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Essay Examples

A Review of My Experience During Our Spring Concert

Classical Music

Concert Review


Words: 719 (3 pages)

The spring concert featured three songs: “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” by John Rutter, “Ye Followers of the Lamb” by Edwin Fe, and “The Three Madrigals” by Emma Lou Diemer. My favorite among these was “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” because it allowed me to expand my vocal range while singing…

A Review of University Jazz Combos Concert Held at the University of Louisville

Concert Review



Words: 1377 (6 pages)

On March 24 at 7:00 P.M. I went to see University Jazz Combos at the University of Louisville in Byrd Recital Hall. The groups were the Bud Shank Combo, the Ornette Coleman Combo, and the International Combo. The Bud Shank Combo consisted of, Jean Gorce, Justin Huff, Chris Rolseland, Tyrone Wheeler, Johnny Chai, and Sam…

A Review of the Jingle Jazz Jam Concert

Concert Review



Words: 1258 (6 pages)

The “Jingle Jazz Jam” at the Lost Dog Café on Wednesday, December 2nd, from 8pm- 10pm, featuring the band Miles Ahead was a very intimate and open jam session that really seemed to be open to anyone who came prepared to jam alongside the musicians. Everyone who performed was a of a high caliber, setting…

A Review of Bruno Mars’ Concert

Concert Review


Popular Music

Words: 588 (3 pages)

The artist known as Peter Hernandez is a multi-talented singer, songwriter, and dancer who effortlessly straddles the line between being a respected musician and a charismatic entertainer. Think of Justin Bieber or Beyoncé seamlessly transitioning from performing at the Super Bowl halftime show to creating catchy R&B tunes for others, all while maintaining their status…

My Personal Review of the Jazz Jam Concert

Concert Review



Words: 1072 (5 pages)

On November 23rd, I had the pleasure of attending my first ever jazz jam session at the Schorr Family Firehouse Stage and Goodwill Theater. The “Jazz Jam” took place from 7pm- 9pm and it was full house with an audience of at least fifty people. There were people of all ages and ethnicities showing how…

A Review on the Best Student Concert, the Buffalo State Jazz Ensemble

Concert Review



Words: 1655 (7 pages)

On November 8th, I attended the Buffalo State Jazz Ensemble directed by Dr. Rick Fleming, and the Buffalo State Jazz Workshop directed by Dr. Mark Filsinger. I picked this concert because jazz is one of my favorite genres, and I thought it would be nice for me to pick a concert that a lot of…

Ludwig Van Beethoven and Joseph Haydn

Concert Review

Words: 989 (4 pages)

The music in the Baroque era is characterized by a predominantly polyphonic texture with frequent imitation between different lines. The soprano and bass lines are crucial, while chords became increasingly important during this time. In contrast to before, when they were a result of multiple melodic lines, chords became essential in their own right. This…

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