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Essay Examples

The Worthiness of College Education

College Education

Words: 596 (3 pages)

Although college is debated on and on whether it is as beneficial as just heading straight into the workforce after high school, the value of a college education is not only beneficial from an economic standpoint, but it also benefits social aspects as well. Many argue that the financial burden caused by high college tuition…

School Violence and Security

School violence

Words: 1166 (5 pages)

School violence has been on for a while now; the only difference is that now is worse. Schools should be a safe environment where kids can go learn, and feel secure. Kids nor parents should feel scared when their kids are in school. Schools safety should always be a concern. I believe gun control will…

Get Rid of the Tests


Words: 1746 (7 pages)

It is that time of the year where students shed their tears and stress over two the biggest tests they will ever take in their life, the SAT and ACT. The tests that determine their fate of whether they will be granted or denied the acceptance into the college of their dreams. Tests that can…

My English Class Essay


Words: 1020 (5 pages)

It is better to get English 101 in at the start of your freshman year, rather sooner than later in your sophomore or the junior years of college. Although, college might move students into English 101 language course right away, there are some English 101 courses that are provided at the smaller size. The good…

Evaluate how school policies and procedures may be developed and communicated


Words: 211 (1 page)

Governmental laws require all schools to create policies and procedures to protect the well-being of staff, students, and others while ensuring the institution runs smoothly. These policies cover various areas such as Child Protection, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Confidentiality, Anti-Bullying, Teaching and Learning, Homework, etc., which apply to staff members, students, and parents. Regular…

The Cost of Earning a College Education in the United States

College Education

Words: 878 (4 pages)

The protocol is that after high school, you go to college and earn a degree but in today’s world people question if it’s really worth going to college because of the high price tag. The amount of debt college puts you in can greatly affect your future and the choice you will make. Personally, I’ve…

Brave Teenage Activists

High School

High School Experience


Words: 512 (3 pages)

A activist is brave because you have to be a leader for a group of people and you have to have facts to backup what you are standing up for, and above all, because you have lots of people against you. The first reason why a activist is brave is because you have to speak…

Support Children and Young Poeple’s Play and Leisure



Words: 2953 (12 pages)

Supporting children & young people’s play & leisure Describe the importance of play & leisure for children & young people. Children learn through play. Every moment that the child is playing they are learning new skills, words and meanings. Play gives children the opportunity to explore, take risks, challenge themselves and have fun whilst learning….

The Importance of Writing

Writing Experience

Words: 518 (3 pages)

Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved reading. Neither the subject matter nor the genre mattered — I devoured every writing piece I could get my hands on. Junie B. Jones, Harry Potter, even the science magazines my elementary classes were forced to read. When the Scholastic book fairs came around, I was that kid…

An Analysis of the Influence of Sex Education on Children

Sex education

Words: 1354 (6 pages)

In today s society, there is an ongoing debate over sex education and its influence on children. With teenage pregnancy rates higher than ever and the imminent threat of the contraction of STD s, such as HIV, the role of sex education in the school is of a greater importance now than ever before. Some…

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