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Essays on Pakistan

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Essay Examples

Judicial Activism in Pakistan


Civil Rights Movement


Words: 1381 (6 pages)

Judicial Activism in Pakistan refers to the judiciary’s ability to interpret the constitution differently from previous legal rulings, thereby bringing about social change. This doctrine is essential for the judiciary’s role and not surrendering it implies yielding to the legislative and executive branches. Throughout history, there have been significant instances of judicial activism where the…

Effects of Cable Television on Women in Pakistan

Human Activities



Words: 11779 (48 pages)

I, Anjum Zia, hereby declare that the matter printed in this thesis is my original work and has been carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mughees-ud-Din, Director Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore. To the best of my knowledge, this thesis does not contain any material that has been submitted…

Hoses Candy From Pakistan




Words: 294 (2 pages)

Hoses Candy Introduction: Hoses Is one of the oldest known candy name In Pakistan. The name Itself Is enough to restore the Image of It’s almost transparent white wrapper plus the white candy itself. It was a B class product but recently it lost it’s existence from it’s target market. As old as this candy…

Effects of Loadshedding in Pakistan





Words: 325 (2 pages)

In the past of years, Chinese is a poor country and Chinese people had to work to earn money. But now, Chinese is better than the past and Chinese people pay more attention to the country’s basic state. We talk about all things about China such as: citizen rights, poor’s welfare and judicial fairness. First…

Problems of National Integration Between East and West Pakistan



Social Issues

Words: 4986 (20 pages)

Problems of National Integration between East and West Pakistan Purpose of this section This section covers the problems of national integration between East and West Pakistan. It introduces candidates to the: ? Language Movement ?Emerging disparities between the two wings of Pakistan, in terms of economic development, deface and other sectors. Summary Between 1947 and…

Kashmir Dispute: Territory Between India and Pakistan

Human Activities



Words: 4465 (18 pages)

Kashmir DisputeIntroduction and backgroundKashmir is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan. India controls half of Kashmir including Jammu, Kashmir Valley and Ladakh. Pakistan controls one third of the state with Muzaffarabad, Gilgit and Balistan. A small portion of Kashmir is also controlled by China. Both India and Pakistan have fought three wars over Kashmir…

Submitted To Miss Riffat



Words: 1618 (7 pages)

Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, engage, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity). The deliberate act of keeping cultural heritage from the present for the future is known as preservation (American English) or conservation…

Soils in Pakistan




Words: 319 (2 pages)

What is an “Expansive Soil”? Expansive soils contain minerals such as smectite clays that are capable of absorbing water. When they absorb water they increase in volume. The more water they absorb the more their volume increases. Expansions of ten percent or more are not uncommon. This change in volume can exert enough force on…

Analysis of Telenor Pakistan




Words: 3406 (14 pages)

Telenor Pakistan is the fastest growing mobile operator in Pakistan and represents the largest Foreign Direct Investment in the country from Europe, in any industry, ever. The company is the first Greenfield mobile operation outside of Norway by Telenor ASA, the parent group, with an investment of USD 2 billion to date. Increased competition from…

Tea Production Potential in Pakistan




Words: 894 (4 pages)

Tea production potential in Pakistan By Mohammed Arifeen Tea is the world’s most favored beverage due to its general acceptability, comparative cheapness and advantageous effects. It is the second most drank beverage after water. The tea plant originated from South East China and slowly spread to Indo-Pak subcontinent, Sri Lanka and further into tropical and…

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What is name of our country Pakistan?
Formal Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Short Form: Pakistan.
What is Pakistan paragraph?
Pakistan is a country in South Asia. It is next to India, Iran, Afghanistan, and China. It is officially called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It has a long coastline along the Arabian Sea in the south. Pakistan has the fifth largest population (207.77 million) in the world.

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