Being a Journalist is My Dream Job

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U.S.A.- Population: 20,464,000. Every individual in this city has a distinctive story that deserves documentation. Personally, I derive comfort from the company of strangers as it ignites feelings of freedom and liberation within me. This is why the concept of being a journalist for wanderers enthralls me – it would grant me the opportunity to discover uncharted territories, pursue my writing passion, and connect with unfamiliar individuals.

Beginning with documenting my adventures, it would help me achieve my dreams of traveling. For instance, I could work for a journalism company in a bustling metropolis like New York or Boston. The opportunity to explore a vibrant city would be incredibly exciting, especially since I currently reside outside a small town. The contrast would be a dramatic change. Alternatively, I could journey to a remote community in Africa, providing a profound insight into life in an isolated region. This experience would be starkly different from my life in New Prague, which is precisely what I crave.

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Recording the stories of strangers is captivating to me because it fulfills my passion for writing. This dream job would enable me to share the stories of other individuals, infusing my writing with purpose and emotion. Additionally, it would enlighten readers about the lives of those in their vicinity and deepen my understanding of the world. Journaling other people’s narratives not only benefits them but also enriches myself by allowing me to explore overlooked aspects of the present. The chance to have my words read and convey tales of others’ resilience would be immensely gratifying.

Ultimately, this job would provide an opportunity to connect with unfamiliar individuals. Specifically, I could engage in dialogues with those less fortunate. Given the vast population of a city, there are undoubtedly numerous homeless people present. These individuals possess narratives that surpass our comprehension. The ability to record and distribute their encounters would compel us to reflect before passing harsh judgments.

Another example is the ability to connect with individuals who have had similar experiences to mine. I am sure that there are many people out there who have gone through the same things as me. It would be amazing to engage in conversations with them and hear about their adaptation process. Additionally, it could also offer an opportunity for others to read my writing and realize that they are not alone.

The populations of Manila, Philippines, Mumbai, India, and Los Angeles, U.S.A. are 20,767,000, 16,910,000, and 14,900,000 respectively. The sheer number of people in the world is astonishing. Being a journalist allows me to communicate with and learn from countless individuals – a dream job that fulfills my desire to explore new places and connect with strangers through writing. This profession also helps raise awareness about global events among others. Undoubtedly THE dream job.

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Being a Journalist is My Dream Job. (2022, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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