with their required vaccinations.

Children should be encourage to do a regular exercise and this should be reflected in all activities during pre-school years. Children should be encouraged, respected, well developed and be treated as an individual. 2. To stay safe: being protected from harm and neglect. One of the most crucial aspect of dealing with children is that of their safety and protection. Children need to be Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence, exploitation, accidental injury and death.

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To ensure that children are not engage in bullying and discrimination children should be cared for in the learning environment as well as in the home as stipulated in the document “Every child matter”. Children should also feel secured and stable with their caseworkers and a healthy relationship is encouraged between the staff and the children, this will ensure the development of their self-esteem. As a nursery nurse we should always make sure that all of the children are protected and safeguarded.

We follow the policy and procedure with regards to child protection issues. We ensure the building is safe. This includes risk assessing the hall and make sure the windows and doors are secure and a fire drill takes place at least once a term. Making sure that all staff pass their DB’S checks appropriately. Ensure that there is no equipment that is dangerous for staff as well as the children. During circle time we go over the rules and regulations in the setting. 3. To Enjoy and achieve: getting the most out of life and developing the skills for adulthood.

We should be enabling learners to make good progress in their work and personal development and to enjoy their education, including: Ready for school. The pre-school years is very important for children to enjoy all aspects of learning. This also includes creating the right atmosphere and environment in order that they can achieve their full potential. Making sure that children enjoy learning through good examples and positive reinforcement, also by enabling activities to be fun, children should be given the opportunity to make their own choices this includes, during snack time e. . Hey can choose between carrot and apple or water and milk. Developing self -confidence is essential to ensure that children do not engage in bullying and discrimination. The children should be happy which help their confidence and self- esteem. Periodically parent are encouraged to get involved in many of the activities during the pre-school years for example we send out newsletters, consents forms, basically making them aware of their child’s physical ,emotional and social wellbeing. 4. To Make A positive Contribution: 5.

To Achieve Economic Well-being: The class or other economic distinctions would not be a disadvantage for any child’s development therefore it should not be an issue from them achieving their full potential in life. 2. 2 Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people. The five positive outcomes of ECMA should form the framework in designing services for children and young people. The importance of designing services following the ECMA framework is that it will enable children and young people in reaching their full potential as they grow and develop.

In order to design services that meet the needs of young people the question needs to be asked ‘What are those needs’. In answering this question it is important to hold on to the notion that every child is unique. The unique character of each child must be understood in order to meet their needs. Building close relationships with parents, children’s and nursery practitioners as well as studying the child will help in finding out the needs of the child in the early years. There is a range of public and private services that work toward meeting the needs of children and young people.

They include, nurseries, neighborhood office, children’s libraries, stay and play, religious based e. G. Sunday school, children’s, multi agencies etc. 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives To ensure that children have the best outcomes in their lives, it is important to involve children and young people in planning, delivering and evaluation of services that affects their lives. This improves services by taking their views into account.

Helps in making positive contribution to their communities Supports children’s rights Promotes children’s protection by ensuring their concerns are listened to Develops children’s communication skills Makes children and young people feel valued and respected by involving them in their decision making Helps in developing a confident, engaged and responsible citizen When children and families are given chance to participate actively, setting and practitioners can adapt to what they do and how they do it to meet needs and wants of the children more effectively.

This will also have good impact on children’s learning and development. Providing support to participate in their learning helps them to become more confident and also to tackle new ideas and situations. This needs a careful balance of adult led activities and child initiated activities. Improves relationships between staff and children. It teaches children and young people how to learn and respect the rights of others. Putting active participation into practice: There are many ways of giving parents the chance to play an active part in their child’s setting. Eke, Encourage parents to join in play activities and experience with their children. Telling the parent what their child did and what the setting is offering the child. Donate and recycle materials for arts and crafts Children: Promoting active learning by planning play experiences so that children an become keen to learn and become interested in finding things out for themselves. Being flexible and help children’s attempts in achieving by adjusting plans and routine for e. G. By allowing children to return to the activity later. 2. – Explain how to support children and young people according to their support with making personal choices than an older child. Also a child who has special needs may need more support) Support children and young people according to their age, needs and abilities to make personal choices and experiences that have positive impact on their lives: Decision making and active involvement are an important part of children’s social and emotional development. If the child feels confident in making choices, they will grow into an independent adult who can take initiatives.

