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Essays on Europe

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Essay Examples

Take Me to the Fries!


Words: 1608 (7 pages)

“Little fry, who gave birth to you?” The potato’s inception can be traced back to the highlands of South America. Its conversion into McDonald’s fries is a captivating tale entwined with the adventures of Conquistadors, Marie Antoinette, and Thomas Jefferson. Innumerable fortunes were amassed and lives lost as a result of the reliance on this…

To what extent was the treaty of Versailles motivated by anti-German feeling?


Words: 332 (2 pages)

Without doubt it is clear that some of the countries held great anti-German feelings during and after the war. Especially France, they held the highest lack of remorse against the Germans. Whereas countries such as the United Kingdom and the USA wanted majority peace throughout Europe and felt that peace was the main objective rather…

Apush Summer Assignment




Words: 4645 (19 pages)

Explain the main tactic of warfare used by the English against the Indians. 8. According to Roger Williams, how did the English usually justify their attacks on the Indians? 9. What were the most important factor that resulted in the European invaders’ defeat of the Indians? Which was most important? 10. How does Zion attempt…

Comparing Polyeuktos’ Demosthenes and Donatello’s St Mark





Visual Arts

Words: 722 (3 pages)

            Comparing two works of art from different periods requires careful study and an understanding of the differences that defined those periods. The concept of art and the way in which it has been organized has also changed drastically over the centuries meaning that it has to seen in the context of the period from…

Famous Engineer of France Henri Fayol


Words: 383 (2 pages)

Henri Fayol, a French engineer and director of mines, was born in a suburb of Istanbul in 1841, where his father, an engineer, was appointed Superintendent of Works to build a bridge over the Golden Horn. They returned to France in 1847. Fayol studied at the mining school “Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines” in St…

French-Indian War: Effects on Ties Between America and Great Britain


Words: 365 (2 pages)

Dean Berryman French-Indian War Essay The French-Indian War had a major influence on the relationship between Great Britain and its American colonies. Before the French-Indian War, the two were on fairly acceptable terms. Following the war, however, the colonists became enraged with Great Britain’s actions and decided to break away from them. Prior to 1763,…

Adam’s Rib and Post Soviet Era


social institutions

Soviet Union


Words: 1031 (5 pages)

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the citizens of new nations found themselves suddenly pushed into a new era. Once they had relied on the Soviet system of socialism and central planning to dictate every aspect of the lives. Then in the post-Soviet era, their newfound independence forced them to face an obstacle of…

The French Connection Analysis



Words: 1677 (7 pages)

The chase scene begins it’s build up with a shot of Brooklyn’s El train, this not only establishes the location of the scene but is almost an omen of what is about to take place. In the same shot the camera titles down to an image of a child riding a tricycle, a clear sign…

The Gods Will Have Blood: A Review


French Revolution


Words: 1184 (5 pages)

The Gods Will Have Blood, a novel written by Anatole France, narrates or gives a picture on how the people lived in the course of the French Revolution in the 18th century. Being more specific, Anatole France focuses the novel on the story of a man named Evariste Gamelin, showing the possibility on how a…

Anti-Semitism: Its Role in Germany


Words: 2719 (11 pages)

Introduction Anti-Semitism is from two Greek words: anti, meaning against and semite meaning the descendent of Shem (Moe 3). Shem is popularly regarded as the oldest son of Noah and scholars believe that it is from him that European people descended. However, Semitic people, mainly Jews, were regarded as parasites who seek to dominate the…

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