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Essay Examples
Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military: How to Implement Cultural Change
Army Sharp
Sexual assault
Sexual Harassment
“It’s not what we do because it’s not who we are.” This is the cultural change the U.S. Army is striving to achieve. In response to an increasing concern regarding sexual harassment and assault in the military, the Department of Defense (DoD) has implemented several measures to enhance the prevention, surveillance and reporting of sexual…
Why is Dexter a Hero Rather Than a Serial Killer
Serial Killer
Dexter, blood spatter analyst for Miami Police Department working with the Homicide department (Arellano, 2015), emerges a hero rather than a serial killer, because of his ability to kill other serial killers. Dexter became a serial killer for three reasons: having witnessed the murder of his mother when he was three years old, being mentally…
A View of the Two Opposing Sides of the Death Penalty
Death Penalty Pros And Cons
“For centuries the death penalty… has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists.” – Albert Camus. The death penalty has been a hot topic for debate for as long as it has been around. Still, in this century, this method of punishment persists in the United States. Though there are many different…
Capital Punishment4
Capital Punishment
Think for a moment about the fall into sin. Think about the people inNoah’s day. Sodom and Gomorrah. What is the punishment inflicted upon all ofthem by God? Death. The death penalty, or capital punishment, is the first andharshest penalty for sin. Although it has evolved and changed form over theyears, and is now decided…
The Use of Corporal Punishments on Our Children and Its Negative Effects on Them
Corporal punishment
Physically disciplining children is becoming a frowned upon practice amongst experts in child development and sociology. Despite this, 71% of parents approve spanking children [Dom101], and 94% of children who are three and four years old are disciplined with some form of corporal punishment[Mur991]. Although corporal punishment is still a common discipline technique for parents,…
Who Gets What: Fair Compensation after Tragedy and Financial Upheaval
Book Review
Tort Law
Who Gets What: Fair Compensation after Tragedy and Financial Upheaval is a story told by Kenneth Feinberg and his involvement in several historical tragedies over 28 years. Kenneth Feinberg is a lawyer here in the United States who has been involved in very large cases involving oil spills, victim compensation funds, and even the Agent…
Violence and Non-Violence
Civil rights and liberties
Martin Luther King
Social inequalities can be traced to the beginning of time through oppression, prejudice, and discrimination. These inequalities lead to social justice movements where the inequalities are addressed and attempted to be fixed or demolished. The main two method a revolution or change can be sought out is either through non-violence or violent tactics. Frantz Freud…
An Analysis of the Controversial Issue of Corporal Punishment and Violence
Corporal punishment
Parents of different cultures in our society are searching for the perfect solution to raise happy, healthy, children. The controversial issue of using corporal punishment is constantly being disputed by many different societies. In 1980 a highly credentialed group of sociologists published, Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family. With eight years of gathering…
Is Corporal Punishment in Schools in the United States Really Necessary?
Corporal punishment
Corporal punishment is the most commonly used method to discourage misconduct among students in schools (Almond, 2008). It involves physically striking or causing exercise-induced pain as a formal means of correcting mistakes and disciplining students (Almond, 2008). While it has been abolished in many parts of Europe, it still exists in the United States and…
Controversy of Eliminating the Death Penalty in the United States
Death Penalty
Is The Death Penalty Effective
Since the beginning of the English Law, there has always been controversy surrounding the execution of convicts. Whether it be a public execution trial or a closed court, there has always been people who do not support the dismissal of a human life. As we developed our punishment practices over time, we have come to…