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We found 226 free papers on America
Essay Examples
Asian-American Studies
Introduction Asian-American male and female seemed been viewed by others as very different in many things. Such examples are when getting a job, on the job, on the television, on billboards, and even being put in a dating web site. This paper would like to show how big is the difference on how Asian-American…
Barbie Growing Pains as the American Girl Goes Global Barbie
1. Describe Mattel’s global marketing strategy for Barbie and assess its success. Does management demonstrate that it understands and embraces the needs to “think global and act local”? Mattel’s success should be attributed to its representation of American culture, and its Curated Consumption of its products, for example: when parents buy a Barbie doll to…
Too Much Filial Piety among Asian Americans
The article A Family Suicide Risk in US Asians from Time Magazine tells about family conflicts being the primary risk factor for Asian Americans to commit suicide. Although statistics from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that suicide rates for Asian Americans are lower than white Americans, the article focuses on the difference…
The Most Popular Poet in America : Billy Collins Analysis
Billy Collins, acknowledged as “the most popular poet in America” by Bruce Weber in the New York Times, is renowned for his conversational and humorous style. He combines wit with peculiar yet poignant observations of daily life, as well as reading, writing, and poetry. Collins’ poems possess a captivating charm that can make any reader…
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Short Summary
Enrolling in this course was an unexpected revelation for me, prompting a reevaluation of my entire public education journey. It exposed the harsh reality about our education system and its true purpose for individuals from lower to middle-class backgrounds. Rather than fostering critical thinking skills to challenge established norms, it aimed to uphold the status…
The Lives of Many Americans Improved during the 1930’s: “The New Deal”
The New Deal
The New Deal’s aim was to reduce unemployment and kick start the virtuous circle or in other words get back to the levels of unemployment in the time of the boom. It is hard to specify if the New Deal was a success or a failure. The New Deal worked for some and be a…
American Apparel Case Analysis
Key Facts of the Case ( no analysis )-Who is the determination shaper? ( Remember: in analysing a instance you have to set yourself in the place of the determination shaper and seek to calculate out what YOU would make in his/her place ) . -maximum 5 cardinal facts that summarize the instance.Key Decision MakerBoard…
9/11 and America’s Soft Power
At the heart of the post-11 September world disintegrate several critical issues surrounding US power: its unprecedented primacy, the way in which it is exercised, and how it is perceived and received around the world. These trends will, in the longer term, constrain US hegemonic power by limiting the effectiveness of foreign and security policies….
What Is An American?
What was an American?Rough DraftWestern Europeans came to America to start new lives, with new laws, a new social system but all in all to become new men. In contrast African emigrants were brought to America to tend to the needs of the settlers from Europe. They were brought over to be slaves. Each of…
Ben Carson: American Neurosurgeon
Ben Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan, on September 18, 1951. His mother wasn’t very educated but wanted a better life for her son so she pushed her sons to read and to believe in themselves. Ben Carson was poor growing up. He had many ups and downs as a student but he eventually was…