Mission and goals Faye branch

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I have always loved learning especially when I know that I am doing it for a certain reason that is worth putting forth effort on. I have and would always be thankful for that particular attitude that I have towards education and learning. As I grew older I knew that I had to learn more, but I did not realize that at this age, I would find this much joy in learning as I see the progress that I am making as a person, as a student, as a worker, as a family keeper and as a writer. Hence, as I continued to tae the challenge of learning more, I began to create a mission that would push me to pursue a personal change necessary to enhance my personality and the ways by which I am able to express myself through writing. This in turn would give me a better chance to improve the ways by which I furnish my relationships with my family and friends and also create an inviting for me to finish my duties at work well and acceptable for the people that I choose to serve.

I am a visual learner who is able to comprehend with the lessons that are presented to me especially when they are visually shown to me. Pictures and other visual aides primarily help me in coping up with the lessons that are presented to me everyday. IT is through this particular way of learning that I found adult education interesting and suitable for my kind of learner. It helped me to see the use of words in a creative way to be able to express myself as a student. It is through this learning that gaining education regardless of my age became a much enjoyable step for me to take and a much worthwhile experience that I have ever handled in my life.

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Although learning was great, I have to admit that getting through with it was not that easy. Juggling my work and school with the time that I need to spend with my family actually was a great challenge that I had to deal with while I was learning. Establishing a new “me” who would be able to handle the issues and the works along with the motivation that I have to continue enhancing within me is actually one of the most moving and most exciting processes that I dealt with in this phase of my life.

As a person, I continue to aim for betterment in my personality. As I pursue this adult course, I know that I could still further improve not only the ways by which I write down my thoughts but also improve my ways of expressing myself for others to understand my stand on things better. In my career, I know two that I can still improve the way that I perform at work. To actually handle human needs through reaching out to their needs is actually a dream come true for me. Through the college education that I am taking right now, I know that getting that particular aim to work out would not be as hard as it looks as the skills I learn now would help me out in creating better ways to see to the needs of the people that I would later on choose to serve.

Overall, I could say that this education suits my needs and the demands that I have as a learner. It has been among the most rewarding experiences in my life that I would be able to sue in every aspect of development that I need to face. Back then, I had so much trouble in writing down my thoughts. I never thought I would enjoy writing this much after this course. To sum it all up, I now have a better motivation to improve my ways of writing and better reasons to increase my competency in the said field of learning. I have then created a five point goal for me to improve further with regards the ways by which I write done my thoughts:

(a) become more concise yet informative to my readers;

(b) develop a more reader-inviting way of writing;

(c) become a better source of information for my readers’ benefit;

(d) become a more expressive person through writing;

(e) develop a variety of writing approaches that best fits the writing needs of a certain required work.

Through these goals I can see that I could still improve further and better the ways by which I reach out to my readers. This way, my writing would be of much purpose and would gain better results not only for my reader but also for myself.


Arlov, Pamela (2006). Wordsmith: Guide to College Writing. Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition. ISBN: 0131949934.

Scott, Julia D., Edna M. Troiano. The Contemporary Writer. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2001.

Clouse, Barbara Fine. A Troubleshooting Guide for Writers: Strategies and Process. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

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Mission and goals Faye branch. (2017, Jan 07). Retrieved from


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