The Family Tree: A Genogram

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Genogram A genogram gives information about the internal structure of a family and of its wider context, much like a family tree. A genogram broadly follows the conventions of a genetic chart. Usually at least three generations of a family are recorded, each generation occupying a separate horizontal level on the chart A genogram is relevant to family assessment for many reasons as it allows for information to be summarised and viewed in a simple manner; it also provides a method for gaining insight into family development and functioning.

The ability to view and analyse this information offers new insights to the family and can be a catalyst for change. The process of putting a genogram together with the family is a family assessment in itself if it’s done well. It is very important consider ways in which the child and family can be involved in the process.

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To maximise the value of the genogram as a vehicle to initiate conversation and establish rapport it is important to engage the family in the exercise (Glasper, 2010) Genograms can also be a useful tool in refraining behaviour, relationships, and time connections within a family, and in normalizing the family’s perception of itself. When family members present at the physician’s office, they have usually adopted their own view of the problem and what needs to be changed. By using the genogram, the physician can organize questions around key family life experiences: birth, marriage, life transitions, illness, and death.

Collecting information in this way can open a rigid family system and help the patient get in touch with paralysing emotional and blocked personal issues. (Watson, 2005). Health and Social Issues The Kaufman Family Actual issuesPotential Issues Tina has no relationship/contact with her biological father or brotherLose sense of belonging Tina’s mother has had a significant drinking problem for the last 5 yearsThis can cause household and family breakdown

Tina skips meals to study in the library and limits her weight to 56. kg-then turning to low fat bagel, yoghurt, fruit and veg diet only and weighs herself everydayAnorexia, could also impact her love of sporting activities Tina’s mum Barbara has noticeable signs of depressionBarbara could get chronic depression, this may affect her marriage, relationship with her daughter Tina’s mum hesitant about seeing her parents as her husband Stephen dislikes them and this puts a strain on her marriageThis could make her resent her husband as he is making her choose between him and her parents.

The Kaufman family doesn’t have any close friendsIsolation and loneliness Tina’s mother Barbara doesn’t recognise the importance of healthy eating Tina’s weight could spiral of out control as there isn’t anyone close to her that understand the importance of healthy eating The two main health and social issues that we will be discussing are eating disorders and depression and how they affect the family function. Tina weighs herself every day and is 56. kg; she limits her diet to bagels, low-fat yoghurts, fruits and salads when her weight goes above 56. 5kg. When a child develop s an eating disorder, the entire family is affected, even friends. Parents are faced with the stress of adapting to the illness, whilst supporting their child. Parents may experience a large amount of emotions such as guilt, anger, anxiety, fear and denial. A lot of the time, these negative emotions prevents parents from acceptance of the issue.

Garfinkel and Garner (1982) state that having a child with an eating disorder can bring out significant changes in both the familial as well as the marital relationship (Adrienne, Gilbert & Shaw, 2000). Tina’s mother Barbara has had noticeable signs of depression for the past five years. Depression or substance abuse in a spouse or partner can increase the risk of the development of problems among children through increased stress and poorer family functioning.

School-age and adolescent children may appear anxious and depressed, may have difficulty relating to peers, and may have school problems (Nicholson and Clayfield, 2004). A study conducted by Jacob and Johnson (1997, 2001) studied parent-child interaction with depressed mothers, father and not depressed parents. It was found that depression in either parent caused adjustment difficulties in children. In families with a depressed mother, relationships showed negativity between mother and daughter (Marshall & Jaques, 2008).

Family Strengths Togetherness- Tina’s family share the same religious beliefs, they support her sporting ambition and are involved in her athletic activities Sharing activities- the family attends Sunday services together and youth centred groups Support- The family support Tina’s athletic dedication and most of their lives revolve around this Sharing values- the family share a spiritual values and attend church together on a regular basis (Greggie, DeFrain, Hitchcock and Silberberg, 2000)

The two main family strengths that will be discussed are sharing values (religion) and sharing activities. Religion practice and regular attendance to church is linked to healthy, stable family life, strong marriages and well-behaved children. Families that incorporate religion into their lives also lead to a reduction of domestic abuse, crime, substance abuse, and addiction. It also increases mental health, longevity and education attainment (Fagan, 2006). A study was conducted by Coldwell, n. on the religious effects on Levels of family functioning determined that families that attended church and participated in other religious activities and family prayer showed the greatest effects on levels of family functioning( Coldwell, n. d). According to the Family Strengths Research Project, the identified family strengths in Tina’s family are all viewed as coping strategies, sharing activities can be defined as “the things that all members of the family do with each other to reinforce and strengthen their togetherness.

The respondents mentioned a wide range of activities that they enjoy doing together, e. g: sharing interest in each other’s hobbies: attending each other’s performances/sport matches, parents becoming involved in the children’s school/sports/hobbies (Greggie, DeFrain, Hitchcock and Silberberg, 2000) . By spending time together, families build a reserve of good feelings and are able to cope with personal and family crisis much more effectively (Thompson, 2008).

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The Family Tree: A Genogram. (2016, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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