Most people would usually work in a job that pays well while living in a good environment with a healthy family. However, there are some people who tried to work at a job that pays less money to help take care of their family in menial labor jobs. An author that recognizes the problem is Joey Franklin who writes about his own experiences in life. He had a good reason to write his essay based on the phenomena of low paying jobs. Franklin uses his experience with working fast food to give his audience an insider’s peak. It gives reflection about the working environment to working at home. Joey Franklin contribution to the literary landscape is immense because he addresses low-wage jobs, home and job environment, and the balance of work in terms of family care. Joey Franklin, like a lot of American writer’s, has to lead a colorful life. He is an American essayist who writes nonfiction and professor at Brigham Young University who teaches creative writing. Franklin engages in writing interesting topics based on his own experiences from “Working at Wendy’s” and My Wife Wants to Know I’m Happily Married. Franklin shares his own experiences with others in his essay by addresses his problem in work and home environment. He earned a degree in BA English at Brigham Young University in 2007, MA literature and creative writing at Ohio University in 2009, and Ph.D. literature and creative writing at Texas Tech University in 2012. Franklin is different from other American writers by understanding how his writing style consists of nonfiction from creative writing to incorporating hard facts in his essay. Franklin gave an idea to address the problem involving low-wage jobs.
Most job wages can vary from a high-paid job to a low-wage job. Some people would get a high-paying job from attending college while they had to get a low-paying job after dropping out of school. When Franklin wrote his essay on “Working at Wendy’s,” he described how working at a fast-food restaurant can affect his home life. The workers who worked at a fast-food restaurant earn fewer wages than the other jobs. Despite the fact that workers were paid less in most fast-food restaurants, other restaurants decided to open more jobs with longer work hours. According to Allabaugh, a reporter from The Citizen’s Voice, “Our job growth over the past several years hasn’t been rapid as the state as whole” (Jobs across area). Allabaugh is insisting that the job growth not made any progress to deal with the loss of jobs because people struggled to find a job after the economy recently collapsed in the past decade. Despite the fact that employees continue to receive fewer wages from working full-time or part-time job. Earning fewer wages can become a problem because workers continued to work on a menial job that would lead to quitting their job. Unlike other American writers who write literature and creative writing, Franklin’s writing style shows his reflection on being a worker at a fast-food restaurant to a father at home. He was known for addressing his statement about the work environment.
Franklin express the issue in the work environment by giving a specific idea on reflecting his experience toward his audience. In his book My Wife Wants You Know I’m Happily Married, Franklin informs how he compares manhood to taking care of his children as a father. His writing style comprises of giving reflection about his experiences about the problem involving both work and home environment. In fact, Franklin often explains that “Some guys are only care about that thing” (95). Basically, Franklin is saying that men often faced with stereotypes from other women because most husbands would only care about themselves than taking care of their children at home. This provides an example of Franklin’s writing style to understand the expression of incorporating concern in his essay. Franklin wrote his essay on the topic of working at a fast-food restaurant and staying at home to give reflection about his experience. Franklin addresses both the problems in the home and job environment. Despite the fact that involves between in the workplace or at home. Most people would depend on whether the home and job environment is good or not. Franklin describes his experience in the work environment more difficult compared to his home life. There are homeless people who lived somewhere in towns or cities, workers felt bothered in the work environment. Franklin states, “Homeless people make us all incredibly uncomfortable, so please stay out of sight so we can go back to ignoring the fact of your existence” (63). Franklin is insisting that other people felt uncomfortable to see the homeless people because they often affect the work and home environment in every towns and city.
The population of homeless people will continue to affect in both environments. Most workers would notice the homeless people were sleeping in front of the store, other people would often see them living nearby in the neighborhood. This would lead to a problem where homeless people continue to stay nearby the work or home environment. Franklin expresses the problem to balance the amount of work in terms of family care. Parenting is one of the toughest jobs to take care of their child at home. Franklin expresses concern tone in his essay about working on a job to help support his family while supporting his child at home. Most parents had to keep themselves busy between work and home. While most husbands go to work, most wives would have to look after their children at home. This is used to be common for women to stay at home to take care of their children at home. According to Hoffman, a writer for U.S. Catholic, “It was really hard on hard fronts, personally. But 4 out of 10 women who had children under 18 are the primary breadwinners of their household, so it’s hard for many, many more” (12). Hoffman is insisting that wives would usually stay at home because it often becomes difficult for most women to take care of their children at home.
Most wives would feel the burden to take care of their children at home. Although women are going to work in the past year, it is uncommon for wives to take care of their children at home. If women planned to work at a job, husbands would have to look after their child at home. Although it is unusual for some husbands to take care of their children at home, parents are required to busy at work and home. Franklin influenced his audience to understand the perspective view in his writing. He wrote his essay for the city community to express their opinions on the conditions of working a menial job while taking care of their family. Readers provide the idea to understand the moral of his essay involving family and working environment. The purpose for Franklin to write his essay was addressing the problem by learning the truth about the work and home environment. He is known for writing nonfiction into his essay. Franklin expresses a sincere opinion about his experience of working at a fast-food restaurant and taking care of his child at home. According to the website from Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies, “Thoreau’s essay is a natural history of a quality well beyond the scope of the bottom-line-minded legislators. It is a natural history written for those who love…their spiritual, psychological, and emotional value” (“Joey Franklin”). In other words, Franklin believes Thoreau’s teaching had inspired him to write nonfiction because unless other American writers, he writes his essay by learning through his experience to give a reflection in a concerned tone.
His writing style consists of writing nonfiction by incorporating his experience into hard facts in order to address the problem of working in a work and home environment. Joey Franklin contributes to the literary landscape by addressing low-wage jobs, work and home environment, and the balance of work in term of family care. He managed to convince his audience to understand the situation by comparing working at a menial labor job to working at home from his writing. Franklin taught how working at a low-wage job can have consequences if employees worked on a full or part-time job for longer hours. He often engages in addressing the problem about homeless people in the work and home environment. Franklin expresses concern for parents who had problems between at work and home regard of family care. His writing style managed to grab attention from his audience to learn the dark truth about menial labor jobs and family care. He allows his audience to engage in learning more about his writing style. Compare to other American writers, Franklin provided his readers with an insight to understand the truth about the work and home environment. Although his contribution of writing opinions about his experience between at work and home. Franklin will forever be known for writing nonfiction based on his own experiences in the literary landscape.