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Essay Examples

Marzano’s New Taxonomy Theory

Critical Thinking



Words: 498 (2 pages)

Marzano’s Taxonomy is the most current and comprehensive guide in 50 years to define the new standard for education–is a resource for all directors of curriculum and instruction, directors of staff development, principals, and teachers. Developed by Robert Marzano and John S. Kendall, internationally recognized experts in the development and improvement of standards for education,…

Learning the English language

English Language


Words: 2489 (10 pages)

What follows will be a review that identifies three (3) significant errors, and the ramifications of those mistakes, made out of all of the change stories using the John P. Cotter model as described in Cotter, J. (2012) Leading change. In addition to identifying the errors, I will propose at least one recommendation for each…

Authentic Assessment




Words: 937 (4 pages)

Introduction Authentic assessment is a method that is used to evaluate what a student has learned accurately. This method presents a student with a real- life problem and requires them to apply what skills and knowledge they have acquired over time. It evaluates and also identifies a student’s weakness or strength however it does not…

Workshop One: PowerPoint Exercise




Words: 409 (2 pages)

I would have to say, the most distant memory I have of using PowerPoint is sixth grade. I believe it was for my campaign for being elected to manager of the class egg selling business. We had a chicken coop at my school and ran a small egg selling operation. Now it was only a…

The Use of Wikipedia as Academic Source




Words: 647 (3 pages)

I believe Wikipedia that should not be considered an appropriate academic source for Walden University simply because it has multiple authors. It is a well-known fact that Wikipedia is an online dictionary in which everyone can write information about anything, provided that it’s the truth. Anyone, even without proper training or formal education or even…

Importance of Quantity and Quality of Participation in Online Classes




Words: 460 (2 pages)

Summary: The case study “Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes” was conducted in 2009 by L. Nagel, A. S. Blignaut, and J. C. Cronje. It examined the importance of participation quantity and quality in an online classroom setting. The study involved 22 graduate level students from the University of Pretoria, aged…

Frederick Douglass: Learning to Read and Write

Frederick Douglass


Words: 408 (2 pages)

Frederick Douglass’ narrative, “Learning to Read and Write” talked about how he accomplished the feat of becoming a literate individual through the use of self-teaching at a young age. Douglass describes the ways in which he enlisted the aid of young children to assist him with his learning. He also went into detail about how…

The Case “Joan Murphy” Joan’s Performance

Behavior Modification




Organizational Behavior

Words: 347 (2 pages)

The case “Joan Murphy” Joan’s performance in terms of consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus. First we need to show that the employee had the capability to perform the job, had appropriate training by the employer, and had actually performed the job appropriately in the past. People often believe that their good performance is to their skill,…

Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel




Words: 264 (2 pages)

“Froebel is one of the major contributors to early childhood education, in his organization of educational thought and ideas about learning, curriculum, and teacher training.” He created the word “kindergarten” meaning “children’s garden”, which he felt best conveyed what he wanted for children under the age of six. Froebel lived an unhappy childhood, so he…

Manual for Conducting Role Play






Social Science

Words: 1280 (6 pages)

The Mekong Learning Initiative (MLI) utilizes a linking and learning strategy to promote reflection, sharing, and new activities that aid in the advancement of a comprehensive comprehension and practical utilization of social science principles in natural resource management. The endeavor involves partnering with eight universities in the Greater Mekong Subregion, including Ubon Ratchathani University’s Faculty…

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