Teaching Styles One of the Important Factor

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One of the important factor that influence students learning ability is the teacher. Teachers are said to be the soldiers or heroes in the education system. They contribute to the success of the students learning. Teachers inspire students to learn when they also show a passion for learning. I think all of us will agree that teachers play a very significant role in students learning. Without them the students will never learn well, students will remain ignorant in anything in this world. Every teacher’s goal is to be an effective teacher in the classroom and help students to learn.

Educators want their students to be eager and engaged. Humour has the power to fuel that engagement. The first process of modelling students come from the teachers as they teach students what they really need to know from them to be able to stand on their own. But the big question here is how do teachers affect students learning? What are the factors of teachers that can affect the learning of students? We all know that the teacher is very important to us. They are the one who guide us when we are in school.

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The aim of this topic is for you to know how the teachers affect to the students learning. It felt so good and relaxing to the teachers seeing their students learned about their topic. The teachers teaching styles should be organized for the students in able to understand the lesson. The teachers should have a great personalities and effective learning styles to their curriculum. The students really learned when they felt comfortable to their teacher way of teaching. Student environment can also effect to their learning.

But the objective here is find out what is really the most major effective personality and teaching style that the teacher may use or apply when they are already teaching students. V. Research body. Title: How do teachers affect students learning. A. Attributes of teachers that affect students learning. What are the qualities of an ideal teacher? And do you have these qualities? These two questions are should always be in the mind of every teacher. These are the other questions, such as, how can I develop the qualities which I lack? And how can I improve the qualities which I now possess?

It depends on the children can determine what is happening in classroom or school will depends upon the kind of teacher they have. We all know that a teacher should make a different ways for the children to have a pleasant classroom atmosphere. Think of teacher who inspired and encourage you to do your best in your studies. For the teachers who did not show a good impression in you. Make it as your inspiration to strived more. 1. Teachers Personality. The teacher as an individual personality is an important element in the learning environment or in the failures and success of the learner.

The way in which his personality interacts with the personalities of the pupils being taught helps to determine the kind of behaviour which emerges from the learning situation. The supreme value of the teacher is not in the regular performance of routine duties, but in his power to lead and to inspire his pupils through the influence of his moral personality. In the other words, an individual, personality is a composite of his physical appearance, his mental capacity, his emotional behaviour, and his attitudes towards others.

The teachers manifest attitude toward his work exerts a considerable influence upon the minds of the people. Who does not have a genuine pride in his work, who does not feel deeply the worth and dignity of his chosen calling, had better look for another kind of work. A teacher with an un-whole some attitude cannot enhance the social prestige of the profession. He must remember that he/she is a producer of good, the interpreter of the past, the preserver of the present, and the determiner of the future. A person who does not like to teach will never became a great teacher.

His life is certain to be full of disappointment and misery. 1. 1 Strict teacher. A strict teacher is very tough on students. He/she always insists on adhering to the deadlines. Such as teacher dislikes any mistakes or carelessness on the part of the students. Students have to be extra cautious under such teacher. He/she is like a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toes. Students who have a very strict teacher are constantly forced to keep too high a standard. Even if such a teacher has good intentions, the students fail to understand and appreciate them, because of their tender age.

Initially, great efficiency is produced by delicate and detailed schedules arranged by strict and serious teachers. With the clear objective of the class in mind, teachers usually arrange the whole classes into a well-designed task. Therefore, no extra time is allowed for joking or wasting since every minute is treasured to a great extent. This mode could already be seen in military where officers and commanders are extremely rigid on time-control of soldiers to achieve goals on battlefields. Strict control and management on students are required more than ever.

Meanwhile, a piece of joke will spoil the tense atmosphere where the target of tremendous efficiency is almost reached, which is the second point I want to discuss. A strict teacher fails to touch the heart of his/her students, always remains a teacher and failing to become a confidence of the students. Students never respect such a teacher from the heart. They accept him/her only out of compulsion or fear. A strict teacher will find it extremely difficult to be loved by his/her students, especially, those belonging to a small age group. Less Approachable” there are many teachers who believe that they can earn a high opinion from students by keeping a stern profile and an up-tight behaviour. However, such teachers fail to realize that the students will be afraid to approach them. They will never feel free to ask questions or raise doubts in the class, which defeats the whole purpose behind observing strictness with students. It is very important to be gentle and a little flexible with the students. “Discouraging Attitude” some teachers are strict to the extent that they terrify the students and consequentially, the latter start attending their classes altogether.

