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Essay Examples

The Hate/Bias Crime: What is the answer?


Words: 1490 (6 pages)

The Hate Crime is violence or harassment motivated by a bias against a victims characteristics which include race, religion, ethnic background, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, and represents a serious threat to all communities. Experts estimate that a bias-related crime is committed every 14 minutes. Criminal justice officials and state policy makers need to…

The Risk Of Online Identity Theft 



Words: 1782 (8 pages)

Over night, Simon Bunce, a normal man lost his six figure job, the respect of his peers, friends, and family over night, after being arrested, and branded as a pedophile. Someone stole his credit card online and purchased child pornography. (Sigsworth [4]). This is one of the many cases of extreme, online identity theft. Online…

The Importance of a Children’s Rights Commissioner

Business Law

Words: 964 (4 pages)

Sometimes someone else in the government might catch on to this awareness and generate publicity and interest in specific issues. For example, in July 2002 Paul Barstow PM presented a Bill to the House of Commons which called for the establishment of a Children’s Rights Commissioner to provide added protection for children across the UK….

Accountability and The Leader Army as Important Elements for Soldier Confidence



Words: 701 (3 pages)

The NCO corps has always been a source of leadership and guidance for lower enlisted soldiers. Soldiers trust NCOs in the field, which is why they are being incorporated into the military courts. Many soldiers fear “JAG” (Judge Advocate General) because they believe JAG will take their rank, pay, or incarcerate them. However, what many…

The Managing Director’s Scary Warning

Business Ethics


Words: 640 (3 pages)

The Managing director said that the campaign was necessary as the car’s performance might not be at its best and could partially compromise the driver’s respond time at low speeds. The drivers could detect when PEPS indicator is a light and feel slight heaviness at speeds of between 30 and 40 kilometers per hour. They…

Research: Gangs in America


Words: 1597 (7 pages)

Each and every day that passes by a daughter, friend, son, grandchild, cousin, student is killed by gang related activities and gun violence. James C. Howell and John P. Moore of “ History Of Street Gangs in the United States says that “ Street gangs has been around ever since the emergence on the East…

The Dark Truth in Disney Films


Jim Crow laws

Words: 870 (4 pages)

Disney is a brand that we associate with pureness and happily ever afters. However, even with all that Disney magic, there’s a hidden darkness that’s lingering behind it all. I grew up watching Disney films with my friends and family. From the iconic Lion King to one of my favorites, Tangled, they’re a staple in…

Capital Punishment: Deterring Murder and Just Retribution

Capital Punishment

Words: 941 (4 pages)

Capital punishment, also known as the execution of criminals by the state for committing heinous crimes, serves as both a deterrent to murder and a form of retribution. It enjoys widespread support in the U.S., with an average of 80% of the population favoring it, according to Richard Worsnop’s article “Death penalty debate centres on…

What is Tort Reform

Tort Law

Words: 890 (4 pages)

Hot coffee provides a window into what the relationship between government, big businesses, and the local citizens all have in daily life. Critics suggest that the case, Hot Coffee, was a showcase of how citizens have used the American legal system for their advantage while others state that it’s a classic tort reform case. In…

Hard Rick Research Paper William Penn

Civil Rights Movement


United States

Words: 1117 (5 pages)

Hard Rick Essay, Research Paper William Penn one time wrote No hurting, no thenar ; no irritants, no throne, no saddle sore, no glorification ; no cross, and no Crown. This quotation mark strongly relates to Etheridge Knight s Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane, for the chief character…

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