Brutes Proved the Better of the Two

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In his speed chi, Brutes proved the better of the two when employing logos he says, “Had you rather Caesar were living and ii all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? ” (Act 3, Scene 2 , page 2) This sentence puts a powerful image inside the listeners’ heads, making them see themselves and their families as slaves under the iron fist of Caesar, had he still lived. This image is enough for anyone to find justification in the assassination Of their emperor.

Now, in Ant non;s speech he mentions how ransom money collected from prisoners Caesar held went to t he state, not for his personal gain (AY, SO, UP), but while humble, the state of Rome would remain unchanged after such act, the poor would still be poor and the rich would still be rich, not much h of a reason to raise the pitchforks towards the conspirators. We do, however, must credit Antonym for his strong position on ethos. In his or action, he turns the crowd against Brutes with lines such as, “He was my friend, faithful and just to me, but Brutes is an honorable man. (AY, SO, UP) Antonym repeats the second half of the at line throughout his speech, ever so slightly questioning it, and getting the audience to do the s name, in turn having hem join his side. Brutes’ equivalent was lackluster in comparison, almost as if he is a poor salesman, he says, “Believe me for mine honor, and have respect for mine ho nor that you may believe. ” (AY, SO) Here, Brutes is trying to gain trust with his audience, but doe s it simply by saying, ‘Trust me on this. In the field of ethos, Antonym comes out on top. Third and finally, each speakers utilization of pathos, using emotions to your a advantage. Here, both Antonym and Brutes use pathos strongly. At first glance, when Onto NY says, “My heart s in the coffin with Caesar, and must pause till it come back to me,” (AY, SO, AS) you are struck, as the crowd is, with empathy for Antonym, but that does not leave no r mom for Brutes to capture their hearts.

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Brutes declares his intentions saying, “It is not that love d Caesar less, but that love Rome more. ” (AY, 52) I interpret this as the people of the rabble NT representing Rome, and with that, Brutes’ declaration is, in a way, flattering the crowd, going g on the idea that they are more willing to agree with someone who has established a respect of them, as compared to a more selfish method executed by Antonym.

The two prove strong g in pathos, but Brutes is victorious by way of blushing his audience’s cheeks. In short, Antonym has thwarted Brutes in taking the crowd by ethos, but Brutes took it home with logos and pathos, using the ability to plant an unsettling image in his listeners mind, justifying himself, and flattering his audience, subconsciously making them m ore easily agree with his claims. Overall, Brutes has emerged the winner of rhetorical strategy in his speech.

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