It is best to give the child enough thinking time to say what they want or to express their feelings or interests rather than telling them or making the decisions for them. While giving younger children choices, it is best to keep limited choices as too much choice can confuse them, whereas an older child can visualize and decide which choice they would like to make. Some children might make a choice by not taking part in an activity. In such times support children’s choices to take part in the activity. E. G. En child doesn’t want role play so support that child by giving other choice like reading book. The child will feel valued that they have choice and can chose the one that they would like to participate in more. Supporting the children by asking them to wait for their turn if they want some toys of the children who are playing. Children in school are supported to make their own healthy choices regarding food to choose from and develop a positive attitude towards healthy eating by incorporating lesson plans related to food, finding out facts.

As children approach their puberty they can be supported by giving them education on puberty, personal hygiene etc. During 14- 19 years of age i. E. Pressure in school is likely to increase as most young people prepare for their examination and may start making choices of further education, some may make wrong choices like taking drugs, smoking etc. We can only be there to advise and help support the teenager, teachers and parents can offer guidance and support for their GEESE options. 3. – Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people. By adjusting the environment to suit the needs f the child and appropriate resources and facilities are provided it allows the child to be confident also people who are working with the children should focus on what the child can do and not on what they can’t do. When we had a child in school that had a hearing impairment we provided visual aids and a member of staff was trained using the megaton system to enable him to feel positive and confident about making progress.

Don’t think of children, as special needs think of them as children with specific or additional needs. In my setting we aim to give all children the same opportunities and children are not singled out because they eave different needs for example all though some children require 1:1 support we don’t remove them from their peers the child will still work in his or her group but they will get extra support. Low expectations about the potential of a disabled child, or being over protective can limit what they achieve.

Its important practitioners have positive attitudes about what requirements they provide so children can have opportunities for making developmental progress. 3. 2 – Explain the importance of positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements. Think about what would happen if you treated a child in a wheelchair different o someone who wasn’t, would that be seen as positive or negative? Perhaps a child has diabetes, would you do a food tasting lesson with things they couldn’t possibly eat, therefore they missed out on that activity?

A good example to think about is the Olympics and Paralytics last year, not just one were celebrated but both. By implementing positive attitudes towards disabilities and specific requirements we are not concentrating on what they cannot do but how we can help them achieve what they may lack in doing by themselves. By meeting their needs we are recognizing and supporting them rather than singling out s special needs. In my setting, we have a child on the autistic spectrum, with other additional needs including intolerance to many food groups and lack of sensitivity in the jaw.

We are aware of the provisions put in place to support him. For example, at snack time as he has certain food requirements, we ensure that they are met and he can sit with others whilst eating with supervision, without making him feel negative or excluding him from the activities other children do because of these requirements. By doing this we are providing an inclusive setting and children with a disability or specific requirements are building up here confidence and supporting them in their development in which differs to others.

This also helps teach other children see that no child is deserves to be treated differently because of their requirements. 3. 3 – Explain the social and medical models of disability and the impact of each on practice Social models and medical models of disability By labeling a child because of their disability can prevent us as seeing the child as a whole person like their gender, culture and social background the medical models is a traditional view of disability and that through medical intervention he person can be cured where in fact in most cases there is no cure.

They expect disabled people to change to fit into society. The social model of disability looks at ways to address issues to enable people to achieve their potential, by looking at ways to adapt the environment so the child can feel included this is very important. The social model has been constructed by disabled people and by listening to what disabled people want and to remove any barriers, which may be in their way. By removing barriers and adapting the environment you are allowing children and young people chances to achieve and learn which remotes confidence and self-esteem.

My setting has removed potential barriers by providing wheelchair ramps around the school and having hygiene suites built. We also have height adjustable chair for a child to be included in different activities at different height levels. We also use visual symbols around the school; PIPES are reviewed three times a year and are set according to the needs of the child we involve staff and different agencies if required and the class teacher and hold meetings to work together for the child’s targets.

The children are aware of their targets and in reception class we would use pictures for them to SE to see what their targets are when planning is being done it will be done so certain activities will be adapted for example a lower ability child would need to sequence the pictures and write the first sound of a word whereas the higher ability group would need to sequence and write a whole sentence. The social model of disability and the medical model of disability help us to understand the effect of disability on individuals.

