Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., Parasuraman (1985) In order to achieve rationality the models of business excellence also, in a way, determine whether the criteria have been met, but the evaluation of business excellence is based not only on the fulfillment of the set criteria but also on the determination of the level up to which the criteria have been fulfilled (systems of points).
On the other hand, when analyzing a large number of companies, it is possible to compare data and obtain a realistic picture of the position of an individual company compared to others regarding quality.
The upper part of the model (Image 1.) includes phenomena tied to the consumer, while the lower part shows phenomena tied to the supplier of services.
The expected service is the function of earlier experiences of the consumer, their personal needs and oral communication. Communication with the market also influences the expected service. Experienced service, here called perceived service, is the result of a series of internal decisions and activities. The management’s perceptions of the consumer’s expectations are the guiding principle when deciding on the specifications of the quality of service that the company should follow in providing service. If there are differences or discrepancies in the expectations or perceptions between people involved in providing and consuming services, a “service quality gap” can occur, as shown in image 1. Since there is a direct connection between the quality of service and the satisfaction of clients in hotel industry, it is important for the company to spot a gap in the quality of service.
The first possible gap is the knowledge gap. It is the result of the differences in managing knowledge and their real expectations. This gap can lead to other gaps in the process of service quality and is, among other things, caused by:
- Incorrect information in market researches and demand analysis;
- Incorrect interpretations of information regarding expectations;
- Lack of information about any feedback between the company and the consumers directed to the management;
- Too many organizational layers that hinder or modify parts of information in their upward movement from those involved in contact with the consumers.
The second possible gap is that of standard. It is the result of differences in managing knowledge of the client’s expectations and the process of service provision (delivery).
This gap is the result of:
- mistakes in planning or insufficient planning procedures;
- bad management planning;
- lack of clearly set goals in the organization;
- Insufficient support of the top management to service quality planning.
The management can be right in evaluating the client’s expectations and develop business methods to satisfy these expectations, without the employees being correct in providing service. For example, a restaurant can order the waiters to serve the customers in two minutes after they sit at the table. Nevertheless, the waiters can ignore that specification and talk between them on the side.
The fourth possible gap is the communication gap arising when there is a difference between the delivered service and the service that the company promised to the clients via external communications.
The reasons are:
- the planning of communication with the market is not integrated with the services;
- lack or insufficient coordination between traditional marketing and procedures;
- organizational performance not in keeping with the specifications, while the policy of communication with the market abides by the given specifications;
- tendency to exaggerate in accordance with exaggerated.
Should any of the mentioned gaps arise; the “service gap” will also appear because the real service will not satisfy the client’s expectations. Hotel companies try to detect the “service gap” with survey questionnaires. Gap analysis is the fill conductor for the management to find the causes of problems regarding quality and to find suitable ways to remove such gaps. For this reason the first four gaps are also called organizational or internal gaps.
The treatment by prerequisite is limited. Satisfaction model is confidential into both a macro and a micro stage to create our appearance easy. Rationally dialogue, the macro-models consider the micro-models, and be related in concepts should come about. Several additional researchers may also draw near the conceptualization of these models in an exclusively dissimilar mode. Researchers who perform customer fulfillment revision could expand from consulting the understanding works as well as the works earlier cited. The peak of in sequence that the forecaster can evaluate may devour a massive amount in time and effort, but the compensation of expressive what is destined by customer satisfaction models can also assist in outlook investigation which significant. At the very slightest, exploit of the above objects will provide crucial balance in whichever attempt to recognize customer satisfaction.