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Essay Examples

An Analysis of The Cosby Show




Words: 550 (3 pages)

When Bill Cosby returned to television in the mid 1980’s, many were skeptical in regards to the show being successful. Cosby’s previous television show in the 1970’s bombed and the comedian was relegated to (lucrative) TV commercials for years. Could Cosby carry a program? History shows the answer was yes and, in addition to being…

Music Plays a Large Role in Our Society



Words: 2976 (12 pages)

To say that music plays a large role in our society would not dojustice to one of the most important and popular art forms of yesterday andtoday. We underestimate the effectiveness and power that music, in any form ,can have over even the most insensitive of people. In almost everything we doand see music is…

Disney’s the Lion King: Sundiata in Disguise? Analysis



Lion King

Words: 1685 (7 pages)

Over the course of this semester many of the literary works that have been read contained some source of message designed to both teach and improve either the reader or society. Amongst this collection of enlightening literary works, there have been a particular few that have illustrated this idea as well as highlighted particular historical…

The Movie “Argo” by Ben Affleck


Words: 732 (3 pages)

The movie “Argo” depicts the events of the Iran hostage crisis, in which the CIA and Hollywood worked together to save six Americans. Tony Mendez, a CIA agent, goes undercover in Iran to retrieve the diplomats who sought refuge with a Canadian family. The film “Argo” effectively portrays the strained relationship between the United States…

Movies That Make Me Happy


Words: 721 (3 pages)

Visiting Kerry, a small town near Dublin, Ireland last year, was an incredibly transformative experience for me. It continues to be the most awe-inspiring place I have ever seen. Visiting Ireland completely transformed my perspective on life and deepened my gratitude for the things I possess. It also instilled in me the importance of staying…

The Odyssey and Star Wars Comparison Paper


Star Wars

Words: 435 (2 pages)

The Odyssey and Star Wars are two great examples of epics. Both the stories fulfill the epic hero cycle to the fullest. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is the hero, he goes to Troy to fight a war and get lost at sea for 20 years. In Star Wars Luck is the hero, he gets introduced…

West Side Story Film Review


West Side Story

Words: 753 (4 pages)

In 1961, West Side Story, a filmed version of the hit Broadway musical that was inspired by William Shakespeares “Romeo and Juliet,” was released to viewers, who just could not resist the energy and excitement of the movie. Thirty-eight years later, viewers, like myself, still cannot resist it. I had never seen the film, which…

Short Review of the Film “Angels with Dirty”


Words: 343 (2 pages)

Angels with Dirty faces was a film shot in the late 1930’s and is within the genre of a classic Gangster film. Genre of a film is determined by codes and conventions found in a film through its iconography, by looking at its setting, costume and props, sound and editing, therefore the iconography within Angels…

ESL on Belonging (China Coin and Rabbit Proof Fence)


Rabbit Proof Fence

Words: 770 (4 pages)

A sense of belonging or non belonging can emerge from the connexions made with people. topographic points. groups. communities and the larger universe. How does this use to “The China Coin” ? Through a survey of the fresh “the China Coin” by Allan Baillie. it can be seen that a sense of belonging or non…

Snow White as a Disney Princess


Disney Princess

Words: 998 (4 pages)

The first movie produced by Disney was “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. Snow White is a Disney Princess who is portrayed as beautiful, romantic, and sensitive. She runs away from an Evil Queen and is rescued by seven dwarfs, in this case men, again enforcing stereotypes that women are helpless without men, they allow…

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