Physical and Emotional Development

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Able to lift their heads a little while lying on their stomachs, watch objects for a worth period of time, make gurgling sounds and move away from uncomfortable sensations like a tickle. Emotional development. It links to this area as they are able to feel the emotions, when being tickled, therefore are able to move away. 3 – 6 months Prop themselves up while lying on their stomachs, recognize a bottle or breast, smile at someone, move their hands and feet and follow moving objects with their eyes.

Can hold their heads up for a long time, laugh, roll from their front to their back, grab onto objects and make speech-like sounds. Physical and emotional development as the child is able to recognize the milk outlet and know that there feed is coming next. 6 – 9 months Can move objects between their hands and also to their mouths, sit without support, coo, roll around and turn towards sounds. Physical and emotional development, as they can turn towards sounds, so they can act towards it. For example, if it was a sound they didn’t like, or are not familiar with, their emotions may lead them to cry/ get upset. – 12 months Can sit alone and change positions, say simple words like “mama” and “dada,” crawl around, respond to familiar faces and respond to their name. Communication and physical development, as they are starting to communicate, sing simple words. 1 – 2 years Will respond to questions, recognize photos, understand directions, kick a ball, turn the pages of a book and construct simple phrases. Communication, social, physical and intellectual development, as they are able to respond to questions and recognize things, which builds there development stages. – 4 years walk up stairs holding the railing, work with buttons, hop on one foot, open doors, stack objects, ask and answer simple questions and speak clearly. Intellectual development and physical development, as they are able to understand how to work toys and object, etc. – 7 years Can hop in place; throw a ball above their heads; wash their hands; copy a drawing; play with others; know their own gender, age and name; and recognize the six basic colors. Can run on tiptoe, understand time, write the alphabet, use correct grammar, play well with other kids and put on their shoes.

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Physical, communication, intellectual development, as they are able to understand what objects are for, such as throwing a ball. 7 – 12 years Enjoy activities that involve precise movements, such as hopscotch or skipping games. Interested in talking, listening, and reading and writing and enjoy games tit rules. Start to have a clear sense of right and wrong and see friendships as very important. Communication development, as their speech is improving and is interested in talking a lot. 12- 16 years Start to hit puberty. Getting spots/ acne, growing hair, change of moods.

Emotional development, as their emotions will change, while going through coping with the changes their body is going through. 16- 19 years Start to create own personal identity based upon the integration of values and a sense of self in relation to society, others, the opposite sex, the future, vocations, ideas, and the cosmos. To establish independence from the family. Emotional and intellectual development, as their starting to understand the feelings towards people and are generating new ideas for the future.

Table 2 Intellectual Development Age Range

An example of how this impacts on another aspect of development. -3 months Blinks in reaction to bright light Turns to soft light Stares at career Cries when basic needs require attention. Stares at soft light Gaze caught by and follows dangling ball. Follows movements of large and smaller objects. Physical development, as they are able to move and turn to things that they can e, such as soft light. 3- 6 months Very curious, easily distracted by movements Immediately fixes sight on small objects close by and reaches out to grasp them.

Physical development, as they are able to follow movements and start to get an understanding that things exist. -9 months Puts everything in mouth Watches toys fall from hand within range of vision. Looks in correct direction for falling toys. Physical development, as they are starting to understand where the noises are coming from, when a toy falls etc. 9- 12 months Drops toys deliberately and watches them fall – this is called ‘casting’ Looks in erect place for toys that have rolled out of sight Recognizes familiar people at 6 meters. Physical and behavioral development, as they understand that the toy will fall if they drop it. – 2 years Builds tower of three cubes when shown Turns pages of books, several at a time, enjoys picture books and can point to a named object Points to interesting objects outside Points to parts of the body. Physical development, as the child understands what objects are used for and how they work, such as turning the pages on a book. 2 – areas Copies circle and cross, draws man with head Matches two or three primary colors Paints with large brush, cuts with scissors.