Social model of disability: recognizes that discrimination against disabled people is created by society, not by disabled people’s impairments Medical model of disability: this treats the errors as a sick patient and tends to focus on ‘How can we make this person more normal? ‘ The medical model Under the Medical Model, disabled people are defined by their illness or Medical condition. The Medical Model regards disability as an individual problem. It promotes a traditional view of disability, that it is something to be ‘cured’, even though many conditions have no cure.

The problem is seen as the disabled person and their impairment, not society, and the solution is seen as adapting the disabled person to fit the non-disabled world, often through medical intervention. Control resides firmly with professionals; choices for the individual are limited to the options provided and approved by the ‘helping’ expert. When medical labels are placed on the disabled person (for example, referring to people with epilepsy as ‘epileptic’), the individual is seen merely as their impairment.

Such labels can prevent us from developing a picture of the whole person, including their gender, ethnicity and culture, and social background. The Medical Model is best summarized by referring to the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps developed by the World Health Organization in 1980. The classification makes the following distinctions: Impairment is ‘any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function’.

Disability is ‘any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being’. Diagram of Medical Model The social model During the sass’s and sass’s newly formed groups of disabled people started to challenge the way in which they were treated and regarded within society. Alternative definitions of impairment and disability were developed and armed the basis of what is known as the Social Model.

Impairment is the functional limitation within the individual caused by physical, mental or sensory impairment. Disability is the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life of the community on an equal level with others due to physical and social barriers. The social model of disability is a more constructive approach to disability. It focuses our thoughts on addressing the issue, ‘What do we need to do to enable this person to achieve their potential and have a fulfilling life? The social model puts the emphasis on the way in which society needs to change, n contrast to the medical model which expects disabled people to change to fit into society. The strength of the social model is that it identifies problems which can be resolved if the environment is adapted and the right resources are made available; whereas the medical model dwells on problems which are often insoluble. Disability is no longer seen as an individual problem but as a social issue caused by policies, practices, attitudes and/or the environment.

For example, a wheelchair user may have a physical impairment but it is the absence of a ramp that prevents them from accessing a building. In other words, he disabling factor is the inaccessible environment. The disabled people’s movement believes the ‘cure’ to the problem of disability lies in the restructuring of society. Unlike medically based ‘cures’, that focus on individuals and their impairment, this is an achievable goal and to the benefit of everyone.

This approach suggests that disabled people’s individual and collective disadvantage is due to a complex form of institutional discrimination as fundamental to our society as sexism, racism or homophobia. The social model asserts the rights of disabled people; it involves listening to individual disabled people to see what hat person wants and, when there are barriers to their requirements, looking at ways of removing those barriers. The social model has been constructed and promoted by disabled people themselves, so it should be respected. 3. – Explain the different types of support that are available for disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements (Support may include speech and language therapy and assisting technology) D/ different types of support available are. Speech and language therapy- they will usually work in partnership with parents, teachers and support staff and anyone else who has regular contact with the hill and provide training and coaching sessions and provide them with ideas and strategies to put into place to help promote the child’s speech. Yeses have sat in on a session with a child in school when the speech therapist came to have a meeting with a child and she gave me advice sheets on how best to help the child with his speech including picture cards with words on with either two, three and even four syllables and the child was encouraged to clap the amount of syllables while saying the word.

Support from health professionals additional learning support- a child who has a disability like down syndrome may deed extra support in the classroom to help them learn in my setting we have a child who comes in every Tuesday for social skills and he has his own teaching assistant to support him with his needs. A child with epilepsy is likely to require regular monitoring from health professionals and medication, which needs to be adjusted appropriately.

Assisting technology- these would be anything which will help someone for example wheelchairs, hearing aids, walking frames in my setting we use large computer key boards for some children and for a child who is blind you could use software which reads text from a screen there re many different aids available for children and adults to help them with everyday tasks. Specialized services – in my setting we have a special educational needs coordinator and we use other services such as physic therapist, speech therapists, school nurse, social services we use these services in order to provide the right care for the child. . 1 – Explain the meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion in the context of positive outcomes for children and young people. (This means practitioners should strive to achieve the Every Child Matters positive outcomes for all children, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sex etc. 4. 1 Explain the meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion in the context of positive outcomes for children and young people. Diversity means valuing differences and treating others with respect. Different people have different hopes, beliefs, prospect, and responsibilities.