Their strict regime discourages the students from their classes. ” Over-Critical Of Students” a strict teacher cannot accept any error or blunder on the part of the students and can be very contemptuous at such instances. Such teachers make the students feel embarrassed and ashamed of their mistakes. Strict teachers are over critical of their students and lash out on them at the smallest of pretexts. They find it difficult to accept inaccuracy and want everything to be perfect, in accordance with their perfectionist attitude. 1. 2 Teacher with Sense of Humour.

Naturally, students tend to prefer teachers with great senses of humour and easy-going attitudes because they believe, under that circumstances, they can be more attracted toward the classes, therefore, to acquire knowledge to a better level. A sense of humour can help you become a successful teacher. Your sense of humour can relieve tense classroom situations before they become disruptions. A sense of humour will also make class more enjoyable for your students and possibly make students look forward to attending and paying attention.

Most importantly, a sense of humour will allow you to see the joy in life and make you a happier person as you progress through this sometimes stressful career. When teachers share a laugh or a smile with students, they help students feel more comfortable and open to learning. Using humour brings enthusiasm, positive feelings, and optimism to the classroom. A sense of humour in a teacher involves more than simply telling jokes. Rather, it seems to deal more with a teacher’s ability to pleasantly communicate that current behaviour is approaching the edge of what’s considered normal and/or acceptable.

A teacher with a sense of humour has the ability to connect with students in ways that allows him or her to present memorable lessons. As long as it is not over used, or used inappropriately, a sense of humour is one of the most valuable resources that a teacher can use in the classroom because it makes learning fun. 1. 3 Kind Teacher A teacher should be kind and patient because he or she never knows the background of the child in which he or she is teaching. He or she could have a learning disability, emotional problems, etc.

The hollering and fronting the child off and belittling them is a no-no in my book, because teachers don’t know much how psychological damage that has on a child. It can make the child lash out on the teacher, other students, themselves. Teachers should just be patient and kind because it is their job to educate and appreciate that child’s individual and unique strengths and weaknesses. 1. 4 Calm teacher Your temperament has a strong impact on student behavior. If you have a tendency to become tense, stressed, or uptight around your students, then they’re far more likely to misbehave.

Because a tightly wound teacher translates to a tension-filled classroom—the kind of tension visitors can feel tingling in their sensory receptors the moment they enter your classroom. And make no mistake. Tension is bad for classroom management, causing students to become excitable, unfocused, and primed to cause trouble. Speak calmly When giving directions, providing information, and responding to your students, it pays to speak calmly. It soothes nervous energy, helps students focus on you and your message, and gives them confidence that what you say is important and worth listening to.

Prepare you may have heard it said that it’s physically impossible to be nervous if your body remains relaxed. This may be true, but far it’s easier said than done. Relax the mind, however, and the body is sure to follow. A simple, real-world way to do this is to be mentally prepared. Take a couple minutes to review your lesson plans. Visualize how the day will proceed. See yourself responding to your students with poise, dignity, and calm assuredness. 1. 5 Encouraging Creativity This attitude stresses the importance of stimulating the students’ creativity.

Teacher Candidate stalked about teachers who listened to their ideas and suggestions for lessons and activities. The effective teachers were open to students’ ways of being imaginative and also utilized many approaches to learning. The students appreciated and were personally motivated. When teachers designed lessons that considered their interests skills and needs. 2. Intellectual. Perhaps with the most important determinant in the entire school situation is the teacher. The old saying that teachers are born and not made has just enough truth in it to make it dangerous.

A good teacher is not necessarily one born with the teaching instinct. In the personal qualities that make for teaching success. It is clearly recognized that a wise selection of teachers for training or employment depends upon the ability to determine what qualities make for teaching success. The outstanding qualities to be considered are: 2. 1. A good knowledge of subject-matter This refers to understanding of the subject-matter is an important factor in effective teaching. A teacher must know more than what is given in the textbooks. He should be in possession of a certain amount of facts if he is to do his work adequately.

