Gluten Free Diet: Explanation and Benefits

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A gluten-free diet is a way of life for the person with celiac disease, a digestive disorder due to severe gluten sensitivity. No one needs to tell them to stay completely off of gluten, the protein component found in many grains. But what about people with joint pain, brain fog, loss of balance or other neurological and auto-immune disorders? All of these problems have also been linked with gluten consumption. One out of every 133 healthy adults in the United States, (University of Chicago Celiac Disease Program 2006), has celiac disease and accompanying digestive problems if they eat any foods with gluten.

Gluten is the protein component of several grains. A variety of factors, including genetic inheritance, infections, liver function and even a summer birthday can influence gluten sensitivity. My research proposal will be THE BENEFITS OF A GLUTEN FREE DIET. A gluten-free diet is not only a way of life for the person with celiac disease, a digestive disorder due to severe gluten sensitivity. My thesis we present strong, current, and scientific evidence to express the growing concerns with gluten. No one needs to tell anyone to stay completely off of gluten, the protein component found in many grains.

But what about people with joint pain, brain fog, loss of balance or other neurological and auto-immune disorders? All of these problems have also been linked with gluten consumption. One out of every 133 healthy adults in the United States, (University of Chicago Celiac Disease Program 2006), has celiac disease and accompanying digestive problems if they eat any foods with gluten. Gluten is the protein component of several grains. A variety of factors, including genetic inheritance, infections, liver function and even a summer birthday can influence gluten sensitivity.

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Gluten Free Diet: Explanation and Benefits. (2017, Apr 02). Retrieved from

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