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Essays on Country

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Essay Examples

Persuasive Piece – Growing Up Asian in Australia


Growing Up

Words: 1102 (5 pages)

Creating and Presenting – Writing in Context Prompt: ‘To conform to the expectations of others can be destructive to the individual. ’ Statement of intention: This persuasive piece explores the ways in which young adults and even others in work places conform to the expectations of others and highlights the fact that this can be…

Difference Between Denmark and England


Words: 337 (2 pages)

Differences between English and Danish culture based on the trip to England with my class A12. The first thing you note is that the cars are driving on the left side of the road, where we in Denmark drive in the right side. It was strange to sit in the bus and see how the…

Custom and Traditions of Italy



Words: 606 (3 pages)

Custom and Tradition of Italy Greetings in Italy When we introduced to an Italian, we should say ‘good day’ (buongiorno) and shake hands (a single pump is enough). ‘Hello’ (ciao) is used among close friends and young people, but it is not considered polite when addressing strangers unless they use it first. Women may find…

Chikungunya Virus; Outbreak In Italy 2007


Words: 964 (4 pages)

In 2007 a mass outbreak of an unknown illness plagues two relatively rural villages in Northeastern Italy. Ravenna Providence public health officials noticed that there was a steady increase in the amount of fever-like illness occurring in the villages of Castiglone di Cervia and Castiglione di Ravenna. The Chikungunya parasite outbreak consisted of initial cases…

Personal Context in The Shifting Heart: Analysis




Words: 1018 (5 pages)

The Shifting Heart. In the sass’s; coming to Australia was a very big step for Italian immigrants considering the recent ” White Australia Policy’ of that time, but also because of the simultaneous battle between the Italian’s rights to live in Australia and the Australian society’s attitudes towards them. Different reading strategies give rise to…

The Life and Uniqe Artistic Style of Australian Artist Lin Onus



Words: 857 (4 pages)

Lin Onus In this essay I shall be exploring the art of contemporary Australian artist, Lin Onus (1948-1996) and explaining the themes, meanings, and other features of his paintings. I shall also delve into the life of this legendary aboriginal artist and the different meanings of his works. Lin onus was an only child born…

A Young Revolutionary’s Triumph


Fidel Castro

John F Kennedy


Words: 1887 (8 pages)

“On January 1, 1959, a young Cuban nationalist named Fidel Castro (1926-) drove his guerilla army into Havana and overthrew General Fulgencio Batista (1901-1973), the nation’s American-backed president.” The United States (US) backed General Batista since his rise to dictatorship in 1952. General Batista was friendly with the US, and the US had no reason…

When evaluating the quality of


Energy industry



Environmental science



Words: 6653 (27 pages)

Edge’s edits, please bear in mind the quality of the original version to understand the dramatic improvement made to the essay. The below edit and critique earned this comment from the customer: I would like to thank you for a job well done! You improved upon these essays immensely. Unedited version will contain poor writing…

Feelings of Chinese Immigrants in “The Jade Peony”


Western Culture

Words: 395 (2 pages)

The short story “The Jade Peony” by Wayson Choy unveils the feelings of Chinese immigrants coming to Canada. The short story also shows the importance of Canadian culture and how it evolved from the past to the present time. In the story, the Chinese parents are used to their cultural traditions and way of thinking….

Leonardo Da Vinci as a Renaissance Man


Leonardo Da Vinci

Words: 2711 (11 pages)

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Vinci, Tuscany, during a time called the Renaissance. His creations of art and advancements in science not only surpassed those of his time, but have contributed to the fundamentals of modern day technology and are arguably the greatest in history. Many of da Vinci’s paintings remain today…

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