Theme of Revenge In “Othello” By Shakespeare

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 Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

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Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for
the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know
any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in
this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people
around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the
handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will
not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will
not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It
is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play,
falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the
protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and
upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for
the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds
on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion
and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t
let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once
consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play.
When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know
any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William
Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets
jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people
around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the
handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will
not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will
not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It
is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play,
falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the
protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and
upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for
the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds
on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion
and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t
let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once
consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play.
When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know
any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William
Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets
jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people
around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the
handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will
not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will
not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It
is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play,
falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the
protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and
upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for
the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds
on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion
and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t
let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once
consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play.
When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief. Jealousy, once consumed, will take over the mind and body, and not only hurt the people around that individual, but destroy that individual. In Othello, we see the protagonist fall guilty to jealousy, even though he has said that he doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him. Roderigo, because of love, gets jealous and ends up losing all his money. Iago, the villain in this play, falls prey to jealousy because of his pettiness from not getting a promotion and having certain suspicions that may or may not be true. In William Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago states, “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”(3.3.170-172). This quote talks about how Othello doesn’t want to know
any rumors that Iago has, but this teases Othello. Othello claims it will not bother him, so Iago tells him and Othello becomes upset. The jealousy

Othello ironically gives into jealousy even though he states that he will not let his feelings get in the way of anything. This is foreshadowing for the audience to look for something that will occur later on in the play. When Othello starts repeatedly asking Desdemona for her to show him the handkerchief it is the start of his jealous rage. He gets so frustrated and upset that he shouts for her to give him the handkerchief.

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Theme of Revenge In “Othello” By Shakespeare. (2016, Jul 21). Retrieved from

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