Literary Analysis: Romeo and Juliet

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Metaphors are a useful literary device that help enhance the readers interpretation of the author’s intent and they provide clarity to the context. Gullet’s love is being expressed through the use of multiple complex metaphors that intensify the comprehension of the ideas. On page 40 line 133 Juliet expresses her love for Romeo in multiple different metaphors ” My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep[… ]. ” This tells us how much Romeo means to Juliet, she is comparing her love for Romeo to the “boundless sea”; therefore, this means that Gullet’s love is infinite– like the orison, it goes on forever.

Also by Juliet using this certain metaphor she wanted Romeo to know that their love would be unfathomable, like not knowing how deep the sea is. The sea is also a great analogy because it represents many of the qualities of love: it has the tempestuous characteristics, the reassuring and calming qualities of the waves washing on the beach, the sea has treasure deep within it, like the heart has love deep within. When reading these metaphors it conjures up mental image in the readers mind, along with any other related experiences and personal knowledge providing the best understanding of the text.

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Another example is on page 68 lines 21-25 it is said that “Give me my Romeo; and when I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun. ” Juliet fearful of death without her Romeo, desires his presence with her in heaven; furthermore, common knowledge says that heaven is out of our reach among the stars. Juliet is concerned about spending eternity alone, hence she cuts up Romeo to keep her company amidst the stars.

The heaven-lies are revered as the quintessential expression of cosmic beauty, but Romeos face will make it even more extravagant. Like the sun rising in the morning drawing the worlds attention, Romeos starlight will not only capture the gaze Of onlookers but their hearts as well. Romeos feelings are being captured through many intricate metaphors to describe the physical attributes of Juliet as well as his own desires for her. When Romeo is describing Juliet he says, 36 line 2-6, “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! Arise , fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and ale with grief. The sun is life and light, with its rising, Romeos hopes grow and his loneliness retreats with the darkness. He is comparing his fair Juliet to the rising sun, the sun is such a beautiful thing and comparing Juliet with such a highly worshiped object continues to keep the audience informed about his emotions. The sun lights up the whole world, as Juliet brings light to Romeos life; moreover, the sun is also the biggest star in the center of the solar system, as Juliet is the center of Romeos life. The sun rises in the morning, which starts day the for most everyone.

Romeos morning begins with Gullet’s sun rays on his face and in his heart. When the sun rises it kills all of the darkness and the fear of the unknown; Consequently, Romeos sense of loss is dispelled in her presence. Juliet is being metaphorically compared with the sun, where fixating on it can be harmful yet one is compelled to stare nonetheless. Further evidence is shown on page 29 lines 46-50, “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night As a rich jewel in an Ethiopia Ear-?Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! ”

Romeo informs us that Juliet burns brighter than that of the torches , metaphorically torches can not be taught to burn bright; even so, Juliet visage is beyond compare. Torches never being used in the day, tells us that she stands out amongst the darkness; all in all, the darkness being figuratively compared to all other women, and Romeo only sees her. She the jewel that stands out against the dark Ethiopia skin, drawing the attention of all who would behold her. She is simply to be admired and not tarnished by use. Juliet is too fine for the earth, belonging in the heavens amongst the angels.

Going anywhere besides earth would either be heaven or hell, in this case Romeo sees Juliet as a prized possession; furthermore, she belongs in the heavens with angels that are as great as she. Juliet is one of the heavenly bodies incarnate upon the earth, here only to be loved by Romeo. This helps us comprehend the unconditional love that Romeo feels for Juliet. With such intricate metaphors used throughout all of Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet it benefits the reader with constant evidence of the unique and extravagant love that the two main characters share.

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Literary Analysis: Romeo and Juliet. (2018, Mar 28). Retrieved from

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