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Essay Examples

Evidence-Base Resolution to Resolve Research Ethical Barrier

Health Care



Words: 273 (2 pages)

As nurse leaders it is imperative that we appreciate and respect patient’s rights and the choices to make their own decisions. As it relates to the patient in question, she has already stated her refusal of blood transfusion. Providing her with scientific literature on anemia and its prevention should be a priority. It is also…

Patients Protections and Care Act



Words: 966 (4 pages)

PPCA, or Obamacare consecutively, was wide-ranging. Majority American additionally policy-makers, reached agreement that a few modifications are vital but followers and challengers similarly approved overheads. Several challengers say healthcare prices have elevated intensely behind this Act and it was titled “Unaffordable Care Act” (Hoar, 2016). Even though, amplified Americans roles with health indemnity was distinctive,…

Shortage of Staff Memo

Health Care



Words: 301 (2 pages)

Subject: Need for additional staff Unfortunately I must address the issue in staff shortage during the night shift. As a nurse manager on the night shift, I am concerned about the ineffectiveness of the staff due to the need for additional staffing. We currently have a total of 10 staff on the night shift, when…

Highlighting Gaps in Provision – Research Methodology

Health Care



Words: 391 (2 pages)

For this task I am going to discuss the function of research in my chosen area of interest. Service user – By highlighting gaps in provision, services users of health and social care services have been given more responsibility and independence, they’ve become more empowered and involved with how services are needed to be improved….

Pharmacy is the profession that continuously strives to improve the management of medication and pharmaceutical care of patients



Words: 534 (3 pages)

There is no greater reward in life than to share your love and compassion with the world to make everyone else’s life just a little better. I strongly believe that this can be achieved by choosing pharmacy as my career. Because pharmacy is a profession that comprises the art and practice of dispensing, preparing and…

Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Care

Alternative medicine






Words: 2382 (10 pages)

Nursing has in the last century made a lot of progress thus it has become recognized as a profession as well as an academic discipline. One of these accomplishments was the development, articulation, and testing of various nursing theories. It has been made more meaningful and significant by the theory based practice which has shifted…

The US Government Should Alter the Current Policies Involving Veterans





Words: 1825 (8 pages)

According to Ruzek at all (2012), veterans are individuals who served in the United States armed forces but are no longer in service. The expiry of their services might have been due to an honorable discharge from the military, disability received during military activities and retirement from the services after prolonged service exceeding 20 years,…

Dorothea Orem’s Self Care Theory

Health Care

health sciences





Words: 1935 (8 pages)

Nurses can employ Orem’s Self-care Model to tackle barriers that hinder patients from attaining optimum health. By successfully applying this theory, nurses can ascertain their suitable level of impact on patient care. Correctly utilizing this model enables nurses to discern and control the patient’s progress, rendering it an essential component of nursing care. The main…

Weekly Updates About My Internship at the Hospital and Research Work




Words: 1056 (5 pages)

My supervisor introduced me to my colleagues and helped me through the intern induction process. Then I visited all the buildings within the hospital and got familiar with my working environment. Even if the administration building and outpatient building were separate, there was an aisle connecting the two buildings together for convenience I needed to…

Pros and Cons of Terminal Digit Numbering and Filling System

Health Care



Words: 902 (4 pages)

Medical record numbering and filing is the most important tasks in the management of medical information in health care institutions. Well kept and filed medical records enhance effective and efficient collecting, recording and retrieval of patient health information whenever required. The patient record care system adopted influence the ease of maintenance and retrieval of medical…

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