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Essay Examples

Greetings From Australia, Land of The Giddy Hello and Gold Rushes!




Power distance

Social psychology

Strategic Management

Words: 1610 (7 pages)

Australia is a very friendly and open culture. However, “Giddy” the informal “hello” is overused by tourists. The Australians expect one’s work to speak for itself, so they are not impressed with your position, title, or status. Don’t arrive in town wearing the latest status symbol to announce how important you think you are. Plus,…

Hypocrisy in to Kill a Mockingbird


To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 997 (4 pages)

The biased opinions in Maycomb County led to a tumultuous outcome for the children. “I don’t understand how they were able to find Tom Robinson guilty, but they did it. They’ve done it repeatedly, and it appears that it is only children who cry when it happens.” (225) Tom Robinson represents every individual of color…

The Nut Island Effect Case Analysis





Words: 1411 (6 pages)

The team from Nut Island had the potential to accomplish great things. They were a very cohesive team. Cohesiveness relates to the degree to which memebers are attracted to and motived to remain part of that team. A cohesive group member values his or her membership and strives to maintain a positive relationship within the…

Characteristics of the Culturally Skilled Practitioner


Cultural sensitivity

Words: 797 (4 pages)

The importance of multicultural competency is hard to overestimate: Arredondo and Toporek (2004) firmly believe that technical competency and multicultural competency constitute a prerequisite for each other. The culturally skilled practitioner is characterized by tolerance and cultural sensitivity. The culturally skilled practitioner pays attention to values shared by people from different backgrounds and cultivates openness…

Case Title: the Patterson Operation Analysis



Job Satisfaction


Organizational Behavior



Words: 482 (2 pages)

I. Point of View The group deemed to use Ms. May Allison’s point of view in the case. It is because she is the new first line manager and she has direct contact among the employees and operations of Section 10 or the Patterson Operation. As the new first line manager, she has the first…

Eulogy for Atticus Finch (to Kill a Mockingbird)

Atticus Finch

To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 601 (3 pages)

My dear family and friends, we have gathered here not only to mourn the loss of a great man and amazing father, but to celebrate his life’s amazing achievements. I am his daughter Jean Louise Finch and I wish to say a few words. Atticus finch was his name, a name we will remember for…

The Use of Satire and Comedy in Literature Works



Words: 5197 (21 pages)

Satire Satire is a term applied to any work of literature or art whose objective is ridicule. It has significant functions in social and political criticism. Satirical literature exposes foolishness in all its forms, such as vanity, hypocrisy, sentimentality etc. It also attempts to effect reform through such exposure. Satirists, therefore, design a work of…

Using the Case Study of Mr. X


Clinical Psychology




Self Esteem


Words: 2050 (9 pages)

In this essay I will explain the issues Mr X has expressed as I understand them. I will also explore the ethical considerations that should be considered before devising a relevant course of treatment. Mr X stated that he has been employed as an estate agent in the same company for 18 years. During this…

Analysis Act Scene Macbeth



Words: 1206 (5 pages)

Is an Incredibly Important part of Shakespearean Infamous play Macbeth, and begins to establish the main themes of ambition, violence and the supernatural. Firstly, it introduces the strong willed and influential character of Lady Macbeth, and it also establishes the close and interesting relationship between Macbeth and his wife. Super natural forces are re-introduced and…

Was Appeasement Justified

Adolf Hitler




International security

Political science

Soviet Union

Words: 770 (4 pages)

Before World War 2, there were varied opinions on the policy of appeasement involving Britain, France, and Germany. The allies agreed to fulfill Germany’s requests while avoiding war or disruptions. According to the dictionary definition, appeasement is giving in to a potentially hostile nation’s demands for peace. Presently, many individuals disapprove of this policy; however,…

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