How does art influence people

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Art has the ability to inspire people to become artists themselves, unlocking their imagination and pushing them to create something of beauty and importance. It is often used in advertising, with iconic images contributing to getting attention and people to join organizations or buy products. Art also influences people to donate money to the arts, ensuring that artists have the resources to create. Art inspires people in different ways, rekindling memories or motivating them to take up new hobbies. The magical thing about art is that it influences everyone differently.

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Art in any form, whether experienced in a theater, museum, gallery, or store, has a captivating influence that motivates individuals to become artists and produce their own artwork. It serves as an inspirational force, awakening the dormant imagination, talent, and skill within a person. By unlocking one’s fears and self-doubt regarding artistic creation, art propels individuals onward toward embracing mediums such as paintbrushes and cameras.

Art possesses the ability to kindle a deep passion within individuals, driving them to create something exquisite and meaningful. By being part of the community of artists who have inspired them, individuals find themselves compelled to contribute their own creations to the very thing that ignited their own inspiration.

Art in advertising is frequently employed to draw attention and encourage people to join organizations and purchase products. Well-known images like the notorious Uncle Sam “I Want You for US Army” poster, Aunt Jemima on maple syrup bottles, and Tony the Tiger on Frosted Flakes cereal boxes all contribute to this effort. These images have gained recognition and fame beyond the actual number of product users or organization members, highlighting the extensive impact of art in advertising.

The arts have a powerful influence in motivating people to financially support them. These supporters, commonly referred to as patrons, contribute funds to organizations like The New York Metropolitan Opera. This money is used for various purposes, such as producing artistic works and maintaining the venues where they are presented. Furthermore, patrons often serve as benefactors for individual artists by providing financial assistance that enables these artists to fully dedicate themselves to their craft.

Art has the power to inspire individuals in various ways. For instance, a particular song or sculpture may trigger a nostalgic memory and encourage someone to reconnect with an old acquaintance or partner. Similarly, encountering a painting of a past travel destination can ignite the desire to revisit that place. Likewise, attending a musical or opera performance might motivate someone to enroll in singing lessons, enabling them to sing along with their favorite piece while driving. The beauty of art lies in its ability to elicit diverse experiences and therefore, influence each person uniquely.

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How does art influence people. (2016, Jul 06). Retrieved from

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