Qwertyuiop: Secretary and Belmont Secretarial College

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Based on the short narrative. QWERTYUIOP. compose about a character that you like. Give three grounds why you like the character and supply grounds to back up your grounds. In the short narrative. QWERTYUIOP. the character whom I like is Lucy Beck. She was the chief character in the narrative. She had merely finished analyzing in Belmont Secretarial College and was looking for a occupation. She was lucky because she got a occupation at Ross and Bannister’s. I like Lucy Beck because she was a determined individual.

In the beginning. Lucy had no assurance in acquiring a occupation. Even the principal in the college was dubious because Lucy was a really slow typist. Lucy was determined to acquire the occupation as she came from a hapless household. She was tired of eating macaroni cheese. adust beans and have oning second-hand apparels. She needed money to alter her life-style. Lucy was besides a brave individual. When she started working at Ross and Bannister’s she had jobs. The spirit of a former secretary. Miss Broome. was stalking the typewriter she used.

The spirit chased off all the old secretaries. However. Lucy did non allow the spirit frighten her. She needed the occupation and she courageously confronted the spirit and managed to carry her to go forth the office. Another ground why I like Lucy Beck is because she was intelligent. Although she was really slow at typing. her intelligence helped her to convert Miss Broome to go forth and non stalk the office any longer. She managed to garner information about Miss Broome from Harry Darke. a worker at the office.

Using the information. she praised Miss Broome stating that she was a good worker and that her late foreman. Mr Bannister. missed her a batch. She besides said that Mr Bannister still needed her services. In this manner she managed to acquire rid of Miss Broome’s spirit and she can go on to work in the office peacefully. In decision. I like Lucy Beck because she looked simple and undistinguished but she is able to support her work utilizing her ain intelligence. bravery and finding.

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Qwertyuiop: Secretary and Belmont Secretarial College. (2017, Sep 15). Retrieved from


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