We should remember that people from different background can bring fresh ideas and perceptions. Diversity can be differences in race, heritage, customs, belief systems, physical appearance, mental capabilities, etc. Diversity should be respected and valued because nobody is completely the same. People tend to reject what is different. Our differences/ verities can lead to growth as a society or it can lead to violence and hatred. We must value our diversity in order to work together for the common good of our society/world.

Our nursery is open to every child in spite of their cultural background, tradition, health or diet needs, and their skin color or parents requests. The term equality means that everyone should be treated fairly. It recognizes that everyone has individual needs and that they have the right to have their needs respected, their diet needs or any other parents, health or development requirements. Equality protects people from being discriminated against on he grounds of group membership i. E. Sex, race disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief, or age.

As I mentioned it early, our nursery is open to every child. We should equal every opportunity. It is especially important if we want to support children development in the maximum possible way. Inclusion- is valuing all children and staff equally, increasing the participation of children in and reducing their exclusion from, the cultures and communities of local schools. Inclusion is the opposite of discrimination by promoting inclusion we are supporting equality and diversity and challenging discrimination.

Inclusions require us to look at the barriers to all families and children attending and who could attend the nursery. We need to work towards removing these barriers and to ensure they are broken down. This intern is promoting equality and diversity. At Kids Cabin we are committed to giving every child the opportunity to learn and develop through play. Kids Cabin has an Equal opportunities and inclusion policy to help ensure this happens for all children regardless of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability and background.

Kids Cabin provides equal opportunities for children by: Providing an environment where all children are fully accepted and integrated. Overcoming any potential barriers to children’s learning and development – seeking further help and advice when required. Whenever we have a doubt about child development we can always bring it to our senior staff and together we try best to support every child. Talking and listening to each individual child. We not only give instruction but we listen to children or rather we observe them, as I work with children who still speak very little.

Providing children with fun and exciting learning challenges. Every one of us is responsible to plan activities and n it we cover all areas of development. Providing children with positive images through play. Responding to children’s diverse needs as every child is different we observe them and plan activates which will supports them best. Encouraging respect for other people and cultures. My nursery is open to every culture and we do support it through planned activities.

We talk about different festivals and about different traditions. Challenging discrimination and prejudice. We do not accept discrimination towards anyone in our nursery. At Kids Cabin we work hard to ensure inclusion and promote equality and perversity, as you enter the building there is welcome signs in many languages, we have access for wheel chairs and we have pictures around the room and in books of a diverse range of people. We teach children to see the difference in others in a positive way and to be respectful towards all people.

We ensure that all children are given the same opportunities even though they may not be treated all the same as they are treated as individuals with individual needs for example if we were playing with pasta and we have a child with an egg allergy we would have to make sure the child has the same opportunity as the children without allergies so we would look at the situation and see how we could change what we were doing to make sure this child was included, so we would use egg free pasta instead so all the children can join in together. Al people (heterosexual, gay, lesbian and bi sexual people) Compare, giving examples, ways in which services for children, young people and their careers take account of and promote equality, diversity and inclusion to promote positive outcomes. In our nursery we are treating all families equally because this has a positive impact on children as they can see that their family is being respected and will raise their self esteem. In my setting we promote different cultures and religions. Every year we celebrate the Chinese New Year and children are taught about some of their traditions and we make dragons and red envelopes.

We celebrate DIAL and make lamps and we also did Indian music dancing. My setting provides excellent equipment and resources to enable children to be included and the correct training of staff. We have wall displays about others countries and provide many books on other cultures and religions. We display work the children have done for parents to see. We adapt activities to meet the needs of the child and also adapt ways of communicating including visual aids, body language, and speaking slower and face-to-face.

If we know that child needs an additional help we will seek for it. We will work with speech therapists to promote this by providing different types of communicating methods. We will work together with the child and the parents. Behavioral support will come into settings and give information and advice on the best ways to tackle bad behavior and they will also work with the parents/careers. All these services aim to promote positive outcomes for all children and parents/careers. We always put children first. We support them in the best possible way.

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