“Speak To The Hand” by Lakita Garth

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Our group chose Speak To The Hand by Lakita Garth. This song talks about the healthrisks of casual sex, and sexual encounters. We chose it because of its positive messageand the good results that would take place in the event this concept would be heeded. Wealso chose it because of its rapid, up beat tempo that stimulates movement, which is anexcellent way to keep fit.

First of all, the message that is being exhibited is that abstinence should beexercised, no sex is the safest sex and that excuses will not protect you from reality. Itpresents all the defenses employed such as, dysfunctional family, no will power, beenincarcerated, peer pressure, its only their job, they needed the money, they were goingto get married eventually, its their body its their choice and even that whateverhappens, happens.

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Speak To The Hand lets you know that excuses are not O.K., andsays that If you know who you are and what you are supposed to do then you wouldntcontinue to do what you do. It urges listeners to seek and find, to not let their eyes goblind and to not let the wrong things influence their minds. Examples of this would besexually stimulating movies, ads, friends, television programs, magazines, music ordressing provocatively.

Many bad aftereffects can be produced by chance intimate relationships. Amongthese are unwanted pregnancy, spread of disease, virus or infection or mental damages. The most irrepressible effect is the chance of disease. The many afflictions that you leaveyourself open for are innumerable. An example of this would be, Acquired ImmuneDeficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, that eventually would deteriorate your immune system. Also, theres Herpes that causes sores on the genitals, Chlamydia which causes pain whileurinating and severe lower abdominal pain or Gonorrhea which causes pelvicinflammatory disease.

Another reason this song was chosen was because of its accelerated tempo. Arapid beat, accompanied by a positive message influences mood which is a fundamentalpiece of holistic health. It motivates you to move by dance, which is an excellent form ofexercise. Exercise speeds the rate oxygen reaches the bloodstream, which causes clearer,faster more efficient thinking, makes you feel and look more healthy and even increasesyour mood.

In conclusion, Speak To The Hand by Lakita Garth is a positive and enrichingsong that although teaches right from wrong, does so in a non-preaching andnon-lecturing manner. It is a outstanding way to reach people and educate them on thedangers and trouble that may result from unplanned and out-of-wedlock sexualencounters.


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“Speak To The Hand” by Lakita Garth. (2019, May 13). Retrieved from


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