Knowledge has the added virtue of lending confidence to the teacher in possession of it. Only teachers with good understanding of the subject- matter can organize effectively what is to be taught. The knowledge of one’s subject is tremendously important as are knowledge of the method of teaching and knowledge of children, society and like. The more a teacher knows about a subject, the more he/she is able to present the subject in a stimulating way to perceive when he is confusing and discouraging his students, and to know what remedial action he has to take.

The teaching program should not overlook this factor. Knowledge of subject-matter is however, only one of the many factors needed in good teaching. 2. 2 A good knowledge of the nature of the child Educators say that a good teacher is one who finds the hidden laws of the growing mind and then shapes that mind according to a splendid plan. The teacher must understand the child’s total growth, and the ends or goals toward which the teacher should direct his efforts. He must acquire the knowledge of the nature and needs of the child to be educated.

The teacher must understand how and why the child learns and the forces that could be used to direct and guide learning. The teacher must have the power to apply psychology to the learning situations in subtle ways. 2. 3 Capacity to think and speak clearly and logically The power to express one’s self accurately and clearly is vital in teaching. Local power and clearness of conception will enable one to grasp the essential that should stand out vividly in order that the pupils will be able to comprehend and retain the lesson.

Since it is a part of the teacher task to make the pupils conscious of their errors in English and to imbue them with the desire to speak correctly, it is a great importance that the teacher himself sets a correct standard. The quality of the teachers voice and his habitual use of correct English have a marked influence upon learners. With one’s voice one may antagonize, persuade, convince, or charm people, and so a teacher must be careful not to misuse his vocal organs. The teacher must so modulate his voice as to produce the correct loudness and pitch. 2. 4 Ambition A teacher must not be satisfied with his achievement.

He must strive to attain some measures of success and must not be satisfied with himself. To be a good teacher, one must endeavour to improve his work everyday from personal experience and from contact with his pupils. The teacher should have ideals and ambitions which alone give zest to life. These can be acquired by reading professional literature and attending teachers convention and other inspiring activities. 3. Emotional and social factors. Personal factors, such as instinct and emotions, and social factors, such as cooperation and rivalry, are directly related to a complex psychology of motivation.

It is a recognized fact that the various responses of the individual to various kinds of stimuli are determined by a wide variety of tendencies. Some of these innate tendencies are constructive and others are harmful. For some reason a pupil may have developed a dislike for some subject because he may fail to see its value or may lack foundation. This dislike results in a bad emotional state. Some pupils are in a continuing state of unhappiness because of their fear of being victims of the disapproval of their teacher and classmates.

This is an unwholesome attitude and affects the learning process to a considerable degree. This is oftentimes the result of bad training. Social discontent from the knowledge or delusion that one is below others welfare. The teacher role in such activities is subjects which have paramount importance in the learning process. Most school learning takes place under-conditions wherein the social-emotional climate of the class-room is a major determinant not only of the quality and amount of learning, but also of the way in which children react to class work, and the attitudes which they develop about school.

Emotional-social climate is the result of at least the following factors: (1) the kind of pupil teacher relationships which exists in the classroom; (2) the social interaction of the relationship among pupils; (3) the relationship among members of the school staff; and (4) the physical characteristics of the classroom, class, size, the previous experience of the pupil, pupils social readiness, relative emphasis on cooperation versus competition, and pupils attitudes toward teachers.

The way in which social learning take place is an important consideration in the successful work of the teacher. Crime, inefficiency, and failure to learn are among the emotional and achieve a satisfactory place in social and work group in the school and community. B. Teaching styles that affect students learning. Understand the differences in learning styles for your students you must learn to adapt your teaching styles to fit them because teaching styles have a great effect on their learning.

A useful style in the classroom in the differential method of teaching, in this styles, you avoid generalizing the abilities of students. To function effectively, students must quickly become comfortable with the nature of the teaching of their teacher for their learning. Efforts should be made to adapt the delivery system to be best motivated and meet the needs of the students in terms of both content and preferred learning styles. 1. Traditional (teacher centered ) In a teacher-centered situation, the teacher is able to direct learning and plan how the course should proceed.

