Storytelling Page 5
We found 51 free papers on Storytelling
Essay Examples
Vincent The Vampire Research Paper
Short Story
The darkness breathed in the cavernous grave. The walls of granite that formed their belowground catacombs had served as a shelter and a symbol. They were carved with the antediluvian rites and Torahs that governed their species and glowed now as if alive through the inconstant flickering of a individual torch blaze in the centre…
Literature Can Represent and Enliven an Entire Era
Social Media
The Story
The beauty of literature is that a story can represent and bring a whole era to life. From William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet being a representation of romance during the Elizabethan era, to the writings of John Grisham representing the racial tension in the United States during the 1980s. Today, some of the most prominent…
A Narrative Report On Outreach Program
Human Activities
In my life I’ve learned that true happiness comes from giving. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. Being able to help is a privilege for us students for it teaches us how to become concerned to those who are in need, it helps us to understand the spirit of compassion…
Analysis Literary of “The Elves and the Shoemaker”
Fairy Tale
The Elves and the Shoemaker Fairy Tales: are about fanciful characters with extraordinary power such as elves gnomes, trolls, globins, monsters, dragons, fairies, elves and animal talking. Author: Jacob Ludwig and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, from Germany Examples of Most famous Fairy Tales of Brother Grimm (Rumpelstiltskin”, “Snow White”, “Rapunzel”, “Cinderella”, “Hansel and Gretel”, and “The…
Narrative “An Unforgettable Day” Narrative Essay
Short Story
An Unforgettable Day 16 years have passed since my mother, a 37 year old woman, left her five poor children behind. Death brutally took her away from our world in a motorcycle accident which happened in Vietnam. I, her second daughter, was the only person to witness her sudden fatality and was helpless to do…
Writing a kidnapping scene Narrative Essay
Short Story
My stomach turned as took a defensive crouch, ready to pounce at any given moment. With my torch sealed between the fingers of my left hand and a keg camouflaged bag on my back, I attempted to mentally Stop and fight all my instincts which were telling me to run and retreat. The sound of…
Whimsical Wishes: The Adventures of The Simpsons and the Monkey Paw
In the inspired kingdom of Springfield, the fallen-in-love family of Simpsons loads on a ship yet on the second comical adventure. With their whimsical charm and wit, they are brought over to the mystic story of the mysterious exhibit known how “Paw of Monkey”. This episode offers a wonderful mixing of humour and vagueness, as…
Marxist Literary Analysis
The Things They Carried
The term “metafiction” refers to fictional writing that deliberately calls attention to its nature as an artifact, aiming to explore the connection between fiction and reality. This concept is discussed by Patricia Waugh in her book Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction (1984). In Tim O’Brien’s novel The Things They Carried, the narrative…
Literary Analysis of the Surrounded
Cultural Assimilation
United States
One of the first Native American novelists, D’Arcy McNickle is also regarded as one of the best. His realistic fiction depicts the hard lives of rural Americans on reservations, farms, and ranches during the Great depression of the 1930s. His sensitive stories detailing the consequences of Euro-American ethnocentrism neither romanticize nor demonize Native Americans. Although…
Shirley Geok-Lin Lim
Shirley Jackson
Shame is a short story by Shirley Lim, depicting the Chinese culture in Malaysia. Shame talks about how women in Baba Nyonya culture must behave according to their society’s expectation. The main character in this story is Mei Sim, 6 years old girl who was stuck in her society’s culture. The story took place in…