“Haste Is Waste” In Romeo And Juliet

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When talking to Friar Laurence after word of Romeos banishment, Juliet quickly agrees to take an unknown substance to knock her out and fool everyone that she is dead, when she is really in a deep sleep. She doesn’t even know if it will work or not. After giving the vial to Juliet, she says, “Give me, give me! After a immix and Romeo gets misinformed that Juliet is dead, he gets so upset and kills himself without really thinking about it. If he only waited a little while, or consulted Friar Laurence, he would find out that Juliet ally was not dead. Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight.  Let’s see for means- O mischief, thou art swift. To enter in the thoughts of desperate, Romeo says when hearing the news for the first time of Gullet’s He had only known from one source, Blathers, of what happened to Juliet and that was one of the first things he had said. Neither of them would have died if they weren’t so hasty. The hastiness of the Capsules made it almost impossible for Romeo and Juliet to be together. The Capsules rushed a wedding for Juliet without knowing she as already married to Romeo.

A little after Juliet wed Romeo, the Capsules all of a sudden made a wedding date for Juliet to marry Paris two days after they told her about it. Capsule says to Paris and Lady Capsule of Juliet, on Monday after Table’s death, “Wife, go you to her ere you go to bed, Acquaint her here of my son Paris’ love, And bid her, marabou me, on Wednesday next-I But, soft, what day is . Juliet was not able to tell her parents about her love for Romeo, since he was a Montague. Her parents would object so quickly, and be outraged.

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This is a form of haste because the Caplet’s would give quick, thoughtless thinking about Romeo, even though he is a gentleman. ‘ii Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?  Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love. And I’ll no longer be a Capsule. ” Juliet says this on her balcony after the first time she meets Romeo, and is asking why he has to be Romeo, a Montague. The only reason she is worried about his identity is because of her parent’s. The Capsules had played a great role in the “haste is hem.

The fighting between the Capsules and the Montages played a role in the same theme as well. One of the bad fights was be;en Table and Romeo. After Table accidental killed Mercuric, Romeo gets so mad and needs to seek revenge on him. So, he kills Table out of rage and anger without even thinking about the consequences. “Now, Table, take the “-villain’ back again. That late though agaves me; for Americium’s soul. Is but a little way above our heads, Staying for thin to keep him company] Either thou, or I, or both, must go with.

Romeo says this quote to Table after killing Mercuric, otherwise meaning that Romeo was going to kill Table, or at least make an attempt to. The Capsules are so resentful after Romeo kills Table, that they demand him to be killed. Instead, the Prince decides to banish him. The Capsules were so quick to say that just because Romeo was a Montague, but it really messed up everything between him and Juliet. After the fight, Lady Capsule comes, without knowing what had happened and says, “He is a kinsman to the Montague,’ Affection makes him false, he speaks not rue. Some twenty of them fought in this black strife, And all those twenty could but kill one life. ” I beg for justice, which thou, prince, must give.  Romeo slew Table, Romeo must not live. ” The Capsules were so quick to put down the Montages, and vice versa. All this hastiness led up to the death of Romeo and Juliet. Without the quick mindless actions, Romeo and Juliet would have most likely been alive and together. Although the two families were at a civil brawl with each other, the cause of everything was haste.

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“Haste Is Waste” In Romeo And Juliet. (2018, Mar 28). Retrieved from


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