Physical and social development, as they are able to draw what is in their mind and understands the use of some equipment. – 7 years Copies square, and range of letters – some spontaneously Draws man with head, body, arms, legs and features, and will draw house. Colors pictures neatly Names primary colors and matches ten or more colors. Knows time of day for basic activities, for example breakfast, bedtime. Matches symbols, letters and numbers. Can decide on lighter and heavier objects Understands, in front of, behind, next to Counts to 20 by rote. Ability to write developing, is able to write some words and copy others. Reads simple books Increasing sophistication in drawing and painting.

Knows birthday. Sight reads ten or more words. Can predict next events. Can count up to 100. Knows half and whole. Physical development, as are getting better at drawing and are starting to learn letters and colors etc. 7 – 12 years Able to understand concept of conservation , for example the amount of play dough remains the same if you make a ball of dough into a long, thin snake Developing the ability to think about several things at once Enjoys games and ales Understands the use of symbols in math, writing, etc. Great curiosity in relation to workings of his or her environment.

Can reason and apply logic to problems Can transfer information from one situation and use in another Becoming more creative in play Reading and writing confidently Increasing preferences for subjects Communication development, as can keep a conversation and can start to communicate in different ways. 12- 16 years Developing ability to think abstractly. Will question sources of information. Becoming more globally aware. Clear preferences for arts or sciences. Choices relating to future education and careers being thought about. Social development, as start to think about the future and the plans they want to make in life with socializing etc. 6- 19 years Increasing independent learning. Specialist’s subjects or courses. Increase in work load. Working to deadlines. Behavioral development, as they need to focus on their work and what they are wanting to do in the future, so will need to behave to understand to meet the deadlines and do the work.

Table 3: Communication development

Cries to show hunger, tiredness and distress. Recognizes different tones of voices. By three months an recognize career’s voice and is soothed by it. Smiles in response to others faces. Intellectual development, as are able to recognize certain voices and tones. – 6 months Still cries to show distress, but is more easily soothed. Babbles and coos. Babbles consist of short sounds – e. G. ‘ma ma dad dad’. Laughs, chuckles and even squeals. Physical development, as is able to be easily soothed, instead of crying and showing distress. 6 – 9 months Babbling makes up half of a baby’s non-crying sounds. Strings vowels and consonants together to make repetitive sounds, e. G. ‘Menominee, deadheaded’. Babbling becomes more tuneful and inventive, and by 9 months most of the sounds used are the ones needed for the language being learnt.

Physical and communication development, as the child is able to find different ways of communicating, such as babbling instead of crying so much. 9 – 12 At 10 months understand about seventeen words – e. G ‘bye-bye’. Uses gestures to ask for things – e. G. Points hand and whines to show adult what he/she wants. Enjoy games – e. G. Pat-a-cake. Physical development, as their communication is increasing and are able to use their body to try and tell you what they want. 1 -2 years First words appear at around 12 months, although will only be recognizable as a word to career – e. ‘deed’ to mean ‘drink’. Words are used to mean more than one thing depending on the intonation the baby uses – e. G. ‘deed’ is used to mean ‘l want a drink’, ‘ My drink is finished’. By 15 months children will have about 10 words that their careers can understand. Social development and communication development, as they are developing on their speech and are able to understand and use more words. 2 – 4 years Two words are put together – e. G ‘Bye-bye dog’. Telegraphic speech appears, with children using key words in a grammatical way – e. . ‘Dada come. Children’s vocabulary increases with children learning 10-30 words in a month. By 2 years, most children have 200 words. Quickly learns new words. Uses plurals – e. G. ‘dogs. ‘ Makes errors – e. G. ‘Sheep’, ‘Drawer. ‘ Speech is understood by strangers. Sentences contain four or more words and are grammatical. Vocabulary is large, with children knowing parts of their bodies, names of household objects, animals. Social and communication development, as they are able to understand the meaning of words and can use them. 4-7 years From four years on, children develop and refine language.

