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Essay Examples

Discretion in the Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System

Words: 743 (3 pages)

When working in the criminal equity framework, circumspection is a key component in having the capacity to carry out your responsibility. Laborers have two choices in each situation. They can either simply submit to the law and rebuff the individuals who break it in what is viewed as high contrast, or the individual upholding the…

Depictions of War in Art

Army Sharp


Words: 2354 (10 pages)

I picked these two artists because I wanted to compare expressionism to modern art. I was drawn to them because of their use of vibrant color and line. They both use color and distinct lines to express the raw emotion of pain and war. Through the use of animals and abstract depictions of war, these…

Trends in Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System

Words: 1193 (5 pages)

The criminal justice system consists of three major components law enforcement, courts, and correction system. The court ensures that people’s rights are not violated and fairness is achieved during the trial. However, the law enforcement apprehends individuals who are responsible for a crime, uphold the law, and investigate crimes. Finally, the corrections ensure that those…

The Changes in the Role of Women Throughout the Revolution in the Novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi





Words: 1268 (6 pages)

The graphic novel Persepolis delves into the transformation of women during the revolution, shedding light on how their lives were profoundly impacted. Among all groups, women were the most affected and underwent drastic changes. The revolution brought about stark differences in women’s lives in terms of attire, education, and marriage. Prior to the revolution, the…

“What evidence is there to support Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift?



Words: 1238 (5 pages)

Alfred Wegener, born November 1st 1880, was a German scientist who took a great interest in meteorology and paleoclimatology and in 1905 graduated from the University of Berlin with a Ph.D. in Astronomy. His most notable work was the theory of continental drift. However his theory was highly controversial at the time as he had…

A Description and Analysis of the Polaroid Photograph in the Torsos Series of Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol




Words: 2290 (10 pages)

Andy Warhol has been called one of the most prolific and popular artists of all time. Dabeing in almost every medium of art, including performance art, filmmaking, writing, painting, drawing, mixed media, and photography, Warhol was a very well-rounded and well-versed artist. Warhol is most well known for his pop art pieces, including the Campbell’s…

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold



Words: 1038 (5 pages)

In the mystic fiction novel, A ​Chronicle of a Death Foretold,​ by Gabriel Márquez, the setting is a Colombian town where the beliefs of the people are taken very seriously. The story is set to unfold the questionable events that cause the murder of Santiago Nasar. ​Angela Vicario, the newly married, wife of Bayardo San Roman, was seen…

My Difficulties Growing Up as a Teenager




Words: 873 (4 pages)

Divorce is something a child has no control over. It isn’t our decision, it isn’t something we can change, and it isn’t something I was expecting. Late last year, my parents reached a point in their marriage, where it became impossible to live with one another. After countless hours of thinking, and much discussion, they…

Literary Analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go



Free Will

Words: 3338 (14 pages)

Never Let Me Go in a Glance The novel revolves around the lives of the three main characters-Kathy, Tommy and Ruth-as they struggle to piece together the shattered remains of their past.  Their story is narrated by Kathy as she brings to memory the events of their childhood at Hailsham in England toward the latter…

Distinguish between an offer (proposal) and an invitation to treat

Business Law

Common Law



Words: 1550 (7 pages)

1.0 Introduction Contract–This term, in its more extensive sense, includes every description of agreement, or obligation, whereby one party becomes bound to another to pay a sum of money, or to do or omit to do a certain act; or, a contract is an act which contains a perfect obligation. In its more confined sense,…

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