Motivation for Studying and Creating a Career in Psychology

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When I was 14 years old, I saw my grandfather go through depression and saw how it affected my family and their reactions. It is well-known that people have different ways of dealing with mental and physical health problems. However, because it can be hard to recognize or accept mental health issues at first, they are frequently ignored.

In Asia, the societal perception of mental health problems is negative and secretive, resulting in limited dialogue and comprehension. During my high school years, psychology captivated me greatly, specifically the notion of unlearning. The concept of relinquishing ingrained behaviors and convictions inherited from my parents, like making inappropriate remarks about a girl’s physique or harboring biases against certain communities, intrigues me profoundly.

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While people watching, I frequently contemplate the nature of reality for individuals. It dawned on me that reality is constructed based on individual perspectives, as pointed out by Kenneth V. Hardy. This realization enhanced my understanding of others.

Having finished the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACEI) and studying psychology, including the works of Freud, Jung, Erikson, and Maslow, I gained confidence in choosing psychology as my career. My interest in this field was initially ignited by my grandfather’s mental illness. However, my focus lies on two specific areas: social psychology which explores individuals from various angles, and UI/UX psychology that merges cognitive and behavioral psychology to comprehend people’s interactions with designs and technology.

Through 12 years of studying piano, I have honed my ability to effectively manage my time and effort. This skill allows me to balance my academic pursuits with practicing the piano. Furthermore, this experience has molded me into a disciplined individual who is dedicated to achieving the goals I set for myself. Despite moments when giving up seemed tempting, my inner determination always propelled me forward.

In addition to my musical pursuits, art has played a significant role in my life since childhood. It has ignited an interest in design within me. Whenever inspiration strikes, I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself through casual drawing or painting.

However, as I have matured, technology has become my primary passion and fascination. It surpasses all other interests that once captivated me. Now, I aspire to create something innovative and impactful in the digital realm.

Throughout my first year at Taylor’s Lakeside campus in Malaysia, I frequently assumed the position of group leader for our university projects. This offered me an opportunity to push myself and cultivate my leadership abilities rather than simply being a passive team member. Throughout the semester, I gained enhanced aptitude in conflict resolution and receiving criticism, as well as refining my time management skills and work ethic. Assuming a leadership role has increased my engagement in my studies and bolstered my self-assurance.

Ever since my visit to Japan in 2019, I have been longing to study in the UK. I am eager to encounter different weather patterns and make new acquaintances. During that particular year, I was fortunate enough to witness the enchanting cherry blossoms and experience snowfall for the very first time. It was a delightful experience accompanied by breathtaking scenery. Consequently, my ambition is to pursue psychology studies in the UK as it will not only enrich my cultural intelligence but also offer unparalleled perspectives that are unattainable elsewhere.

My current aspiration is to become a UI/UX designer, and obtaining a psychology degree in the UK would greatly assist me in reaching my professional objectives.

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Motivation for Studying and Creating a Career in Psychology. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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