In this way, teachers are able to guide the learning that is happening at the appropriate pace for students to be able to acquire new knowledge adequately. Every course that is taught will have to be evaluated, and if the learning is center on the teacher teaching, the rate of learning will be apparent, and testing can be executed at the appropriate times. Typical children and teenagers will often try to disrupt a classroom and for this reason they should be taught self-discipline from an early age. What better way to impart a sense of self-discipline than by the example of the disciplined classroom?

Experience has shown in the last generation that children who are raised in a disciplined framework in elementary school do indeed learn better throughout their school life as well as having a balanced approach to life in general. At the end of a course of learning, there has to be testing and evaluation of the learning that has occurred. When students demonstrate through tests and writings that they are competent in academic subjects and traditional skills, and through their actions that they have disciplined minds and adhere to traditional morals and behaviour, then both the school and the teacher have been successful.

The major teacher-centered philosophies of education are essentialism and perennialism. Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to cirriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having ‘knowledge holes’ that need to be filled with information.

In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur (Novak, 1998). In a typical approach, students sat quietly at their places and listened to one individual after another reading his or her lesson, until each had been called upon. The teacher’s primary activity was assigning and listening to these readings; students studied at home. A test might be given at the end of a unit, and the process, which was called “assignment-study-reading-test”, was repeated.

In addition to its overemphasis on verbal answers, reliance on rote memorization (memorization with no effort at understanding the meaning), and disconnected, unrelated assignments, it was also an extremely inefficient use of students’ and teachers’ time. It also insisted that all students be taught the same materials at the same point; students that did not learn quickly enough failed, rather than being allowed to succeed at their natural speeds. When we think of traditional education, we tend to envision a professor standing behind a lectern delivering the day’s notes as they apply to the topic at hand. . Modern (Learner centered) Learner-centered is a common term in corporate training and higher education. it’s often used to indicate just how sincere the organization is about learning. Beyond that, however, the concept is misunderstood at best (and most often – much discussed, little practiced). In a true learner-centered environment, the learner is the beginning and end point of the learning process, and his/her needs are the focus of the course/program/organization.

From first contact with the program through to the registration process, course itself, to the instruction, to the evaluation and assessment, and to the follow up/feedback solicitation. Basically, the learner, not the instructor, organization, or software, is in control of the learning experience. In a child-centered education, the principle of individual differences must be taken into consideration. Children differ from each other in their learning potential in any given field of learning.

One would find differences in the physical and mental maturation, and in the social and emotional development of the children. Likewise, children would differ greatly in their abilities to work cooperatively with others and assume leadership of groups. The teacher must recognize great differences of potential in each of the learning areas of the curriculum. This means that the curriculum and methods must be adjusted to the nature and needs of each child if effective learning situations are to be developed for all members of the class and school.

In a child-centered concept of education, the child, with purposes and interests and who is considered as a total living organism, is made the starting point of teaching and learning activities. It emphasized the development of intelligent, rich, and balanced personality as the main objective of education. To the believers of this concept, learning is not mastery of the product of other people’s learning but purposive growth in the intelligent direction of purposeful activities. However, it cannot be denied that some form of subject-matter mastery is essential in educational adjustment.

In other words, the purpose expressed in this school, is the maximum development task into consideration, it will necessitate not only a thorough going knowledge of the characteristics and needs of children and growth during the developmental periods, but also a comprehensive understanding of the persistent life situations which each individual faces at the different stages of his development. In directing child growth and development the teacher must bear in mind that growth is orderly and unified.

It is also the responsibility of the school to develop an educational program that will allow toward his potential growth and development. The heart of the curriculum in the public schools should consist of a wide variety of purposeful activities based on the present capacities, interests, and needs of the learner. The educator must never forget that his first duty is to help the child, at each stage of his development, to live as rightly and completely as possible in order that his capacity and abilities may reach their fullest stature.

