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Essay Examples

“Barbarism must always ultimately triumph” — Part Three



Words: 2242 (9 pages)

You have built a world of paper and wood, Culture and craft and lies; Has the cobra altered beneath his hood, Or the fire in the tiger’s eyes? […] You boast you have stilled the lustful call Of the black ancestral ape, But life, the tigress that bore you all, Has never changed her shape….

Analysis for Characteristics of Social Protest Literature



Words: 991 (4 pages)

Social protest literature, which emerged in the 18th century, is a type of literature that discusses social issues without necessarily offering solutions. Its importance increased greatly following Japan’s surrender in World War II and during subsequent events such as the Vietnam War, Cold War, hippie movement, civil rights movement. It remains relevant today. In this…

Analysis of Short Play “Doubt” by John Patrick Shanley

Catholic Church




Words: 652 (3 pages)

The short play Doubt builds on many of the theme and central ideas of our class. One thing in particular that I noticed throughout the reading was the use of symbolism. John Patrick Shanley’s literary masterpiece unveils huge controversy that has surrounded the Catholic Church for many years. Most notable in his work is his…

Problem of Masculinity by Laura Mulvey

Laura Mulvey


Words: 2239 (9 pages)

In this essay, the topic of the ‘problem of masculinity’ will be explored, specifically focusing on how Classical Hollywood cinema represents and addresses the male body. Examples from Top Hat (1935) and The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) will be analyzed. According to Steve Neale, there is a lack of detailed analyses that examine…

Compassion For Mayella Ewell? Character Analysis


Words: 1125 (5 pages)

To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel by Harper Lee shows multiple people deserving of compassion, during the hard times of the Great Depression. Mayella Ewell is a misunderstood girl who is exposed for her false and rude accusations against an innocent African American man. When looking at Mayella’s family life, being the oldest of many…

Masculinity and Macbeth


Words: 744 (3 pages)

Masculinity is a sensitive subject often defended in bar fights or made fun of in juvenile jokes. A man will go to great lengths to preserve his masculinity and to prove he truly is a man. It may seem strange and even silly to most women for a man to parade about, chest thrust out,…

To Kill a Mockingbird – Is Atticus Finch a Role Model?

Atticus Finch

To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 1139 (5 pages)

Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch shows great moral fibre. He is an outstanding person who is courageous and a role model to his two young children. He respects all others and he is extremely tolerant. Atticus’ morals are inspiring to his children. He stands up for what is right, no matter…

Orson Welles Biography and Impact



Words: 1107 (5 pages)

Orson Welles, a multifaceted individual, was a renowned actor, producer, director, writer, and columnist. His significant contribution to the film industry involved directing movies that portrayed authentic human experiences. Welles’s writings also mirrored his own persona and inspired others to explore the complexities of human existence, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. Constantly pushing boundaries,…

First-person Narrative and




Words: 2230 (9 pages)

“The Last Taboo” by Belinda Luscombe Journal # 2 1) Since people in society have endued to make the issues of race, age and religion non-issues, it is time to include physical appearance in this category as well. This is the thesis developed in the essay on relationships “The Last Taboo”. “Your religion is no…

As I Lay Dying – Objectivity/Subjectivity

As I Lay Dying

Stream of consciousness

Words: 1043 (5 pages)

Through the use of many characters monologues the narrative point of view presents an objective view of what really happened.”This statement is not adequate in connection with William Faulkners novel, As I Lay Dying. Though many points of view are expressed through the use of interior monologue, even when compiled, they cannot serve as an…

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