Evaluate how school policies and procedures may be developed and communicated

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Schools have policies and procedures in place to ensure that the school is run correctly and that everyone involved with the school is protected and meeting expectations. These policies are adopted from laws passed by the Government and can include Child Protection, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Confidentiality, Anti-Bullying, Teaching and Learning, and Homework policies, among others. These policies are regularly reviewed and updated to keep them relevant. Staff policies can include pay, performance management, and grievance policies to ensure that staff feel protected in the workplace. Educational policies and procedures are reviewed by senior staff members in meetings and are sent to the governors for approval. All staff members are made aware of any new policies or changes to existing policies through staff meetings, and the policies only take effect once they have been approved by the governing body.

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Governmental laws require all schools to create policies and procedures to protect the well-being of staff, students, and others while ensuring the institution runs smoothly. These policies cover various areas such as Child Protection, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Confidentiality, Anti-Bullying, Teaching and Learning, Homework, etc., which apply to staff members, students, and parents. Regular updates are necessary to keep them up-to-date. Staff-related policies like pay policy, performance management, and grievance policy help create a safe and professional work environment.

The school polices are an agreement between parents, staff, governors, and volunteers with the school rules which they all need to follow up. Educational policies and procedures must be regularly reviewed to stay up to date with changes in the school establishment and government legislation. Senior staff members will meet to discuss necessary amendments and updates. Afterwards, a senior staff member will draft the new policy or procedure and send it to the governors for approval and finalization. All current policies are available online. When a policy is due for review, an email reminder is sent to the responsible person to initiate the process. All staff members must be informed of any new policies or changes through staff meetings. Finally, the governing body must also approve before the policy takes effect.

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Evaluate how school policies and procedures may be developed and communicated. (2016, Jul 03). Retrieved from


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