The fundamental objective of new learning is to help the pupils or students to clarify, intensify, and interpret their life-like experiences so that they will be more intelligently self-directive when they encounter problem situations as citizens in our society. To obtain the greatest amount of good from their school experiences, boys and girls of all ages must have the opportunity to participate actively in the learning experiences. The teacher’s approach to the individual child and the group should be integrative rather than dominative.

A dominative approach is defined as an attempt to one’s own wishes by force, orders, attack or status. In the new learning, the teacher is the facilitator rather than a source of learning, the source being the child himself. Learning is something the child makes happen to and for himself, albeit with the teacher’s aid and sometimes at his instigation Teaching must encompass mere aspects of the total learning situation and must be based upon a more cooperative interactive relationship between teachers and pupils.

In this new concept of learning the teacher does the following: (1) The teacher is a guide in the learning situation rather than a controller; (2) he removes to the remote background his administrative authority and becomes a cooperating member of the group; (3) he places his mature experiences at the disposal of the group; (4) he emphasizes improving the process of inquiry, attaining greater validity of judgements and making reasonable choices of action; he helps the pupils develop their subject-matters in the process of inquiry into their problems and (5) he aids his pupils to evaluate by increasingly better means the results of their own efforts. The teacher who is a true leader and guide becomes a learner in every situation with his pupils. C. Best qualities of teachers that enhance students learning. Research studies have contributed a lot of information in relation to the characteristics of effective teachers.

In one study school administrators were asked to give reasons why they thought some teachers were outstanding. All the officials without exceptions gave a combination of qualities as the reason for excellence. The majority of them agreed that an excellent teacher is a person (1) who has those personal qualities of agreeableness, consideration for others, sincerity, and the like, which, all will agree, make one a desirable associate, (2) who also is professionally interested and competent (3) who has, among other qualities, scholarships and culture and (4) who in addition, respects children and is respected by children and establishes wholesome pupil teacher relationships.

In a survey that was conducted in 1996, almost 1000 students between the ages of 13 and 17 were asked to identify characteristics of best and worst teachers. The students responded that the number one characteristic of good teacher is their sense of humour. The others are “make the class interesting, have knowledge of their subjects, explain things clearly, and spend time helping students. ” The number one characteristic of their worst teachers was that they are “dull and boring”. The other top four are: do not explain things clearly, show favouritism towards students; have a poor attitude and expect too much from students”. (National association of secondary school principals. 1997 Students Say: what makes a good teacher? Publication information: NASSP bulletin, may/June 1997, 15-17. Studies suggest that management and instructional processes are keys to facilitating learning but many interview responses, like the letter at the beginning of this module, emphasize the teacher’s affective characteristics or social and emotional behaviour, more than pedagogical practice. Researches cite the following effective characteristics of effective teachers James H. Stronge, 2002): The most effective attitudes of teachers are the following: Magnetism, approachability, cheerfulness, optimism, sense of humor, sociability, pleasing voice, cooperation and helpfulness, leadership, initiative, self-confidence. Self-control: calmness, dignity, poise, reserve.

Breadth of interests Good disposition: appreciativeness, courtesy, tact, sympathy, kindness, consideration. The next highest groups are. Enthusiasm: alertness, animation, inspiration Attractiveness: personal appearance adaptability Good judgement: discretion, foresight, intelligence, honestly and impartiality, ability to explain clearly. The third group includes: scholarship and knowledge of subject health. Forcefulness: courage, decisiveness, firmness, purposefulness. Promptness: dispatch, punetuality. D. Best teaching styles that enhance student learning. (1) Interest and explanation – “When our interest is aroused in something, whether it is an academic subject or a hobby, we enjoy working hard at it.

We come to feel that we can in some way own it and use it to make sense of the world around us. ” (p. 98). Coupled with the need to establish the relevance of content, instructors need to craft explanations that enable students to understand the material. This involves knowing what students understand and then forging connections between what is known and what is new. (2) Concern and respect for students and student learning – Ramsden starts with the negative about which he is assertive and unequivocal. “Truly awful teaching in higher education is most often revealed by a sheer lack of interest in and compassion for students and student learning.