Mistakes become fewer and children start to enjoy using language as a means of socializing with others, expressing their needs and recounting what they have done. By 5 years vocabulary is about 5,000 words. Uses complex sentences correctly. Enjoys telling and hearing jokes. Understands that language can be written with symbols. Social development, as they are able to learn with others, such as socializing with friends can develop their communication, as they start to understand new words and their meanings. 7 – 12 years By 8 years most children are fluent speakers, readers and developing writers of heir language.

Intellectual development, as are able to communicate in more ways than just speech. 12- 16 years it is natural that he/she is able to express freely, with a wide range of vocabularies and varied presentation styles. Physical development, as are able to express themselves and are able to do it freely. 16 – 19 years Use of technology to contact friends. Social development, as are starting to communicate in different ways and have learnt how to use them.

Table 4: Social, Emotional and Behavioral Development

An example of how this impacts on another aspect of development. O – 3 months

Responds positively to main career Imitates facial expressions Stares at bright shiny objects Physical development, as the child can identify who their main career is. 3 -6 Smiles, engages and vocalizes with careers Physical development, as is able to face expressions, such as smile. 6 – 9 months Starts to show interest in other babies, smiles Becomes more interested in social interaction, depending on amount of time spent with other children and his or her personality Shows fear of strangers and distress at separation from career Interacts differently with various family members Uses comfort object, for example a blanket

Seeks attention Physical and intellectual development, as is starting to understand that there is others around them. Also the child can start to show fear, if is in a situation they are not familiar with. 9 – 12 months Very interested in all around Recognizes familiar and unfamiliar faces Shows stranger anxiety Intellectual and behavioral development, as is starting to show behavior on anxiety if not in familiar surroundings, or with familiar people. – 2 years More demanding and assertive, emotionally volatile Temper tantrums may start Unhappy at changes in routine Expresses rage at being told ‘no’ Distinguishes between self and others, but still egocentric – only concerned with his or her own Blew of the world Shows definite emotions and is aware of the emotions of others Will play alone Starting to develop object permanence Behavioral development, as starting to get more demanding and is starting to understand what they want and a way of how to get it. – 4 years Shows stranger shyness Dislikes changes in routine Starts toilet training Starts to have tantrums when upset Has separate sense of self – egocentric Little idea of sharing and strong sense of ‘mine’. Enjoys other children’s company UT reluctant to share toys May show concern when another child is upset Engages in parallel play (alongside others) Remains egocentric Becoming emotionally stable, but still prone to mood swings Learning to separate from career for short periods, for example while at nursery Knows own identity Behavioral development, as shows different behavior, such as shyness, anger etc. – 7 years Enjoys co-operative and dramatic play Understands co-operation and competition

Responds to reasoning Can take turns Enjoys independence but still needs comfort and reassurance Becomes engrossed in activities Develops fears of ghosts, things under the bed Concerned about being disliked Good sense of self awareness developed Communication and physical development, as is starting to communicate in different ways, such as when playing and is able to understand competition. 12 years Able to form firm friendships Very supportive of each other, playing complex games Plays in separate sex groups Fairly independent and confident Increasing sense of morality (right and wrong) Friendships become very important – mostly same sex Concern at thoughts of others about them Often unsure about changes in settings Communication development, as the child can communicate with friends and are bled to use the communication to play games and help each other. 2 – 16 years Body changes can upset self esteem Need to resolve changes into adulthood Some are more assured about changes in settings Wants to spend more time with friends than family Peer pressure a significant influence. Physical and social development, as their body changes, the child needs to understand why and develop. Also they want to socialist more with friends and become more independent. Task B Complete the table below, showing the effects on children and young people’s development of each type of influence, also recording why recognizing and espousing to each one is important.

Give ONE example of the effect on children and young people’s development Why recognizing and responding to this is important. Background One effect is a child from a traveling community. It is important to include outside agencies for their continuity of learning. Health A child with a serious illness. So the career can adapt any learning or activity for the particular child. Environment A child with a large amount of siblings So the child is made to feel important and equal. And can adapt to the life they live as not being an only child. Such as sharing.

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Physical and Emotional Development. (2018, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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