Cosmetology Is a Great Career That You Can Do

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Since the beginning of elementary school up until high school we all have been asked or have done something with this repeated question. What would you like to be when you grow up? Some people know what they want and have plans but also some people have no idea what to do; just like me. I never really had an answer to this question until I had to do this research. I chose something that I have been interested in, which is being a cosmetologist. A cosmetologist is a person who learns and studies the ways of doing hair, makeup, nails, and treating skin. When becoming a licensed cosmetologist you can choose to work in hair salons, as a makeup artist, nail artist, an esthetician and you also have the ability to make your business.Cosmetology in different parts of the world people had different types of beauty from the past. According to Sam (2013), some of the first evidence of makeup were from the Mesopotamian civilization from portraits and carvings of kings and queens. A licensed cosmetologist exists for being able to help others in enhancing their physical appearance. Some people change their physical appearances to build up their self-esteem or to express themselves in their own way. The difference with cosmetology in the past and present has changed a-lot but, some things are still used in today’s beauty industry. In the past beauty was mainly for women they would change their appearance due to trends.

As said in the History of Cosmetology (2015) women were willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their definition of beauty such as body surgeries, eating disorders, using chemical products like chalk, and much more. Currently beauty is used for anyone, there are many new trends such as types of hair extensions, scientifically made makeup, natural usable products and more. Some things that are still the same are surgeries, body modification, changing skin color, eating disorders, etc.Depending on which cosmetology or beauty school that you think is best for you most schools have the same requirements. Usually, beauty schools need you to have a high school diploma or a GED, if you have neither some schools offer entrance exams. Many beauty schools also allow you to attend during your eighth, ninth, or tenth grade of school. College is not usually required because college and beauty schools are two different things. Not all colleges offer cosmetology programs that is why there are separate schools available for cosmetology. If you are still attending high school it is not required to take any courses or clubs, but you will have better opportunities and advanced experiences.

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The best classes to take are anatomy, biology, chemistry, art, and theater. For your customer to enjoy their long stays in the salon of course you need good communication so take English, creative writing, or speech.Depending on which cosmetology school most likely the states, it is usually required about 1,500-2,000 hours and plus an exam is needed for you to be a licensed cosmetologist. According to The Cost of Beauty Schools, to attend an accredited cosmetology school will usually cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. To attend a top beauty school will usually cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000. There are multiple schools that give out scholarships some schools are Alice Madden Barton Scholarship Programs, Joe Francis Haircare Scholarship Foundation, and PBA/NCA Sally Beauty Scholarships.

A Cosmetology Certificate Program is for students to train in a salon like setting and learn to perfect hair cutting, hair styling, manicuring, scalp treatments and facials. An Associate’s Degree Program in Cosmetology is a two-year program to help students work in real salons for professional experience and to learn how to run the salon business, or your own.After graduating from beauty school you would want to work right after. On the job you are required to finish school, have an aesthetic sense, give good customer service and have good endurance. Starting as a new worker in a salon it is best to be an assistant or to start as a receptionist. It is not easy to build a clientele so new workers start working with walk-ins or extras that other workers cannot attend to due to their tight schedule. Once you start advancing and getting used to the job you should be able to make your appointments, sell products, help other workers and do extra work in the salon if needed. Other than doing the things essential on the job you should keep up with the latest fashion trends, deal with unnecessary customers, learn how to manage your time, practice new styles to improve, also deal with any possible challenges.New workers do not have a good salary because of the little work they do since they are beginners on the job. New graduates do not make a-lot of money right away because they are paid based by commission also they do not have an established cliente. According to pay scale, in the United States a beginner gets paid $7.65 to $13.82 hourly and gets paid get up to $16,422-$39,700 in total.

As for mid-career they get paid $7.89 to $16.34 hourly and gets paid up to $16,365 to $48,495 in total. Some things to do to increase your payment is you need to upgrade the way you do your job. You should improve your salon etiquette, technical skill development, clientele building efforts, retail sales ability, and your up selling ability. Being a cosmetologist benefits not just you but also your clientele. Both sides benefit by the satisfaction on the service, the ability to build relationships, your payment, also because you enjoy the career.Cosmetology is an industry where you can learn and do many things to people. You learn about the different personalities and how you are able to help a person with their confidence. You can also challenge yourself to evolve in this industry by making a business, beauty school, or just simply showing the world what you can do. Cosmetology is a great career that you can do in your specific way after dealing with beauty school, experiences in jobs and managing your work ethic. This research has allowed me to be more interested in this career. Knowing that I could be able to help and change people by a simple makeover makes me want to fulfill this career. Cosmetology is not all just about making others happy, it is also to make yourself happy to express your creativity around the world and to show others what you can do.

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Cosmetology Is a Great Career That You Can Do. (2021, Mar 09). Retrieved from

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