It repeatedly displays the classic symptom of making a subject seem more demanding than it actually is. Some people may get pleasure from this kind of masquerade. They are teaching very badly if they do. Good teaching is nothing to do with making things hard. It is nothing to do with frightening students. It is everything to do with benevolence and humility; it always tries to help students feel that a subject can be mastered; it encourages them to try things out for themselves and succeed at something quickly. ” (3) Appropriate assessment and feedback – This principle involves using a variety of assessment techniques and allowing students to demonstrate their mastery of the material in different ways.

It avoids those assessment methods that encourage students to memorize and regurgitate. It recognizes the power of feedback to motivate more effort to learn. (4) Clear goals and intellectual challenge – Effective teachers set high standards for students. They also articulate clear goals. Students should know up front what they will learn and what they will be expected to do with what they know. (5) Independence, control and active engagement – “Good teaching fosters [a] sense of student control over learning and interest in the subject matter. ” (p. 100). Good teachers create learning tasks appropriate to the student’s level of understanding.

They also recognize the uniqueness of individual learners and avoid the temptation to impose “mass production” standards that treat all learners as if they were exactly the same. “It is worth stressing that we know that students who experience teaching of the kind that permits control by the learner not only learn better, but that they enjoy learning more. ” (p. 102) (6) Learning from students – “Effective teaching refuses to take its effect on students for granted. It sees the relation between teaching and learning as problematic, uncertain and relative. Good teaching is open to change: it involves constantly trying to find out what the effects of instruction are on learning, and modifying the instruction in the light of the evidence collected IV. Research Outline

I. Cover page. II. Introduction III. Statement of the problem. IV. Research outline. Title: How do teachers affect students learning. A. attributes of teachers that affect students learning. 1. Teachers personality. 1. 1 Strictly. 1. 2 Sense of humour. 1. 3 Kind teacher. 1. 4 Calm teacher. 1. 5 Encouraging Creativity 2. Intellectual. 2. 1. A good knowledge of subject-matter. 2. 2 A good knowledge of the nature of the child. 2. 3 Capacity to think and speak clearly and logically. 2. 4 Ambition. 3. Emotional and social factors. B. Teaching styles that affect students learning. 1. Traditional (teacher centered ). 2. Modern (Learner centered). C.

Best qualities of teachers that enhance students learning. D. Best teaching styles that enhance student learning. V. The research body. VI. Conclusion and recommendations. VII. Bibliography. III. Statement of the problem. The aim of this research is for us to know what are the factor that affect students learning. These are the following questions that will be discuss in this research: 1. What are the attributes of teachers that affect students learning? 2. What are the teaching styles that affect students learning? 3. What are the best qualities of teachers that enhance students learning? 4. What are best teaching styles that enhance student learning? VI. Conclusion and recommendations.

This analysis reviews a wide range of empirical studies that examine the impact of teacher characteristics on teacher effectiveness in order to draw conclusions about the extent to which these characteristics are, in fact, linked with teacher performance. Greater clarity on the empirical evidence can inform the wisdom of current practice, guide state efforts as they struggle with No Child Left Behind compliance regarding teacher quality, and provide direction for future teacher. For example, developing an approach to policy that values different and multiple teacher characteristics based on the research evidence may prove promising. It is important to note that many personal characteristics important for a good teacher are not measured in the studies reviewed.

The focus is on aspects of teacher background that can be translated into recommendations and incorporated into teaching practice. The framework for this study includes five broad categories of measurable and policy-relevant indicators to organize the teacher characteristics assumed to reflect teacher quality. It is notable that findings for these characteristics frequently differ for teachers at the elementary school level and teachers at the high school level and that the body of research on the subject of teacher quality suggests that the context of teaching matters (e. g. , differences in grade levels, subject areas, and student populations).

A refined understanding of how teacher attributes affect their performance across these different teaching contexts can be helpful in determining the range of potentially effective policy options. VII. Bibliography. Books * Gregorio. Principals of methods of teaching * Lucas, Maria Rita D. and Corpuz, Brenda B. Facilitating Learning – a metacognitive process * Zulueta, Francisco M. and Guimbatan, Kathleen L. . Teaching strategies and educational alternatives, Volume II * Principals and strategies of teachers * The Philippine journal of education Google * Strict teacher – http://festivals. iloveindia. com/teachers-day/types-of-teachers/strict-teacher

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