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Application Essay Examples Page 6

We found 58 free papers on Application

Racial Disparity in the Application of the Death Penalty


Death Penalty

Words: 1733 (7 pages)

Introduction Since the days of slavery in which minorities were considered possessions, through the periods of Jim Crow rules and lynching, the death penalty has always been plagued by race. Regrettably, the days of racial disparity in the application of capital punishment are not a vestige of the past. Presently, there exists a great disparity…

Application of Critical Thinking to Global Climate Change

Climate Change

Words: 443 (2 pages)

Critical thinking can be applied to the issue of global climate change y first knowing what the consequences that might arise from this issue. Second application would be to assess how serious this issue is and what manifestations are there to prove that this issue holds true in recent events. Third application would be, knowing…

Application of Risk Management Techniques

Risk Management

Words: 307 (2 pages)

Windows Vista is outdated. This company needs to update all their machines to Windows 7 or 8. There aren’t any updates miming for Windows Vista anymore therefore they are putting their company at risk everyday that they keep Vista. Also, it’s stated that the workstations connect via industry standard managed switches. This may not be…

Applications Of Lanthanides For Medicine Biology



Words: 1548 (7 pages)

Rare earths have been used for medicative applications since the 1980s but the development of engineering has led to a demand for new developments.1 Lanthanides, known as rare-earth elements, have a broad scope of photophysical belongingss that are conformable to spectroscopic and crystallographic studies.1 This, along with the absence of rare earths in biological systems,…

Application Of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Biology



Words: 5057 (21 pages)

Spintronics is a combination of two things, spin magnetic attraction and Electronics. The thought is behind use the spin of an negatron. Basically electron has two spins, whirl up or clockwise and whirl down or anticlockwise. In future spin will assist us to make more work as comparison to electronics with great truth. Spin of…

Determining the Concentration of a Solution – Application of Beer’s Law



Words: 864 (4 pages)

Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to produce a calibration curve of absorbance vs. concentration for NiSO4 and then to use this standard curve for determining concentration of an unknown solution of NiSO4. Introduction Many transition compounds exhibit colors due to d-d transition. The electrons from the partially filled d-subshells absorb a particular wavelength…

A Comparison and Application of Imaginal Psychology and Deconstruction: Theory and Praxis



Words: 3023 (13 pages)

As I read more on Imaginal Psychology and seek to relate it to my own personal growth and practical therapeutic interventions, I am drawn to my past. I have always been a word person, somewhat on the literal side, and guilty of the charge of calcifying the “meaning” of words. During college and graduate school,…

Application for georegtown university


Words: 337 (2 pages)

            I have spent all 18 years of my life living and studying in Hong Kong. Since my parents divorced, my mother has been in charge financially of putting me through all the levels of my education using her earnings from her privately owned business. I have had a strained relationship with my father since…

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What is the Application Essay

An application essay is an essay written by an applicant to a school, college, or other institution to be considered for admission to that institution.

What Is the Purpose of the Application Essay

The application essay is one of the most important parts of your college application. It is your opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are and why you would be a great addition to their campus community.

Start with a bang: capture your reader’s attention from the very beginning

The first sentence of your story is the most important sentence. It needs to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more. Here are some tips to help you write a great first sentence:

1. Start with action: The best way to grab a reader’s attention is to start with action. This could be something as simple as a character waking up, or it could be a more dramatic scene. Either way, starting with action will get the reader’s attention and make them want to find out what happens next.

2. Use strong language: Another way to grab a reader’s attention is to use strong language. This could be something as simple as using powerful words to describe the scene, or it could be using more intense language to create a more dramatic effect. Either way, using strong language will make the reader sit up and take notice.

3. Set the scene: Another great way to start your story is

Be yourself: admissions committees want to get to know you, so don’t try to be someone you’re not

Be honest: don’t try to exaggerate your accomplishments or hide your weaknesses.

Be specific: admissions committees want to know about your specific experiences and how they have affected you.

Be prepared: have a well-written, well-thought-out essay that you can easily adapt to different questions.

Be specific: focus on a few key experiences or qualities that you want to highlight

Some examples of qualities you might want to highlight are:

  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Problem solving
  • Determination
  • Patience
  • Organization
  • Communication

Be engaging: write in a way that is both interesting and informative

Be engaging: write in a way that is both interesting and informative. Write with a purpose in mind, whether it is to inform or entertain your reader. Keep your writing lively and interesting by using strong verbs, active voice, and concrete images.

Edit, edit, edit: your essay should be free

When you are editing your essay, you should look for any spelling or grammatical errors. You should also make sure that your essay flows well and that your ideas are clearly expressed.

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