Describe Your “Dream Job”

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I’m 23 years old, and so far I’ve had a lot of “dream jobs” in my dreams. I think every time we grow up, we change our concept of which job would be “The dream job” for us. That’s not a bad thing, we are always changing our minds and maybe, just maybe my dream job is not going be the same 10 or 20 years from now because I’m not going have the same aspirations or ambitions.

As always, it all depends on who you are at that point of your life. When I was 4 or maybe 5 years old, I wanted to be a veterinarian because I loved animals.Actually I still love them, but as I grew old, I realized that I couldn’t be a veterinarian because I would cry all the time thinking “Oh my god, poor little thing”. At that point, I said to myself “Kerly, you know you would panic and cry your guts out instead of saving that animal’s life, that is not being a good veterinarian! ”, so I stopped thinking that my dream job would be being a vet.

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When I was a teenager not older than 15 years old, I wanted to be a doctor, but not any kind of doctor; I wanted to be an Obstetrician. Being a doctor was everything for me, and I used to imagine myself on a hospital at 3 a. m. bringing a baby to this world; that’s exciting or not? I even watched every program in Discovery Channel about this subject.

I thought that the best part of being an Obstetrician was that I could be around babies and pregnant women all the time. On the other hand, when I knew the worst part – the part that scared me, and made me re-think everything again – I said to myself “Kerly, think again, what you want to do with your life because this is not gonna work”. To become an Obstetrician I had to study maybe 10 years –or more-, and I really hate studying, and isn’t just 10 years, you have to keep studying all your life because everyday a new treatment, medicine or procedure comes out and you have to keep updating yourself, forever. Not exciting at all.

For some time I didn’t know what to do, so I star to ask myself “What do you like/love to do? ”, “What would you like to do for the rest of your life? ” Those questions where on my mind all the time. There is a point in one’s life that the answer of those questions is impossible to find; well that was the point for me. It was not really shocking that a teenager didn’t know what to do, most of the time they don’t. Then something happen, my dad, who is a Civil Engineer, took me to his work just because he wanted me and my sister to know what he does.

I was like a little girl in a puppy store, but instead of a puppy store I was in a construction.I didn’t know how, but in that moment, when he was explaining everything to us, I knew that I wanted to be what he is, a Civil Engineer, but being a Civil Engineer is not my real “dream job”. That is my ordinary day dream job.

Since I started to dreaming about being an Engineer, I developed a serious love for big construction, big buildings, big bridges, big everything. At the beginning of this year, I had the opportunity to visit some places that made an impact on my “big” dreams. I visited Malaysia, where the PETRONAS Towers are, and they are the 4th highest buildings in the world, I just loved them like a fat kid loves his cake.Then I went to Dubai and I visited the Burj Khalifa, the highest building in the world; of course I also visited the Burj Al Arab, the famous hotel, it was once the highest hotel in the world, is not anymore, but the hotel is still pretty awesome.

And finally, I went to Taiwan to visit Taipei 101, the 2nd highest building in the world. To visit those places made me want to be part of something “big” like that. So, I think you already find that out, my dream job would be – for now till I change my mind again- being part of any Mega Construction in the world, but not any construction, I mean like a World’s Highest, biggest something.

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Describe Your “Dream Job”. (2017, May 24). Retrieved from

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